theKIRK fr: profile picture

theKIRK fr:

Kirk Maillet dba &

About Me

I just found a website where the guy qualifies himSELF as
"just another asshole with a keyboard" gotta raise my hand 4 that ONE1
If U like any of this stuff PLS send me a message OR a comment. I feel like Van Gough, who NEVER sold a painting, lost in his own vision. His only FAN was HIMself & his brother Theo. I have a few. I do have a lot of CIRCulation & rankING. I get STUCK in the wheat field listening 4 voices, whispers is all I hear. Where in the world is shoeLESS JOE....
I worked in a magazine / SMOKE shop in downTOWN sunnyvale before it was siliconVALLEY famous. It was a paperINTERNET.
I studied marketing at SJSU & did research @Stanford where I was hatched in 56
All this stuff I dreamed about CAME true, just like the cornfield. God Help Me AM I a fool to follow that voice.
was Van Gough a fool, ONLY in his TIME...!
CHURCH is another version of THIS on mySPACE
my Dad's pencil drawing of my Mom COOKED in PS by me..K..Maillet page.. .. .. ..images moving & still, gun4hire
SOME iFilm fr: lumal77
this server is running our webSITES
start your website HERE
domain names / e-mail / hosting / shopping carts

rylee took this of ME

My Interests

The world is very dangerous. FT says "We are leaders of free world, whether WE like IT or NOT" KUDOS

VOTE MCCAIN 4 america

borne @Stanford University in a research hospital, I told my classMATES I was an experiment...
I went to HS in SunnyVALE CA before the silicanVALLEY BOOM , I was INvolved w/ APPLE early on PRE1000 employees. I worked suMmerS @Hewlett Packard. I was into computers @the start OF peopleCOMputing, MRKT functions GRAPHICS....THUNDERscan IMAGEwriter ADDon. Came to newHOLLYwoodLAND in 85 spreading theWORD. BLOG since CONtent was KEY preBLOGism IAM yoDA, 12YRS as PUBlishING conTENT 4 2EAT. DATABASE procedes IAM the 1ONE your MOM warned U aBOUT

I make & or arrange CONtent 4 print & webSITES

geek stuff, movie making THEATRICAL

I was in business with theLEGEND MM & Dorian YATES "Heavy Duty Inc." he lived in this car after the 1980 meltdown, he finally settled up w/ ARNOLD B4 he passed. I tempted him with the proVERB the best revenge is too live well. Pissed off your enemies real & imagined, they shook HANDS I hear just at the end. Arnold had no other EQUAL save MM. I had to get a picture with theCAR, he was buying a new ONE that day. A very INTERESTING kook. I worked on ERASER Arnold is also fascinating..

I'd like to meet:

KISSYface 27

William F. Buckley
Kim Basinger
had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful Barbi Benton @ DIVEnSurf (a few times, she remembered my name & boldly yelled my name across a room KUDOS) while I was making a movie about it's founder Bob Meistrell. Linda, the head of dive operations was outfitting her 4 a dive trip w/ her brother. I told her I thought THIS was the best picture of a beautiful girl I'd ever seen
I took her pic
get aLOAD of this young LADY,, Esther Williams
My Profile Photos


