"Pat Tillman. The man gave up his career dream $3.6 MILLION DOLLAR FOOTBALL CONTRACT to fight and die for something greater than anything money could buy."Male 30 years old --- Heaven, United States --- Pat Tillman,R.I.P. is a true American Hero. This is not a political platform this was solely created to enshrine a hero Pat Tillman.Pat was the star NFL Defensive Back who, after the 9/11 attacks, walked away from his $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist as an elite Army Ranger and go off to Afghanistan to whip some terrorist butt. No matter what your opinion on the U.S. Invasion of Iraq there is no denying that Pat Is a hero. www.CheapestGAS.com ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- There are, indeed, many Muslims who desire peace, but, their views often do not count for much in Muslim society. Author Serge Trifkovic notes: "Some critics may object that this account of Islam in the modern world does not pay much attention to Islamic moderation, to the everyday wish of everyday Muslims for a quiet life. This is not because such moderates are rare, but because they are rarely important. Religions, like political ideologies, are pushed along by money, power, and tiny vocal minorities. Within Islam, the money and the power are all pushing the wrong way. So are the most active minorities. The urgent need is to recognize this. Our problem is not prejudice about Islam, but folly in the face of its violence and cruelty. And in any case, the willingness of moderates to be what are objectively bad Muslims, because they reject key teachings of historical Islam, may be laudable in human terms but does nothing to modify Islam as a doctrine." The prospect of modifying Islam’s doctrine regarding violence is problematic. Although some Muslims in history have tried to "spiritualize" the Quran’s declarations regarding violence The Quran is VERY clear, The worst possible crime against Islam is disbelief in or denial of Allah verses (10:17, 11:18-19, 18:15, 32:22). ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------The Koran clearly and repeatedly states that disbelief is the worst crime, disbelief is a greater crime than murder------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Disbelief is defined as "mischief and treason against Allah," and the very next verse calls for guilty infidels to be beheaded. READ ALL ABOUT IT at www.CheapestGAS.com
CheapestGAS.com - Endorses John McCain For President - Click Gas Pump CheapestGAS.com - Endorses BOB BARR For President - Click Gas Pump CLICK GAS PUMP NOW - www.CheapestGAS.com - CLICK GAS PUMP NOW CheapestGAS.com is the # 1 gas prices website in The USA, with more gas prices and gas stations than any other single website. GAS PRICES AND MORE www.CheapestGAS.com SHOCKING and CONTROVERSIAL How do you feel about Gas Prices? POST COMMENTS BELOW ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --- Born in a Naval hospital on August 29, 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone. The son and grandson of Navy admirals, John McCain learned early the time-honored values of duty, honor and country. In his family, those aren't just words; they're articles of faith. At the age of 17, young John followed in his father's and grandfather's footsteps to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. There he began a remarkable lifetime of service - and devotion - to America. Graduating in 1958, John was commissioned an ensign in the Navy and trained to become an aircraft carrier pilot. Nearly all the men in the McCain family had made their reputations during wartime. And John wanted to keep faith with them. A veteran aircraft carrier pilot, he asked to go to Vietnam. The Forrestal Disaster Lt. Commander McCain was assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal off the coast of Vietnam. On July 29, 1967, McCain, an A-4 Skyhawk pilot, was preparing to take off on a bombing mission over North Vietnam, when a horrifying disaster struck. A missile accidentally fired from a nearby plane, striking the fuel tanks on McCain's plane. In the ensuing explosions and fire, McCain escaped from his plane by crawling onto its nose and diving into the fire on the ship's deck. He turned to help a fellow pilot whose flight suit had burst into flames. But before McCain could reach him, more bombs exploded, blowing him back 10 feet, It took 24 hours to contain the inferno on the Forrestal. By the time it was all over, 134 men lost their lives, hundreds more were injured, and more than 20 planes were destroyed. It was the worst non-combat-related accident in American Naval history. After the Forrestal disaster, McCain could have returned home. But he would have none of that. Instead he volunteered for more combat duty aboard the carrier USS Oriskany, It was a fateful decision that would stop the clock on John McCain's life and separate him from his family, and from America, for