Hello! I am Laura.
I am now working part-time, so please message me if you would like to schedule a phone or email reading, counseling or healing. Please do not send me any personal specifics about yourself or requests, as I work without any prior information.
I am an angelic psychic, intuitive, medium, channel, and healer. I am a spiritual writer, speaker, and counselor. I am a lightworker and a crystal scout. I am that I am.
May the universe bless you and yours!
Create your own destiny! The future is shifting moment to moment. Trust your inner guidance and your own intuition.
I have done live healing and psychic work in front of audiences. I love teaching classes.
I have seen miracles happen right before my eyes, and I believe we all have this ability, and it's just a matter of remembering who and how powerful we really are! We are all Gods/Goddesses! We are one and we are all part of God/Universe.
I often get psychic flashes or just know things without knowing why I know. I can see peoples' potentional futures or their past lives. I can talk to and feel Angels, Goddesses, Ascended Masters, Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, and deceased loved ones.
I do my own intuitive work, which is different with each person I work with; however, here is an idea of the modalities I may incorporate in your personal session.
Certifications / Experience:
Money Reiki Grand Master Teacher
Psychic Reiki Master Teacher
Kundalini Reiki Master
Usui Reiki Master
Master Unicorn Energy Healing System
Archangel Clearing Technique Levels 1-3
Archangel and Devic Positive Vortexes
Archangel Soul Retrievals
Karmic Reiki Levels 1 & 2
Dragon Reiki Levels 1 & 2
Angelic Reiki Levels 1 & 2
TELOS Healing System
Meridian Flush Empowerments
Violet Flame Attunement
Atlantis Healing System
Companion Angel Empowerment
Silver Violet Flame Empowerment
Professional Certifications:
Medium by Dr. Doreen Virtue of Angel Therapy Professional Spiritual Teacher by Dr. Doreen Virtue & Dr. Stephen Farmer
Other Groups/Affiliations:
Love Without End
Circle of Healers
Love Links
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