Alison Kraus
Nat King Cole


The Natural
Fast Times @RHS
Bryan Ferry. Brian Eno. Tristram Shandy. Werther. Peter Schlemihl. Muychkine. Wakefield. Jacques el fatalista. Bartleby. Pierre Glendinning. Billy Budd. David Balfour y Alan Breck. Augustin Meaulnes. Carmilla Karnstein. Arthur Gordon Pym. Dorian(a) Gray. Toby Dammit. Rudolf Rassendyll. L. Horace Holly y Leo Vincey. Humphrey Van Weyden. Arne Saknussemm. Joseph Joséphin / Rouletabille. Maple White y E.G. Challenger. Brigadier George. Mycroft Holmes. Patt Hobby. Walter Mitty. Ellery Queen. Tom Ripley. Holden Caudfield. Alexander Portnoy. Charles Highway. Mickey Sabbath. Griffin. George Kaplan. Jeffrey T. Spaulding / Quincy Adams Wagstaff / Rufus T. Firefly / Otis B. Driftwood / Hugo Z. Hackenbush / J. Cheever Loophole: Groucho Marx (y Chico y Harpo). "Painless" Peter Potter (y Junior): Bob Hope. Hrduni V. Bakshi. Fielding Mellish. Boris Grushenko. M. Hulot. Antoine Doinel. Flash Gordon. Denny Colt / Spirit. Henry Pym. Peter Parker / Spiderman.Tintín. Modesty Blaise. Carlitos (y Linus). Doña Urraca. Zipi y Zape. Anacleto (agente secreto). Mortadelo y Filemón. Pepe Gotera y Otilio (chapuzas a domicilio). Chicha, Tato y Clodoveo (de profesión, sin empleo). Sir Tim O..Teo. Juan López / Superlópez. Benito Boniato. Mafalda (y Felipe y Guille). Peter Pank. Georges Méliès. Segundo de Chomón. Buster Keaton. Robert J. Flaherty. Lon Chaney (¡Sr.!). Harry Langdon. Conrad Veidt. Louise Brooks. Harold Lloyd. G.W. Pabst. Carl T. Dreyer. Dorothy Parker. Robert Benchley. George S. Kaufman. James Thurber. E.B. White. Ben Hecht. Ruth Gordon y Garson Kanin. W.C. Fields. Mae West. Tod Browning. King Vidor. Frances Farmer. Leo McCarey. Irene Dunne. Ernst Lubitsch. Marlene Dietrich. Frank Capra. Zita Johann. Edward Everett Horton. Fay Wray. Howard Hawks. Eugène Pallette. Bela Lugosi. James Whale. Boris Karloff. Karl Freund. Miriam Hopkins. Rouben Mamoulian. Edward G. Robinson. Bette Davis. Charles Laughton y Elsa Lanchester. John Ford. Dudley Nichols. John Carradine. Michael Curtiz. Errol Flynn. Jean Harlow. Claude Rains. Basil Rathbone. Greta Garbo. Felix Bressart. Claudette Colbert. David Niven. Judy Garland. Jack Benny. Fred Astaire y Ginger Rogers. William Demarest. Barry Fitzgerald. Charles Coburn. Sig Ruman. James Stewart. Carole Lombard. George Cukor. Cary Grant / David Huxley y Katharine Hepburn / Traci Lord. Spencer Tracy. Freddie Bartholomew. Gary Cooper. Melvyn Douglas. Joel McCrea. Ray Milland. George Sanders. Mitchell Leisen. Preston Sturges. Billy Wilder, Charles Brackett e I.A.L. Diamond. Lucille Ball. Frank S. Nugent. Raoul Walsh. Hedy Lamarr. Henry King. Tyrone Power. Edgar G. Ulmer. William Dieterle. Fritz Lang. Simone Simon. Jacques Tourneur. Joan Fontaine. Laurence Olivier. Robert y Curt Siodmak. Frank Borzage. Ingrid Bergman. Henry Hathaway. John Herbert Dillinger. Baby Face Nelson. Machine Gun Kelly. Dashiell Hammmett. Raymond Chandler. James M. Cain. Jim Thompson. Patricia Highsmith. Chester Himes. Cornell Woolrich / William Irish. Peter Lorre / Joel Cairo. Humphrey Bogart. Ida Lupino. James Cagney. Veronica Lake. Alan Ladd. Barbara Stanwyck. Dana Andrews. Gloria Grahame. Burt Lancaster. Gene Tierney. Elisha Cook Jr. Lauren Bacall. Yvonne de Carlo. Edward Dmytryk. Ava Gardner. Robert Mitchum. Susan Hayward. Jules Dassin. Cyd Charisse. John Garfield. Lana Turner. Anthony Mann. Jean Simmons. Delmer Daves. Richard Widmark. Jean Peters. Dan Duryea. Mary Astor. Robert Ryan. Glenn Ford. George Macready. Rita Hayworth. Orson Welles. Joseph Cotten / Holly Martins y Eben Adams. Arthur Kennedy. Thelma Ritter. Budd Boetticher. John Sturges. Vincent Price. Nicholas Ray. Samuel Fuller. Richard Fleischer. Richard Brooks. Robert Aldrich. Phil Karlson. Don Siegel. Sam Peckinpah. Charles Marquis Warren. Tom Gries. Sterling Hayden. Jack Palance. Lee Marvin. Tom Tryon. James Coburn. Edward Ludwig y John Payne. Stanley Donen (y Gene Kelly). Stewart Granger. Deborah Kerr. Vincente Minnelli. Grace Kelly. Montgomery Clift. Shelley Winters. Sal Mineo. Eva Marie Saint. Vic Morrow. Richard Quine. Kim Novak. Jack Lemmon y Walter Matthau. Tony Curtis. Janet Leigh. George Axelrod. Lee Remick. Henry Mancini. Tony Randall. DeVol. Frank