five and a half years. The Hanoi Hilton In the early morning of October 26, 1967, just 3 months after the Forrestal disaster, Lt. Commander McCain departed for his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam. This one was particularly dangerous. McCain and his fellow pilots were targeting a power plant in the center of Hanoi. As McCain was completing his bombing mission, a Soviet-made surface-to-air missile struck his plane, shearing off the right wing. McCain ejected as his plane spiraled violently to earth. The force of the ejection knocked him unconscious and both of his arms and one leg were broken. He regained consciousness as he plunged into a lake near his bombing target. Quickly, an angry mob gathered, seeking retribution for the rain of bombs. Dragging him from the lake, they broke his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him repeatedly. They loaded McCain into a truck and delivered him to the infamous - and hated - "Hanoi Hilton." Denied medical treatment for days, McCain's condition deteriorated badly. His fellow POW's, shocked at his appearance, thought McCain was near death. But they were determined that he survive. And thanks to their care, his health gradually improved. Within a few months of McCain's becoming a prisoner of war, his father, Admiral Jack McCain, was appointed commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific. The North Vietnamese, sensing a propaganda prize, offered McCain early release. But McCain refused early release, citing the code of conduct that prisoners of war should be released in the order in which they were captured. His captors demanded he accept their offer. McCain refused, over and over again. For his repeated defiance, his communist captors savagely beat him. Before it was over, John McCain spent 5 years as a prisoner of war, two of them in solitary confinement. Returning Home By 1973 the Vietnam War was over. McCain and nearly 600 fellow POW's were released and came home, ending the longest incarceration in U.S. history. After extensive physical rehabilitation, John McCain regained flight status and continued his service to his country. But sadly, like a lot of prisoners of war, John's marriage ended several years later. Nearing the end of his Navy career, now-Captain John McCain's last duty assignment was as the Navy's liaison to the U.S. Senate. It was during this time that he met Cindy Hensley, from Phoenix. John and Cindy were married in 1980 and made their home in Arizona. The House and the Senate By 1982, an Arizona House seat opened up. John, sensing a new way to serve, announced his candidacy. Campaigning door-to-door, he outworked his 5 opponents and won the Republican primary. And he went on to win the election. Maintaining a ritual of returning home to Arizona every weekend, McCain was re-elected overwhelmingly two years later. By 1986, Barry Goldwater announced his retirement from the U. S. Senate. John was elected to succeed him and continue Goldwater's tradition of independence and plain-talk conservatism. Now in his third term in the Senate, McCain was re-elected in November 1998 with nearly 70% of the vote. In that election, he won 65% of the women's vote, nearly 55% of Hispanics and even 40% of Democrats. The Cause of Freedom From day one in Washington, John McCain has been guided by one cause above all others: the fight for freedom. His mission is to make government smaller and taxes lower, so American families have the freedom to chart their own course and small business can create new opportunities. For John McCain, smaller government and lower taxes aren't just talk. He means it. For years he's been on a one-man crusade against wasteful spending in Washington. Because of his crackdown on waste in government, he's been nicknamed "The Sheriff." John McCain knows that cutting waste means we can lower the tax burden on American families. And eliminate both the inheritance tax and the unfair marriage penalty that punishes people who marry. John McCain is determined to save Social Security once and for all by stopping the politicians from raiding Social Security funds to pay for new government programs and wasteful spending. But most of all, John McCain worries about what kind of country we're leaving our children. He's protecting them from the evils of Internet smut by promoting the use of filtering technology. And his education plan will send federal dollars directly to local school districts, bypassing the Washington bureaucrats and their rules and regulations. He believes that parents and teachers know best how to strengthen America's schools. John McCain is the nation's foremost leader in national defense and foreign policy matters. When events in Kosovo unfolded, McCain was hailed by many for being the de facto commander-in-chief, offering leadership and clarity of purpose. He knows that America has defeated some of the greatest evils ever