Caleb profile picture


Improv Olympic West Alumn baby!!! Still in

About Me

Alright people, I love improv, Teaching, performing and learning. Singing, dancing (although slightly rusty), kung fu fighting, sketch, drama, shakespeare, music, guitar, bass, air drums, nun-chuk's, sai's, movie's, grinding my teeth, redbull and a cigarette, making people laugh (usually by force), good quality time w/ the people I love, dialects, people watching, xbox, random movie quotes, coffee, italian and mexican food, beer, Amazing Thailand!, silly voices, british humor, being easily amused, sweet loving with ladies, sitting outside at cafe's, aaaaaaaaaaaaannnd crutons!

My Interests

My video is a rehearsal. More to come later....

I'd like to meet:



Indy rock * Built to Spill, Death Cab, Modest Mouse, Gomez, Dandy Warhols, Guided By Voices, Pavement, Sonic Youh, Elliot Smith, Sunny Day, Seattle grunge* nirvana, chains, pumpkins, old school rap * Ice Cube, Easy E, Pharcyde, Beasty Boys, Too Short, motown, * Marvin Gaye, Lionel Richie, punk * Nofx, acid jazz * air, various brit bands and sinatra, mad season, neil diamond, .......for starters.


Empire strikes back, shawshank, out of site, peewees big adventure, tarantino flicks (that guy, mad scientist), A fish called wanda, glengarry, adventures of baron munchousen, monty python flicks, Raising Arizona, airplane, seven, snatch, fight club, true romance, matrix, grounhog day, swimming with sharks, scrooged, and so many more........


I wait for the bullet infomercial to come on.


The Power of One, Ishmael, Da Vinci Code, The story of B, Catcher in the Rye, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1984, Indian in the cupboard, the Bible, Slaughter House 5, I sound smart yet?


MY LITTLE NIECE KYLIE!!!!! Mi mama y papa. Mi hermano y hermana es muy fantastico tambien.