Tashlin. Kathleen Freeman. Chuck Jones. Waldo Salt. Zero Mostel. Paddy Chayefsky. Franklin J. Schaffner. Roddy McDowall. Stanley Kubrick. Spanky and our Gang. The Association. Free Design. The Turttles. The Yellow Baloon. Sunshine Company. Millenium. Brooklyn Bridge. Sagittarius. The Banana Splits. The Lovin.. Spoonful. Saint - Just. Talleyrand. François Villon. Chateaubriand. Théophile Gautier. Petrus Borel. Paul Verlaine. Stéphane Mallarmé. Arthur Rimbaud. Charles Baudelaire. Isidore Ducasse / conde de Lautréamont. Gérard de Nerval. Gustave Flaubert. George Sand. Stendhal. Honoré de Balzac. (Joseph de Maistre). Alain - Fournier. Guy de Maupassant. Jules Verne. Gaston Leroux. Jules Rénard. Pierre MacOrlan. Alfred Jarry. Louis Feuillade. Musidora. Jean Arp. André Breton. Jacques Vaché. (Pierre Eugène Drieu La Rochelle). Raymond Radiguet. Colette. Marcel Pagnol. Coco Chanel. Marcel L..Herbier. Jean Vigo. Jean Renoir. Michel Simon. Marcel Carné y Jacques Prévert. Gérard Philipe. Simone Signoret. Jean - Pierre Melville. Georges Franju. Boris Vian. Georges Simenon. (Louis - Ferdinand Céline). Albert Camus. Georges Perec. René Clément. Paul Gégauff. Alexandre Astruc. (Claude Autant - Lara). François Truffaut. Robert Bresson. Jean Eustache. Louis Malle. Jacques Demy. Jacques Brel. Georges Brassens. Serge Gainsbourg. Maurice Ronet. Romy Schneider. Jacques Tati. Guy Debord. Roland Topor. Hergé. Bob De Moor. André Delvaux. Licenciado Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda (protopulp: y de caballerías). Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Ramón María del Valle - Inclán. Arthur Cravan. Álvaro Retana. Ramón Gómez de la Serna. Miguel Mihura. Enrique Jardiel Poncela. Luis Buñuel. Julio Alejandro. Gabriel Celaya. Carmen Laforet. Lorenzo Llobet Gracia. Miguel Gila. Jacinto Esteva y Joaquim Jordà. Carlos Durán. Manolo Marinero. Antonio Drove. José María Carreño. Ricardo Franco. José Isbert. Xan das Bolas. Rafaela Aparicio. José María Tasso. Laly Soldevila. Bruno Lomas. María Luisa Ponte. José Orjas. Soledad Miranda. Howard Vernon. Cecilia. Julián Ugarte. Ovidi Montllor. Félix Rotaeta. Ion Gabella. Ambrós. José Escobar. Manuel Vázquez. Carlos Berlanga. Ángel Vázquez. Michi Panero. Julián Infante. Carmen Santonja. Barón Karl Hieronymus Münchhausen. R.E. Raspe. Rainer Maria Rilke. Novalis. Friedrich Hölderlin. Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Robert Musil. Thomas Mann. Emil Nolde. Henrik Galeen. Christopher Isherwood. Nico. Edvard Munch. Knut Hamsun. Robert Walser. Franz Kafka. Isaac Bashevis Singer. E.M. Cioran. Ivan Turgenev. Fiodor Dostoievski. Anton Chéjov. Vladimir Maiakoski. Dziga Vertov. Yakov Protazanov. Grigori Kozintsev. Beau Brummell. Jonathan Swift. Daniel Defoe. Percy B. y Mary Shelley. Thomas Chatterton. John Keats. Anne, Charlotte y Emily Brontë. Horace Walpole. Lewis Carroll. Thomas de Quincey. Wilkie Collins. Robert Louis Stevenson. Montague Rhodes James. Oscar Wilde. Frank Harris. E.M. Forster. G.K. Chesterton. Rudyard Kipling. A.C. Doyle. H. Rider Haggard. W.W. Jacobs. Joseph Conrad. H.G. Wells. George Langelaan. Evelyn Waugh. Malcolm Lowry. Elias Canetti. Alfred Hitchcock. Michael Powell y Emeric Pressburger. David Lean. Alexander Mackendrick. Jack Clayton. Terence Fisher. Peter Cushing. Michael Reeves. Patrick Throughton. Ralph Bates. Tony Richardson. Peter Sellers. Terry Thomas. Ronald Lacey. Peter Ustinov. Marty Feldman. Brian Jones. David Hemmings. Nick Drake. Marc Bolan. George Harrison. Keith Moon. John Entwistle. Syd Barrett. P.G. Wodehouse. Angela Carter. Arthur Machen. Algernon Blackwood. Sheridan Le Fanu. Lord Dunsany. J.M. Barrie. Bram Stoker. Richard Harris. Edgar Allan Poe. Herman Melville. Stephen Crane. Mark Twain. Jack London. Ambrose Bierce. H.P. Lovecraft. Clark Ashton Smith. Frank Belknap Long. August Derleth. Hart Crane. B. Traven. Francis Scott Fitzgerald. William Carlos Williams. Flannery O..Connor. Jean y Paul Bowles. Anthony Perkins. Jean Seberg. Steve McQueen. George Roy Hill. Terry Southern. Hunter S. Thompson. Hubert Selby Jr. Joseph Heller. John Cheever. Saul Bellow. Lenny Bruce. Richard Pryor. Bill Hicks. Nilsson. John Kennedy Toole. Charlie "Bird" Parker. Johnny Ace. Thelonious Monk. Stan