known to mankind - Nazism, communism, fascism and today's madmen and terrorists - only by staying strong. Because weakness only encourages the enemies of freedom. But John McCain knows that no matter what the issue, we can't have real government reform without first reforming our campaign and lobbying laws. Time and again he's dared Washington to follow his lead to break the stranglehold that special interests and their money have on the political process. A life-time of experiences. Proven leadership that's not afraid to tackle the big issues. A devotion to America that's never wavered. John McCain is prepared to lead America into the 21st century --------------------------------------------------------- STOP THE INSANITY ---- In WWII we did NOT ALLOW Italians, Germans and the Japanese to enter The USA. So why are we allowing These Trojan Horse (Terror CELLS) all Muslims to enter The USA in wartime? ILLEGAL ALIENS and Illegal Alien Criminals are on U.S. soil in a continuous state of disobedience to U.S. laws, dealing drugs, driving drunk, committing crimes, breaking laws, filling up our jails, Abusing our health care system, schools and giving birth to ILLEGAL Anchor Babies, spreading sexually transmitted diseases, Hepatitus, TB, Aids, and are here illegally against the will of The American People. Let this website be your guide to saving the United States from self serving politicians. The popular practice of criminally entering the U.S. and immediately giving birth to children is growing among illegal aliens and is not limited to just illegal aliens. People from all over the world including possible terrorist Muslims also use this practice. They have figured out that the act of simply having a child on U.S. soil bestows citizenship on the baby and usually grandfathers in the mother at a minimum. This law needs to be changed immediately. Better yet, The 14TH AMENDMENT needs to be enforced retro-actively. It is a loophole in the immigration process that is giving citizenship illegally and against the will of the American People to millions of unworthy people who are avoiding the citizenship process and pathway altogether. This is insulting to LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and LEGAL US CITIZENS. Special corporate and political interests want all the cheap foreign labor they can get. Misinterpreting the 14th Amendment and granting automatic birthright citizenship to children of illegal aliens is but one aspect of the dismantling of America. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- There are, indeed, many Muslims who desire peace, but, their views often do not count for much in Muslim society. Author Serge Trifkovic notes: "Some critics may object that this account of Islam in the modern world does not pay much attention to Islamic moderation, to the everyday wish of everyday Muslims for a quiet life. This is not because such moderates are rare, but because they are rarely important. Religions, like political ideologies, are pushed along by money, power, and tiny vocal minorities. Within Islam, the money and the power are all pushing the wrong way. So are the most active minorities. The urgent need is to recognize this. Our problem is not prejudice about Islam, but folly in the face of its violence and cruelty. And in any case, the willingness of moderates to be what are objectively bad Muslims, because they reject key teachings of historical Islam, may be laudable in human terms but does nothing to modify Islam as a doctrine." The prospect of modifying Islam's doctrine regarding violence is problematic. Although some Muslims in history have tried to "spiritualize" the Quran's declarations regarding violence ----- The Quran is VERY clear, The worst possible crime against Islam is disbelief in or denial of Allah verses (10:17, 11:18-19, 18:15, 32:22). ----- The Koran clearly and repeatedly states that disbelief is the worst crime, disbelief is a greater crime than murder----- Disbelief is defined as "mischief and treason against Allah," and the very next verse calls for guilty infidels to be beheaded. ----- LISTEN TO ME. GO TO www.CheapestGAS.com & BOOKMARK IT NOW!BOOKMARK www.CheapestGAS.com NOW and TELL - A - FRIEND NOW!! ADD CheapestGAS.com TO YOUR FAVORITES - www.CheapestGAS.com PLACE ME IN YOUR TOP 40 NOW! ----- CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? Go To www.CheapestGAS.com NOW! ------------------------------------ CheapestGAS.com Endorses John McCain For President. Tell A Friend to go to www.CheapestGAS.com and Spread the word now. The best and quickest way to let every American find out about John McCain is to Tell A Friend to go to www.CheapestGAS.com - CheapestGAS.com reveals the weaknesses of the other candidates and promotes John McCain For President. Go to www.CheapestGAS.com and see for yourself NOW! - Tell A Friend NOW!---------------------------------------- 202) 872-1020 (write that down!!) That is the number for the Commission on Political Debates. Believe it or not, getting Bob in the debates most likely hangs on that. Call that number day after day...do not let them off the hook. 1. Tell them that you want Bob Barr in the Presidential Debates. 2. When they throw the 15% threshold...they will try to tell you Bob is at 2%. Counter that with Zogby's 6% rating, and 3. 55% of Americans surveyed by Zogby want Bob in the Debates.Make no mistake this is a siege, it will not be over in a day, or even a week, just call day after day. Clogging up phone lines, frustrating normal communications, makes changes...ask any lobbyist advocate..they do it all the time. (202) 872-1020...call it every day
