"Had I been brighter, the ladies been gentler, the Scotch weaker, the gods kinder, the dice hotter - it might have all ended up in a one-sentence story." Mickey Rooney
I wouldn't exactly say I'm a friend of Tony Halme. He threatened to kill my brother who was his roomate. In that he got himself deported I can say I'm amused by Tony. He is a very charming NAZI, but he's still a NAZI. I met Tony on the movie Lionheart , a VAN Damme epic in 1990. Tony respected me and wanted to kill me after he got robbed by some drug fiends he befriended. He told my brother that I had the balls 2 do it. I made a head shot 4 Tony he laughed the world famous PIC I never paid 4. Tony has a SS tat & he wanted me to make him a triple even number PRINTout so he could tat the barCODE on his chest. I declined, he tattoed some number as a bar code regardless. God Bless U TONY, stay out of trouble....!
THE LORD THAT LOVES ME, in spite of mySELF I don't pray every nite, i forget and/or I get overwhelmed. I can however put it here where thousands a month pass thru. THX 4 all the miracles I missed or U just hid beyond my view. PLS help me 2B more kind PLS forgive ME 4 everything especially 4 doing stupid when U made me so smart PLS help me 2B good & better than I think I am THX 4 keeping this EARTH together 4 another day amen