Getz y Astrud Gilberto. Muddy Waters. Charles Mingus. Chet Baker. Marvin Gaye. Barry White. James Mason. Brad Davis. John Fante. Susan Sontag. Joseph Losey. Paul Bartel. Milton Caniff. Lee Falk. Will Eisner. Chester Gould. Madeline Kahn. Dudley Moore. Elliott Smith. Ramones. Jean - Claude Lauzon. Cagliostro / Giuseppe Balsamo. Giacomo Leopardi. Emilio Salgari. Rafael Sabatini. Umberto Boccioni. Giacomo Balla. Carlo Carrà. Gino Severini. Vasco Pratolini. Cesare Pavese. Roberto Rosellini. Silvana Mangano. Mario Bava. Riccardo Freda. Antonio Margheriti. Camillo Mastrocinque. Massimo Dallamano. Sergio Leone. Luchino Visconti. Federico Fellini. Guido Crepax. Nino Rota. Pietro Germi. Totò. Mario Mattoli. Gian Maria Volonté. Vittorio Gassman. Pierre Clémenti. Vittorio Cottafavi. Fernando Pessoa. Juan Rulfo. Augusto Monterroso. Ernesto Sábato. Satyajit Ray. W.H. Hudson. Osamu Dazai. Yasunari Kawabata. Yukio Mishima. Kenji Mizoguchi. Yasujiro Ozu. Robert Fripp. Phil Manzanera. Emmanuelle Béart. Martin Amis. Anita Pallenberg. Philip Roth. Shirley MacLaine. Jonathan Richman. Fleur Jaeggy. Maurice Pialat. Isabelle Adjani. Lee Hazlewood & Nancy Sinatra. Jenaro Talens. Small Faces. Nastassja Kinski. W.D. Richter. Anna Karina. Bob Dylan. Griffin Dunne & Rosanna Arquette. Michael Caine. Harriet Andersson. Blur. Lionel Rogosin. Marta Fernández Muro. Lone Star. Charles Kaufman. Elodie Bouchez. Franco Battiato. Bulle Ogier. Jack Taylor. Grace Jones. Ian McEwan. Nuevos Horizontes. Chantal Ackerman. Noah Chomsky. Eels. Julie Delpy. John Cale. Jacques Dutronc. Guillermina Motta. Julian Barnes. Pasos. Michel Onfray. Lou Reed. Jacqueline Bisset. Leonard Cohen. Patrick Modiano. Claude Jade. Pete Townshend & Roger Daltrey (y Ken Russell). Maria Schneider. Clint Eastwood. Brian Molko. Charly García. Jefferson Airplane. Emma Cohen. Jean - Noel Pïcq. Romy. Malcolm McDowell. Patti Smith. Chris Marker. Jeanne Moreau. Paul Weller. Ally Sheedy. Jacques Doillon. Michèle Morgan. Olivier & Michka Assayas. Raymond Carver. Pulp. Virginie Ledoyen. Shake. James Fox. Mercedes Juste. Jules Feiffer. Marie Gillain. Marcel Ophüls. The Undertones. Austin Pendleton. Lina Wertmüller. Mike Nichols & Elaine May. Molly Shannon. Curtis Amstrong. Diana Rigg. Brian Wilson: y The Beach Boys. Rita Pavone. Michel Camilo. John Byrum. Haydée Politoff. Brad Dourif. Jennifer Connelly. Elvis Costello. Petula Clark. Donald Westlake. Mark Hamill. Karen Allen. David Hyde Pierce. Ángel Luis Fernández. Deborah Harry. Antonio Vega. Léos Carax & Denis Lavant. Kiti Manver. Stewart Copeland. Nacho Vegas. Kenneth Branagh. Interpol. Catherine O..Hara. Michel Gondry. Robert Smith. Alain Resnais. Brooke Adams. J.G. Ballard. Maríbel Martín & Alexandra Bastedo. Pablo Sánchez. Rae Dawn Chong. Adam Ant. Judy Davis. Spike Lee. Emma Thompson. Sidney Lumet. Kim Carnes. Jaume Sisa. Maggie Cheung. Terence Stamp. Richard Matheson. Julie Christie. Alain Delon. Pino Donaggio. Clu Gulager. Eric Rohmer. María José Serrano & Sergio López de Haro. Jean - Pierre Léaud. Eric Idle. Sarah Miles. Francisco Regueiro. Carole Eastman. Jorge Grau. Los Gritos. Brian de Palma. Valerie Perrine. Keith Gordon. Bruce Springsteen. Andrew Kevin Walker. Cecilia Roth. Bernardo Bertolucci. David Mamet. Jon Finch. Michael Keaton. Miou Miou. Philip Ridley. James Spader. Santi Rex. Jeremy Irons. Stereolab. Buck Henry. Óscar Ladoire. Capucine. Jacques Rozier. Pedro Beltrán. Manuel Alexandre. Juliette Binoche. Phil Spector. Mardik Martin. Squeeze. Lisa Bonet. Woody Allen. Me Me Lai. Jeff Goldblum. Sami Frey. Tobias Wolff. Chloë Sevigny. Ryan Adams. Neil Jordan. Slade. Heather Matarazzo. John Cleese. Rufus & Martha Wainwright. Michael Winterbottom. Colin Higgins. Barbara Hershey. Anthony Michael Hall. Lili Taylor. Rafael Azcona. Shannyn Sossamon. Ariel Rot. Jenny Agutter. Nick Lowe. William Friedkin. The Residents. Kyle MacLachlan. Los Bravos. Selma Blair. Johnny Thunders. Franquín. Luisa Castro. Walter / Wendy Karlos. Keith McNally. Mia Sara. Michael J. Pollard. Debra Winger. Morrissey. Mathieu Carrière. Scott Frank. George Segal. Richard Lester. Jean Baudrillard. Fernando Márquez "El Zurdo". Antonio Zancajo. Mario Gil. Alejo Stivel. Frederick Wiseman. Louise Lasser. Michael