For ten years, my research has been centered on the transfer of consciousness toward objects, which are the true keystone in the magic of creation. My pictorial process takes into account human unity: a synergy of spiritual, physical and mental points of view. Matter, music, light and breath all play an important part in my work. The wealth of our heritage is for me both a source of creation and an expression of the greater depth of what we are living. This reallocation allows for expression of both sensitivity and modern mentality. It is about combining strengths and energies of nature, and now requires the participation of the public in the real world, as well as in the imaginary one. My work also borrows from the realms of science, technology and philosophy in the creation of artistic expression.
Currently paleontologists consider that certain parietal paintings in Europe (transformations of men into animals) represent scenes and symbols of a shamanic type and would be related to these rituals. My aim is to try to join them by putting in resonance matter and color in my paintings, achieving random chemical reactions in the materials, and enlisting the help of real and imaginary worlds, in order to approach higher modes of perception, such as imagination, intuition, and perspicacity.
Les artistes de Montmartre exposent à Séoul-Insadong
Le verbe et l'image intimement mêlés...
Art et Livres, Séoul-Insadong : 26 avril - 3 mai 2007
Ce sont des livres rares et étonnants qui seront exposés à Insadong ce Printemps, en effet ces oeuvres gravées par les plus grands artistes illustrant des poémes d'auteurs de renommée internationale sont tirés en 7 exemplaires numérotés.
Les toiles de Mina , au texte très présent, accompagneront ces chefs 'oeuvres à Insadong
Seront présentées des oeuvres du poéte Werner Lambersy , illustrées par Brigitte Dusserre Bresson , (La concertina), Jacques Clauzel (Dernier Obstacle), Maria Desmée (L'érosion du silence), Maya Boigallays (Le premier né) et Yves Piquet (Fragments de vitrail) ainsi que les oeuvres gravées d' Anne Pourny écrites par Catherine Renaud Baret (Brume de mer, Eveil) et par Bruno Cany (La poésie se meurt) et des gravures d' Anick Butré (Chaos), (Saint Laurent mon amour).
Les droits de l'Homme (technique mixte sur toile -198 x 198 cm)
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