Charity Cheerleader profile picture

Charity Cheerleader

Your Portal 2MyPassion 4JustCauses!

About Me

Enjoy The Dark Party Slide Show! It's THE signature FUNdraiser for LukA's List! Best Of All, it features our friends Soul In The Machine!!!

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My Interests

iLove,Love,Love Native Ways, Preserving Cultural Integrity, The Planet, Trees, Puppies, Living the Way Nature Intended Us To, Our Precious Ecosystems, Philanthropy, Animal Rights Advocacy, Sustainability, Preserving Biodiversity & educating all of humanity Nre2 these values that iAm so passionate about, especially our beloved children, as the task will fall upon them to undo the damage that corporate greed has wreaked upon our environment.PLease support OK Greenfest! Oklahoma is God's Green Country! iTruly believe that!!! ...but it still isn't "green enough" to suit me! iAm counting on this effort to change all that! Being an Okie myself, this is near and dear to my heart!Education is the key to the SURVIVAL of this planet! Promoting Awareness is Crucial! iSay, "Global change begins at home"!!!...lovingly, tammy
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I'd like to meet:

The Proverbial Mr. Right !!!


Most of my music tastes are inspired by those songs which elicit the deepest emotions that iRelate to !


For entertainment value, my favorite genre is SUSPENSE, but, by far, the movies that are the most memorable to me are the ones that make me cry !!!


Dexter, House, Damages, The Tudors, The Daily Show, Animal Precinct, The Discovery Channel, Carter Can


The Wild Trees, Never Cry Wolf, The Food Revolution, The Secret, The Celestine Prophecy, The Richest Man in Babylon, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Jim Thorpe, Ira Hayes, Will Sampson, Maria Tallchief, Chief Seattle, Chief Joseph, Chief Tecumseh, Will Rogers, Princess Diana, Gene Baur, my aunts, People suffering from Invisible Disabilitis (as they experience the worst kind of discrimination) especially My Fibro Friends and Fellow Lyme Disease Contenders.

My Blog

Happy Cows My Ass!!!

i'M moo'd as hell and i'M not going to take it anymore!!!   Farm Sanctuary Investigation Shows the  Sad Truth About California's "Happy Cows"A Farm Sanctuary investigation has unearthed th...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 11:31:00 PST

Freezing To Death [literally]

This was written to our good friend Frankodelic but it's important enough to share with all of you!   People like us spend a lot of time and effort on Global Warming but here's another...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:52:00 PST

Ice, its the great indicator!!!

This bulletin was sent to us by our dear friend, Jean . As most of you know, iAm here for networking with regard to causes that should be important to all of us and so iFelt compelled to reprint ...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 12:07:00 PST

Runners High

Long Distance Running is a genetic gift that we, as Natives, are born with! Unfortunately, iWas already through my twenties before iFigured that out and so iTry as often as possible to enco...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:51:00 PST


It's no coincidence that it's raining outside. The earth and iAre crying together out of sorrow for ourselves and everyone we know who continues to be effected by the loss of a loved one. It's co...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:22:00 PST

Single by Choice

A very nice fellow MySpacer sent a message saying: ...and was just wondering how in the world are you single? you are gorgeous lol. And loved your profile since you seem down to earth. Needl...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:11:00 PST

Intro/LukAs List 101

Hey Fans of LukA's List, Want to join our Book and Blog Club ? Most of you associate LukA's List with FUN EVENTS, and rightly so !!! ...but most of you who know me personally know tha...
Posted by Charity Cheerleader on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 11:07:00 PST