Lonsdale. David Sylvain. Alan Rudolph. David Byrne & Talking Heads. Liv Ullmann. Raimundo Luengo. Elliot Gould. Bud Cort. Jane March. Wallace Shawn. Paul & Leonard Schrader. Burt Bacharach. Sissy Spacek. Primal Scream. Jacques Rivette. Billy Joel. Wim Wenders & Peter Handke. Ryuichi Sakamoto. Kathleen Turner. Richard Buttler: y The Psychedelic Furs. William Goldman. Richard Davalos. Rip Torn. Betty Gordon. Van Morrison. Jorge Berlanga. Stephen Tobolowsky. Françoise Fabian. Amos Poe. Devo. Tom Courtenay. Christopher Nolan. Germán Coppini. Midge Ure. Aki & Mika Kaurismäki. David Hamilton. Ana Curra. Michael Palin. Alberto Bourbón. Joan Navarro. Almudena "Jane" de Maetzu (y José Luis Abel). Lou Castel. Carl Reiner. Glenda Jackson. Tom Stoppard. Werner Herzog. Ray & Dave Davies. Blake Edwards. Angie Dickinson. John Sayles. Donovan. Shelley Duvall. Alain Tanner. Casilda Fernández. Frederick Raphael. Vanessa Paradis. Cat Stevens. Hal Hartley & Martin Donovan. Jean - Louis Comolli. Max. Paula Prentiss. Richard Ashcroft. Denys Arcand. Barbara Steele. Dustin Hoffman & Susan George. Volker Sclöndorff. Michel Polnareff. David Warner. Giorgio Moroder. Robert Towne. Parade. Jane Birkin. Suede. Mandy Patinkin. Todd Solondz. John Hughes. Ettore Scola. Karen Black & L.M. Kit Carson. Clara "Oviformia" Morán. Dino Risi. Los Brincos (y Junior). Eduardo Úrculo. Tom Wolfe. Kristy Swanson. Michael J. Fox & Lea Thompson. Charlotte Rampling. Jordi Llovet. Sophie Marceau. Pekenikes. Gene Colan. Robert Benton. Nanni Moretti. Richard O..Brien. Javier Krahe. Monica Vitti. Peter Bogdanovich. Atom Egoyan & Elias Koteas. Phil Trim: y Pop Tops. Martha & The Vandellas. Udo Kier. Patty Sephard. Manuel Alejandro. Esclarecidos. Peter Weir. Fernando Vivanco. Jim Jarmusch. Philip Glass. Tina Sáinz. Joe Dante. David Spade. Anjelica Huston. Fats Domino. Kenneth Anger. Las Marvelettes. Gerard Malanga. Jennifer Jason Leigh. Dick Miller. John & Joan Cusack. Paul Thomas Anderson. Molly Ringwald. Fred Dekker. Willem Dafoe. Corey Haim & Corey Feldman. Terry Jones. Asia Argento. John Pankow. Mike Mills. Andrzej Zulawski. John Lurie. Gloria Van Aerssen. Richard Linklater. Donald & Kiefer Sutherland. Françoise Lebrun. Jerry Butler. Bob Balaban. Bernadette Lafont. André Techiné. Paul Williams. Ornella Muti. Gene Wilder. Chris Isaak. Sam & Ted Raimi. Matthew Broderick. Eric Mitchell. Jon Lovitz. Milos Forman. Pepín Bello. Sara Driver. John Carpenter. Philip Kaufman. Julia Louis - Dreyfus. Harold Ramis. Andrew McCarthy. JAN. Michael Cimino. Kathryn Bigelow. Los Mitos. Terry Zwigoff. Jonathan Glazer. Martine Beswick. Dan O..Bannon. Roy Ward Baker. Herbie Hancock. Mychael Danna. Jeffrey Combs. Eulalia Ramón. Neal Adams. Keith Jarret. Darren Aronofsky. Barbara Shelley. John & Sal Buscema. Gonzalo Suárez. David Bowie. Caroline Munro. Harry Dean Staton. Quino. Abel Ferrara. Eric Bogosian. David Cronenberg. Nina Hagen. Mario Monicelli. José María Nunes. Stanley Tucci. Jeffrey Jones. Richard Kelly. Ellen Barkin. Gérard Brach. Jimmy Sangster. Jerzy Skolimowski. Francis Ford, Christopher & Soffia Coppola. Mike Ploog. Ingrid Pitt. Steve Englehart. Dusan Makavejev. Agnès Varda. Steve Ditko. Rob Reiner & Christopher Guest. Elsa Martinelli. Johnny Halliday. Bruce Robinson. Tuesday Weld. Jean - Claude Carrière. Andrew Jarecki. Carol Burnett. Sergio Sollima. Suso Cecchi d..Amico. Monaguillosh. Carlos Giménez. Carol Kane. Jason Alexander. Robert Duvall. James Caan. Danny Elfman. Miklós Jancsó. David Caruso. Enki Bilal. Los Salvajes. Costa - Gavras. Wes Anderson. Jeanette. Luis Gomis. Helen Mirren. Ernest Borgnine. Jackson 5. Peter Watkins. Annie Girardot. Alfonso Santiesteban. Massimo Pupillo. Mario Caiano. Alberto de Martino. Almas Humildes. Steve Guttenberg. Brian Clemens. Ronnie Spector. Mike Hodges. Jonathan Demme. Mary Steenburgen. Gilbert Shelton. Howard Shore. Micky: y los Tonys. Alvin Sargent. Richard Corben. James Toback. Vincent Ward. Juliette Gréco. Stuart Rosenberg. Christian Slater & Samantha Mathis. Robert Crumb. John Le Carré. Luis Eduardo Aute. Robert Fuest. Franco Zeffirelli. John Updike. Barbet Schroeder. John Milius. Harmony Korine. George A. Romero. Tony Scott. Vincent Gallo. Thomas Pynchon... BADmovies.ORG KEM


