Khristian profile picture


You don't know the half of it....

About Me

Life is GREAT!!! Let's live and have some fun!!!When I get annoyed in conversations I:1) Try to move things with my mind2) Take everything they're saying and play it back in my head in a Mickey Mouse voice3) Try to remember all the lines from "The Karate Kid part II"I like books and smart people and people who try to make themselves smarter instead of trying to simply seem smarter because they think it's cool. I love women. I love writing. The only person that makes me absolutely insane is me. I like to laugh and I love to smile. Jack Daniels is one of the greatest guys in the world...Mandella/Jack Daniels: Mandella of Course!But it was close for a second there.a:hover img { filter: xray; }

My Interests

Soccer, reading, volleyball, writing, politics, comedy, acting, singing, teaching and just having a good time.

I'd like to meet:

People who wanna have fun.


Just about anything but techno...I like soul and country and R&B and JAZZ and old Rock & Roll and...yeah, anything but techno...


Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, The Defiant Ones, It's A Wonderful Life, Spiderman 1 and 2, The Mighty Quinn, In The Heat Of The Night, A Soldier's Story, Ghostbusters, Trading Places


M*A*S*H, All In The Family, The Carol Burnett Show, Pickett Fences, Hill Street Blues, The "A" Team, I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, The West Wing


To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord Of The Flies, Any Of The "STAR TREK" books, John Stuart Mill- On Freedom-, My seventh grade history book because that's the first time I ever got to read the United States Constitution


Jesus Christ, Nat Turner (He got sick and tired of being sick and tired), JFK, MLK, My Mom (She always knows what to do), My buddy Brian who does the right thing all the time...I'm not kidding, Jen Yurman, Blair Hoy, Mellissa Putnam, Natalie Schiller, Kenya Deer, Chissy Smith and my brother and sister.

My Blog

iNSANITY part duex

This is getting out of hand!! Is it so wrong that I should dare to dream that a good looking woman that I don't know might see my profile on MySpace and go ahead and invite me to be her friend??? I gu...
Posted by Khristian on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 04:33:00 PST


So, you know the thing about doing the same thing and expecting a different result, but what about doing something different and expecting nothing. Is that kind of crazy too? I don't know. I want to ...
Posted by Khristian on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 11:32:00 PST

Ahhh Love

"You're everything I ever wanted. I just don't want you." If you don't want to go out with someone anymore, but still want them to like you and feel good about themselves, don't ever say this!!! This...
Posted by Khristian on Mon, 29 May 2006 12:11:00 PST

Dixie Chicks

So here's an idea....remember those three ladies that dared to voice their opinion of the President a few years back? The Dixie Chicks were publicly sliced and diced by political professionals and pun...
Posted by Khristian on Mon, 29 May 2006 11:36:00 PST