Veganica profile picture


online gallery for vegetarian and vegan artists, musicians, bloggers and other creatives!!

About Me

Veganica is an online gallery for vegetarian and vegan artists, musicians, bloggers and other creatives!! We hope to build an artistic community amongst animal advocates that will pump creativity into the cause, bring recognition to veg artists, and show the world that compassion is cool.

We just got voted the best online gallery by VegNews magazine! We are working to live up to that.

We have a Veganica Store with lots of cool sweatshop free shirts, hoodies and totes. Most of it is made in the USA and some of it is even made out of hemp. Don't try to smoke it though...

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

painting, drawing, music, crafts, writing, blogging, video, animation, poetry, prose, knitting, jewelry, sculpture, installations, photography, graphitti, tattoos, politics, veganism, environmentalism, all that good shit...

I'd like to meet:

We are looking for vegetarian and vegan artists; painters, photographers, musicians, poets, bloggers, craftspeople, animators, video artists. Anyone with a creative passion is welcome. We also are looking for people to come admire the art and support our artists.

If you want to try us out for free check out our 60 day trial account which gives you unlimited space to add your artwork. We offer shopping carts and blogging plus new features are being added all the time! After your 60 days are up you can decide which account works for you, most of our memberships are free!

Check out our membership plans and become part of our community today!


smash it into art


vegan cookbooks and zines!


ghandi, buddha, davinci, banksy, hmmm... so many

My Blog

Veganica Banners for your Myspace Page

hi everyone,Veganica has posted code to add our banners to your myspace pages or other websites. you can check it out here:veganica banners codeIf you are an artist, musician or someone who likes to b...
Posted by Veganica on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 10:18:00 PST