Sun Tsu

How to be Rich, J Paul Getty
No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or "get rich" in business by being a conformist. J. Paul Getty
Think & Grow Rich
1-Sheet: 27" x 41" (vertical) - The most common size for movie posters3-Sheet: 41" x 81" (vertical) - Usually comes in two or three sections6-Sheet: 81" x 81" - The largest size for movie posters (aside from billboard posters); usually comes in four sectionsWindow Card: 14" x 22" (vertical) - Printed on heavy card stock paper; usually has a blank area at the top designed for theaters to list show timesJumbo Window Card: 22" x 28" (vertical) - Usually printed on heavy card stock paperHalf-Sheet: 22" x 28" (horizontal) - Usually printed on heavy card stock paperInsert: 14" x 36" (vertical) - Usually printed on heavy card stockLobby Card: 11" x 14" (horizontal) - Usually came in a set of eight images from the movie, includes one "title card" and seven "scene cards."Still: 8" x 10" (usually horizontal) - Black & white or color photograph of a scene from the movieclicking here is one way in, clients mission search monsters sectionspublication basic . . . Welcome to the websites of "Kirk Evan Maillet" . . . . . . . . .
I, WE started the "Lumal Group" in 1983 as a consulting company involved with computer useage & integration for marketing. I was at San Jose State finishing my upper division MRKT w/ Ad minor undergraduate program. My mother died that year. My father in 77. Lu & Mal, like MiraMax, is a combination of my parents nicknames. I was hatched by Stanford Research Hospital In Palo Alto Dec 30th 1956. My Mom ran a mortgage company & my Dad was a Navy jet pilot thru Korea. I worked at Amdahl Corporation, Signetics & Hewlett Packard
I feed the internet very early so the internet likes me and my friends AKA customers
I was borne & raised in and around the heart of computer development "Stanford University AKA silicon valley" I disliked computers early on based on their akwardness. My Dad however showed me their value. He was using and selling one of the very first electronic calculators ever sold commercially (LITRONIX) for his real estate business. He also bought the very first calculator watch by Pulsar Time Computer Inc., from John Bergey. My Dad was a trip! So I was exposed very early on and have learned and used computer since their infancy. Access and interest is the basis for my knowledge of computers and networks.. So I've setup & built computers "4" twenty plus yrs.

I actually lived right next to the retail center (wolfe rd and old San francisco rd) that in 1972. Nolan Bushnell installs the first working version of the Pong game in a Sunnyvale, Calif., bar named Andy Capps.

Osborne I : played with it after he folded: ComPaq Portable One: I had three, Portable II: I had one, HP 110 & 110 PLUS laptop I had one of each , even at employee price boy did thous hurt.. AST Research Model 70 "286" moved quite a few, ComPaq Deskpro 12mhz "286" a high end cash cow. I was never much of a IBM guy but did work a few XT's w/ 10 meg hard drives.