CheapestGAS.com Endorses John McCain For President. Tell A Friend to go to www.CheapestGAS.com and Spread the word now. The best and quickest way to let every American find out about John McCain is to Tell A Friend to go to www.CheapestGAS.com - CheapestGAS.com reveals the weaknesses of the other candidates and promotes BOB BARR For President. Go to www.CheapestGAS.com and see for yourself NOW! - Tell A Friend NOW! ----------------------------- 202) 872-1020 (write that down!!) That is the number for the Commission on Political Debates. Believe it or not, getting Bob in the debates most likely hangs on that. Call that number day after day...do not let them off the hook. 1. Tell them that you want Bob Barr in the Presidential Debates. 2. When they throw the 15% threshold...they will try to tell you Bob is at 2%. Counter that with Zogby's 6% rating, and 3. 55% of Americans surveyed by Zogby want Bob in the Debates.Make no mistake this is a siege, it will not be over in a day, or even a week, just call day after day. Clogging up phone lines, frustrating normal communications, makes changes...ask any lobbyist advocate..they do it all the time. (202) 872-1020...call it every day
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CheapestGAS.com is the # 1 gas prices website in The USA, with more gas prices and gas stations than any other single website. Shocking and Controversial www.CheapestGAS.com - READ ALL ABOUT IT at www.CheapestGAS.com
What Are You Waiting For? LEARN ABOUT JIHAD and DEATH TO AMERICA - and THE CHEAPEST GAS PRICES TELL EVERYBODY To Go To www.CheapestGAS.com SPREAD THE WORD - CheapestGAS.com wants to know. Can you Handle The TRUTH? Can You Handle The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth? TELL - A - FRIEND: Go to www.CheapestGAS.com
"Pat Tillman. The man gave up his career dream $3.6 MILLION DOLLAR FOOTBALL CONTRACT to fight and die for something greater than anything money could buy."Male 30 years old --- Heaven, United States --- Pat Tillman,R.I.P. is a true American Hero. This is not a political platform this was solely created to enshrine a hero Pat Tillman.Pat was the star NFL Defensive Back who, after the 9/11 attacks, walked away from his $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist as an elite Army Ranger and go off to Afghanistan to whip some terrorist butt. No matter what your opinion on the U.S. Invasion of Iraq there is no denying that Pat Is a hero. www.CheapestGAS.com ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- There are, indeed, many Muslims who desire peace, but, their views often do not count for much in Muslim society. Author Serge Trifkovic notes: "Some critics may object that this account of Islam in the modern world does not pay much attention to Islamic moderation, to the everyday wish of everyday Muslims for a quiet life. This is not because such moderates are rare, but because they are rarely important. Religions, like political ideologies, are pushed along by money, power, and tiny vocal minorities. Within Islam, the money and the power are all pushing the wrong way. So are the most active minorities. The urgent need is to recognize this. Our problem is not prejudice about Islam, but folly in the face of its violence and cruelty. And in any case, the willingness of moderates to be what are objectively bad Muslims, because they reject key teachings of historical Islam, may be laudable in human terms but does nothing to modify Islam as a doctrine." The prospect of modifying Islam’s doctrine regarding violence is problematic. Although some Muslims in history have tried to "spiritualize" the Quran’s declarations regarding violence The Quran is VERY clear, The worst possible crime against Islam is disbelief in or denial of Allah verses (10:17, 11:18-19, 18:15, 32:22). ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------The Koran clearly and repeatedly states that disbelief is the worst crime, disbelief is a greater crime than murder------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Disbelief is defined as "mischief and treason against Allah," and the very next verse calls for guilty infidels to be beheaded. READ ALL ABOUT IT at www.CheapestGAS.com