The Flag Over The Alamo , San
Antonio this is the one most people agree flew in defiance of the betrayal of
the constitution of 1824 and that's why Tejanos became Texikans
mixed media, acrylic,
mexican cardboard, stuff on board on canvas
Yucatán Cenote
- Chichén Itzá. Debbie gazes into the depths
acrylic on canvas
The Texas Theater, Dallas - a
wreck now...but on November 22, 1963 this was one very busy place! Used to
have a
marquis, huge turret. Time passes.
acrylic on canvas
Dia De Los Muertos ,
morning in El Paso not far
from the Dixie Ethyl wreck, on the road to Anthony (gateway to Old Mesilla),
right across from both Mexicos
acrylic on board
Sun Tea, El Paso
1 pitcher on a chinese shipping crate for 1 hour - watch it doesn't boil! , add lemon,
chipped ice, mint and stir
acrylic on canvas
FAQ's : that's a 1938
Baldwin, an '02 Kurzweil pc88, a'56 Chevy Pick-up, Errol's was a half-flight
down type of cool cat club in Toronto but is now merely a memory, and that's a
mixed breed probably some retriever and some golden something.
the end of SR 60 - OUTLOOK - Vero Beach
this week's celebrities:
give them a click
dead zone chicano...
now here's a truck to behold
- thanks friend
nina faulkner's tune
- give a big hand for the little lady
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