Worked on LISA , had to deal w/ MACs' & APPLE II GS Color together, MAC 512K & FX overpriced
My computer services include : server config. & admin. (UNIX / MAC / WIN) ,
audio/visual processing and capture, office automation,
marketing information systems and processes workstation & server setups ( name / web /e-mail and database services)
computerized digital printing and imaging,ad agency pre-press setups
portaled in 1996 and it spreads around the world, my internet research & experiment in cyberspace
made w/ 1st camera
MOVIES been IN Lionheart , Van Damme
Eraser , Arnold
Low Down Dirty Shame
THE SEARCHER, Principal, Armand Gazarian Productions
Hot Rod: Robert Culp, ABC Circle Films
My notorious gigs :
I spent 6 months w/ the livin legend "Body Glove Bob" Meistrell a yachtsman in only the best sense of the word.
I met him thru the Czulugers with whom he's been friends 4 over 50 yrs. I'd been marketing for and he asked me about my key leash. He was marketing his own version. Within 45 seconds he offered me an opportunity. LOOKSEE & relatedMontana James et al from Howard Stern segments (2 X 1/2 hour E! spots and 20 reruns 12 months)Chryssanthou projects for "Steve Bing" (Elisabeth Hurley baby Billionaire Dad) & Princess Areej (Niece of King Saudi Arabia) business development Dorian Yates (Mr. Olympia 6 time winner) clothing line w/ Mentzer Brothers "Heavy Duty"
VP MRKT Lienworks West Hollywood Workers comp lien resolution service SAG Eraser w/ Arnold SAG Lionheart w/ Van Damme Dynamic Fitness Nutrition (formerly "Francois Henri LaLanne aka Jack Lalanne's Spa Nutrition) , inspired byPaul Bragg
I developed marketing under new management after JL endorsement expired and his partner (Win Paris) sold out to secretary "JUDY WHITE" ISP development during the insane post 1999 foolishness sunsetafterdark dotcom Palos Verdes art jury First Computer, computer reseller dealership validation from gray marketer President - Efficient Business Solutions WestCOM real estate property analysis
KIRKupdated1014MMV-plus.xls carneys on sunset since 83AIRline work:
SAS lax
In November 1952, Captain Povl Jensen piloted the first SAS trans-arctic flight, delivering a DC-6B from the Douglas factory in California via Thule to Copenhagen. A crowd some 10,000 strong gathered to witness the arrival of this historic flight. The first, pioneering transpolar route, between Scandinavia and the U.S. west coast was inaugurated by SAS in November 1954. A SAS DC-6B ?Helge Viking? flew from Copenhagen to Los Angeles via S?ndre Str?mfjord on Greenland and Winnipeg in Canada. The route cut the distance between the two continents by about 1,000 kilometers and was hailed as ?the first new commercial route in 1,000 years?.
Jan Carlzon was appointed president of SAS in 1981 and was to hold the position for 12 years, longer than any previous chief executive of the airline. He set about making SAS more customer-oriented and created a new organization aimed at decentralizing responsibility and decision-making. Employees at all levels were encouraged to make decisions for themselves.
SAS adopted a strategy of becoming ?The Businessman?s Airline? ? the best airline in the world for the frequent business traveler, in Carlzon?s words. An investment of 45 million US dollars was made towards achieving this goal. EuroClass service for passengers paying full fare was introduced in 1981 and First Class was dropped on European routes.
# On January 13, 1969, a DC-8-62, LN-MOO, hit the water while approaching Los Angeles. 15 of the 45 onboard were killed. n May 14 1997 the agreement that founded Star Alliance was signed by SAS, Lufthansa, United Airlines, Air Canada and THAI. Five months later they were joined by the Brazilian airline Varig. Today, with 18 members and three regional members, the alliance operates to 850 destinations in 152 countries worldwide.
Thai Airlines
ANARides fr: my past/
I've made MANY things famous. P.O.P.U.L.A.RI'm ONline 12 yrs publishing and creating circulation on the internet. I worked in magazine store when I was 13. Now I make magazines printed on TCP/IP. The internet keeps track and I'm infamous internet wise!
My internet story began when my son rylee was on the way in 96..I'm Kirk .
branding value into our customers equations

is the corporation I started in '98, as a trading company for a Beverly Hills
real estate development firm is now my DBA. I bought it when the trading function changed and they didn't need my services any more. was started simply as a $35 registration fee for a term that is my mom & dadnicknames combined. As an address, a domain, a phone number so to speak I published INFO on this space. A billboard, my sites are virtual billboards. The initial search motors immediately liked the structure I applied to it from the databases I ran first in Lotus 123, then dBase II, then Ansa Paradox 1.0, then Borland bought em. HTML is basically Apple HyperCard over TCP/IP, the military network MilSpec. Hewlett Packard's PCL (printer control language) for the early "2686a LaserJet", I think, was a lot like html. Everything is based on something else. I grew up in Sunnyvale CA and hi-tech spawned around me. Like the Borg it assimilates. Technology refined as it is today is very enticing. In the beginning it was very annoying but fascinating nonetheless.
a subset of clients ON-LINE
Search motors are no longer objective in the grading and frequency of answers. Just like broadcast television networks large advertisers have effect on search proceeds. Internet relevance has a new partner, thy name is money. I survived, endured and prospered in rank. C'est La Vie. C'est tout. Bonnes Nouvelles. Lumal commencera ? nouveau en tant que quelque chose le differnet. Better still.
The corporate powers at the helm controlling something of value more than OIL. LUMAL experiment has concluded..::0222MMV4:51AMpst
pictures by kirk
kirk at lumal fr: goggle
P. O. Box 345
Redondo Beach CA 90277 USA

or call at 310.594.8806


I've seen things U people wouldn't believe, NO KIDDING

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Sun Tsu How to be Rich, J Paul Getty No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or "get rich" in business by being a conformist. J. Paul Getty Think & Grow Rich


