Jo B$$Bs NY School of Burlesque profile picture

Jo B$$Bs NY School of Burlesque

'Not only is this a continuous show, it's going on all the time.' --The Best of Burlesque

About Me

The New York School of Burlesque is on a mission to bring mischief and glamour to all!

Just so you know, if you post a flyer in my comments, I'll post a flyer in yours. If you don't let me, I'll block your comments from now on.

If you've ever been dazzled or inspired
by photos of pinups and burlesque queens,
The New York School of Burlesque
is the school for you!
Learn the sexy shimmy,
the tantalizing glove peel,
the devastating bump n grind, and the dazzling tassel-twirl
from an internationally recognized striptease expert
with decades of performing experience.
Many former students perform in New York at famous burlesque venues.
You can, too!
Or, you can take a burlesque workshop simply because the workshop itself is a party!
It's even more fun when you bring a friend!

New York School of Burlesque Calendar

Burlesque is where Bugs Bunny and the Playboy Bunny meet.

The difference between burlesque and strip joints is that in burlesque, the performer plays to the entire room. In strip joints, the stripper plays to individuals. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule...

Above: Catherine D'Lish, photographed by me at Tease-O-Rama 2007, San Francisco. I totally stole her shoe trick.

Myspace Layouts at / Retro pin up

If you want to friend me you'll have to send me a personal (as in, not part of a group add) message. Sorry, I'm being spammed to death.

I'm not interested in hooking up, yo, or in checking out your swimsuit calendar. Get real, would ya?

I teach burlesque, perform, take photos, and write.
I also do other things, but I'm probably too old for you.
I talk a lot and I cuss a lot. I am not well-behaved. I do not aspire to be ladylike and I expect respect (or obedience, at the very least) even though I'm cranky and disreputable.
I describe myself thusly (which is to say I actually repeat this verbatim in casual conversation):
What's wrong with me, ultimately and possibly tragically, is that my will to be entertained is stronger than my will to survive. That I have survived so far with this deficiency is evidence of the strength of my will to survive. Imagine, then, what I'll do to be entertained....Reputation, sanity, the respect of marriageable men--I'm always willing to risk these things.
This isn't the best place to email me! I mean it! Email me at my email address, beeotches!

But enough about what I find interesting about me. Here's what you might find interesting about me:

The New York School of Burlesque is adding alocation for its daytime classes: The spectacular,glamourous, sexy Slipper Room! Located at 167Orchard Street, this new venue will allow you to notonly learn movement in front of a wall panel mirror asin a dance studio, but to try out your moves on anactual burlesque stage! There has never been a danceclass like this before.
Jo Weldon, Voted Best Teacher in Arts andEntertainment in The Village Voice in October 2007,and Voted Best Burlesque Teacher at the New YorkBurlesque Festival in 2006, will be teaching classicburlesque moves she learned directly from the legendsof burlesque. You'll learn to shimmy, peel, bump,grind, and twirl tassels! Plus, every week she teachesGorgeous Movement, incorporating burlesque-stylemovement into a system of dance designed to enhanceyour posture, grace, and confidence on any stage. Shealso offers classes in chair dance and fan dance.There are also specialty workshops with CandyCaramelo, who performed in the 1950s with SallyRand and Gypsy Rose Lee and has plenty of stories totell, as well as being willing to share her secrets aboutwalking and posing on stage. World Famous BOB willbe teaching wig and makeup tricks, plus ultimateconfidence-building techniques. Julie Atlas Muz willbe teaching incredible techniques for enhancing yourstage presence and improving the composition of yournumbers. Angie Pontani will be teaching hot go-gomoves. Peekaboo Pointe will be teaching burlesquePilates and cardio twirl. (Evening classes take place inanother Greenwich Village location.)
For all the details, visit:

Teacher Jo Weldon Voted
"Best Burlesque Teacher and Mentor"
and "Best Bump N Grinder"
At the New York Burlesque Festival!
This isn't the best place to email me! I mean it! I am TERRIBLE at myspace ettiquette, but if you email me personally you can expect satisfaction. I'd be less trouble for you if spam was less trouble for me.

My Interests

Debauchery, gender fuckery, behavior inappropriate for one's sex, age, and station in life. Damaged goods that have been repaired with glitter glue. Broken hearts with sequins on the scars. Perverts with impeccable manners. Wearing black leather whether or not it's in style. Eating with my fingers and playing with my food.

I'd like to meet:

Showgirls, showboys, showponies, people who strive to be their own heroes, and people who know that it's worth kissing ass if you get kissed back. Smooch!


Varies. I used to have Spinal Tap's Big Bottom on my profile because A) I'm all about ass and B) I performed to this song with them live in 1992 at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. Yes, I shook it down with Spinal Tap. I AM that cool. Or was.
If you aren't as impressed with this brush with greatness as I am, perhaps we aren't really meant to be friends, after all.
However, the Tap music was removed from myspace. Now I change my music a lot.

Below, me performing with some of my heroes, Deb DeSalvo and Lily Burana: Below:
Me as an extra in a clip with Leonard Cohen and U2. Being part of this film shoot was a magical experience.


Anything with explosions, breasts, or amazing dialogue.

The video above shows me teaching a student at UPenn how to twirl tassels. I traveled with the Sex Workers Art Show for five weeks, and every night I taught a different person to twirl!
Bill O'Reilly used this clip to illustrate a story about a Christian cause he was supporting. He used my boobs to sell his Wren Cross story. Such an upstanding guy! Being insulted by BOR is like being complimented by Jon Stewart, kinda.


I like to watch. Youtube, I'm afraid. Okay, and the Daily Show.
When I was your age we didn't have the Simpsons and South Park. We had to walk uphill both ways to find our irony. You don't know how good you have it.
You can watch me right now on myspace video. I love this new technoconology. I have my demo on this myspace, which is me doing my curvy classic burlesque thing, plus a video of me with my beloved troupe, the fabulous Belles of the Bowery, in a rehearsal for our Jethro Tull Aqualung number. Here is a link to video of me doing my Godzilla number: jo-boobs.html


Anything I can quote in an argument to make myself appear to be factually correct when in fact I am not. And I'll take a moment to blow a kiss to Sandra Cisneros.


Bugs Bunny, and you.
What's a good quote? How about:
"Cry more, you'll pee less." My mom used to say that to me, and she was right. I hardly ever cry but I pee ALL THE TIME.

My Blog

I Teach, I Dance, I Blog, and I Take Pictures...

I do post lots of pix and articles on the web I have my ever-expanding website: And I've been on livejournal for years and I'm not ready to  repeat ever...
Posted by Jo B$$Bs NY School of Burlesque on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:02:00 PST