*Love of Reiki* profile picture

*Love of Reiki*

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to my page..my name is Jennifer. Please enjoy my page as it changes and grows as I evolve and ascend...
A complex contradiction at times.
Lover of the earth, and all animals...I am just a pixie at heart. Happiest when I am surrounded by nature. Love to be a girly girl and glam it up, but I am loving my hippie days more and more. I have become much more child-like, and I gaze at the world with wonderment and fascination.
I love the eccentric, the BOLD, the PASSIONATE, the different, the philosopher's, the daring, those that LIVE OUT LOUD, the artist's, the poets, the healers, the clairvoyant, the rebellious. I need the real deal...those that are geniune and open, those that wear their heart right upon their sleeves.....
I believe we are hurting our planet, and I try to be part of the solution in every way I can. I know my calling is to be of service to others, but my job right this moment is healing up this body and this brain.
That includes my trials,with grace, to accept and learn how to live with these permanent disabilities and the physical and mental limitations I have sustained.
I am learning to live again, the darkness and confusion are breaking away, and the light is shining brighter than anything I have ever seen.
I am AWAKE now, and I know I am starting my journey HOME....
EMPATH~-A individual who senses the feelings, emotions, thoughts and/or spirit of another.(please see my blog!)
About Us, Seth & Jennifer:
We met here in Colorado, and have been happily married since January of 2004. We wed up in the mountains on snowshoes. The happiest time of our life! Any chance we can get, we love to get up there, and just enjoy the outdoors. We are blessed to be living in such a beautiful state!
Reiki(pronounced Ray-Kee) came into our lives after I was involved in a serious accident in late 2004 that resulted in a traumatic brain injury.
As a result, I began to become very sensitive to many things and received the ability to "feel energy" and became more sensitive to the psychic and esoteric realms. This has lead me down a path of great spiritual exploration.
Seth became involved with Reiki after seeing how much it helped with my injury. Treating myself with Reiki has become a daily part of my healing regime.
Reiki is a true gift, one that helped the most.
What does Reiki feel like for me??
For me personally, it feels like a wonderful, warm blanket that wraps around me, calms my nervous system, relieves my pain, and connects me deeply with Spirit.
I believe that crystals and gemstones facilitate the energy work we do. Seth and I are both now Reiki II practitioners, and eventually we want to devote our time to helping others with brain injury and trauma through the loving, healing touch of Reiki. I am planning on getting my Teacher/Master level this summer...if it feels right, and not too soon. We are both trained in the Usui Tibetan Tradition.
We have two children, THE PUGS - Stanley and Lily. They are my humor, my comforters, my constant companions, my protector's, my healer's, my joy, and they are the other 2 loves of my life..
A Few Of My Animal Totems: The White Snow Owl, The Gray Wolf
"Prayer is an act of love, words are not needed. Even if sickness distracts from thoughts, all that is needed is the will to love." ~Saint Teresa of Avila
THE CHAKRA'S: (Aren't they gorgeous?!!)
Angels Surround Us....If We Only Pay Attention:
Imagine the possibilities....

My Interests

12-23-04:When life changed as I knew it..in every way imaginable. Check out my blog From Hope to Cope for my story!


Hanging out with my best friend, my souls mate, my healer, my lover, my spiritual companion...forever ascending...Seth.

Traveling, Festivals, Music, Metaphysics, Learning-Learning-Learning, Finding Amusement in the little things, Exploring - Road Trips

Poetry..Kabir, Hafiz, Rumi

ART ART ART: Some fave's include: A. Andrew Gonzalez, Willow Arlenea, Julie Fain, Amy Brown, Melissa Harris, Josephine Wall, Georgia O'Keefe, Artistic Photography, B&W's, Abstracts...
"Red Canna" ~Georgia O'Keefe

Playing in Nature, Hiking, Snowshoeing, Movies, Used CD Stores, Used Book Stores, The Tarot, Painting, Art, Natural Food, Organics

Green EVERYTHING, Homeopathy, Acupuncture

The Power of the BREATH...

Craniosacral Therapy, Sound Therapy, Using food, herbs, and supplements as MEDICINE.

Connecting Beyond Consciousness, Spirituality, Yoga, Meditation

Whole Foods, Nutrition, Divination, Juicing, Gardening, Cooking and eating wonderful meals together.

~Bastyr University's Herb Garden~ My Alma Mater

One day your heart
will take you to your lover.
One day your soul
will carry you to the Beloved.

Don't get lost in your pain,
know that one day
your pain will become your cure.

- Rumi

Sometimes it feels like I am....

Sometimes I would like to be......



Astrology, though I am pretty new at this...it has always interested me.
I am a true LEO..Meow.


I'd like to meet:

I would love to be in the arms of Amma.....

Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama. We saw him in Denver, the energy was so thick, it was palpable!

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Amy Winehouse. My favorite artist.


CURRENT MOON moon phase info


You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
...John Lennon


The Tarot is something that I was drawn to after my accident. I was introduced to my first reading by a beautiful psychic, Lisa Webster, here in Colorado.
I was then so taken by them, I have been studying them and practicing readings ever since.


My Grandmother...she is my best friend. Teaching compassion and unconditional love through example. She is someone with whom I share a love of butterflies...and all of their wonderment.


OBAMA!! We voted for you!!!!!


His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, Amma..the living angels

Julia "Butterfly" Hill..what an inspiration!


My Blog

Finding Humor

    "Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it" ~Unknown &nbs...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Thu, 15 May 2008 03:22:00 PST

Highly Sensitive People: Emotional Sensitivity

Highly Sensitive People  Emotional Sensitivity   Emotional Sensitivity Empathic people do have observable traits that are easily identified. Interestingly, the traits are a set of character...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

Fairies & Other Magical Friends

  Fairies & Other Magical Friends Whenever you are visited by a magickal or mythological figure, such as a mermaid or a faery, it has likely been shown to you as a means to relay a special m...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Mon, 12 May 2008 02:19:00 PST

Love Your Mother ~ Happy Earth Day 2008

  Love Your Mother The Earth provides us with all we need to exist and asks for nothing in return. We have taken advantage of this and exploited her for profit...     The abuse and ...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:18:00 PST

Chronic Pain: The Sigh Factor

Chronic Pain:  The Sigh Factor Try sighing right now.  What would that look like? Go ahead; no one is looking. If you lifted your shoulders and dropped them while letting out a lungful of ...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:12:00 PST

Twin Flames

Twin Flames What is a Twin Flame? Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separa...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 03:43:00 PST

The Gift of This Journey ~ Why We Don’t Remember

The Gift Of This JourneyWhy We Don’t RememberFrom: DailyOm. Com Many of us wonder why we do not remember who we were before we were born. We wonder what it was like to be a soul without a body a...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:00:00 PST

Healing: Why We Dont & How We Can - Caroline Myss

Healing:Why We Don’t and How We CanCaroline Myss So many people in the process of healing are, at the same time, feeling stuck. They are striving to confront their painful experiences, valiantl...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST

Reiki: Distant Healing and the Human Energy Field

Distant Healing and the Human Energy Fieldby: Kathie LipinskiOne of the basic teachings of healing with Reiki is that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our a...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:20:00 PST

The Chakras

Signs and Symptoms:Experiencing the Higher EnergiesTHE CHAKRAS As the healing energies are hitting your various chakra centers, you are likely to experience a lot of old repressed memories ...
Posted by *Love of Reiki* on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:26:00 PST