My Mom & my DAD
& my Son Rylee
Malcolm Muggeridge
George Washington Carver
Billy Graham
Florence Nightingale
Milton Friedman
John Maynard Keynes
Arthur Betz Laffer, Sr.
Howard Robard Hughes, Jr.
Jean Paul Getty
Robert Edward Turner III
SGT Brian Wood
I doubled & SPLIT w/ Aron Malsky on HEROES-nbc As Matt makes his way back inside the building, he stumbles onto the body of the dead Malsky, which has been torn in half by Jessica. The police burst in and tell Matt to put up his hands. Matt tells them that he was Malsky's bodyguard as he stares at Malsky’s corpse, nauseated.Church Silverhammer
Barrinor the Chivalrous is the ultimate paladin, the perfect knight and gentlemen. He knows no fear and never fails in battle. Barrinor is best defined by honor. He believes in honor above all else. He never uses ranged weapons and always fights fairly, one on one. He always gives an opponent the opportunity to surrender and often attempts stunning or incapacitating an opponent rather than killing. Barrinor would never lie, cheat or steal. Such things are beyond comprehension for true followers of this faith. Followers try to emulate Barrinor and live as his lives every day. The holiest symbol of this Church is the silver hammer which Barrinor wields as his primary weapon. This holy artifact is magically enchanted such that it is particularly effective against demons. Actors are not often like the characters they play (that's why they call it acting), but Jodie Foster found a kindred spirit in Dr. Eleanor Arroway, the astronomer in the 1997 film based on Carl Sagan's novel, Contact. In the film, Foster's character says: "What is more likely? That an all-powerful mysterious God created the Universe and then decided not to give any proof of His existence, or that He simply does not exist at all?"

In real life

, Foster says:I absolutely believe what Ellie believes — that there is no direct evidence, so how could you ask me to believe in God when there's absolutely no evidence that I can see? I do believe in the beauty and the awe-inspiring mystery of the science that's out there that we haven't discovered yet, that there are scientific explanations for phenomena that we call mystical because we don't know any better.* If there is a GOD I doubt I could understand him. The arrogance of denouncing something which if it (HE/HER) exists, (wouldn't B a boy/or girl, would B both)would not need to B explained. The idea that U live your life in spite of 1000's of years of folks smarter than Me (us) who believe leaves me the benefit of the doubt. That is Faith, hope implies expectation. In Contact I got the intelligent design, the messenger sometimes gets in right by accident (I think someone is always at least watching & affecting things) K..K.E.Maillet

My Blog

Paul NEWman made it to 83, cigarettes & all , GOD speed PN

turned down awards 4 payBACK, grateFULL humble BEAUTIFUL in SPIRIT and reflection of visible LITE. W/ Brad PITT in LA (hurriKANE) would NOT let them video him. KIND sweet soul I will not miss U, U spe...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 12:45:00 PST

My life as a failure

Struggle is all well & good but failure stings. Can't find customer(s) who are willing to pay. Waiting to see what happens, holding on. I'm discouraged by the pattern I've seen B4. I'm seeing my h...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 06:57:00 PST

Howard Dean & Pelosi started a WAR, will NOT go quietLY

Saw the RothsCHILD on FOX initially could NOT find it ON FOX, they didn't typeSET the NAME, Together4us.comwhere does a DEAD heat get CALLED a winner by some BACKroom BIGshots ruling the american ploi...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 09:28:00 PST

a GIANT sydney pollack

he got 2B seventy THREE, I can hope to make that many I won't plan on being so well LIVED. KUDOS on the scope & depth of a life well LIVED sympathy 2 family, and friends of which Robert Redford mu...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Wed, 28 May 2008 11:37:00 PST

Please HELP this little BOY

Please join us for a special Fund Raiser on May 18, 2008 from 9am until 12 noon at LAX Range!On Sunday, May 18, 2008, we will be conducting a fund raiser on behalf of Robert Ram. Robert is the 12 year...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:19:00 PST

PERHAPS a FLOOD , perhaps a seaWORTHY ARK fr: a LARGE mostly corrupt popula

. ARK denial? why if U put the entire human population thru a keyHOLE associate it with a huge CLIMATE change estimate the DATE does this article have to ASSUME drought .. PERHAPS a FLOODperhaps a se...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST

Angel Photo Shoot yo stripper fr: denver...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:39:00 PST

Eric Schwartzkopf talks about superBIKES OOPS Brad PITT...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:36:00 PST

maria fr: brazil @thewildgoose little MS jazz BRAZIL , 4 yrs 2 get her 2 POSE 4 VIDEO...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:35:00 PST presents Lexxi Tyler @ wild goose she could NOT B sweet, damn lesBIAN pornSTAR...
Posted by theKIRK fr: on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:33:00 PST