Photography, Speaking, Entrepreneurship, Sports, Music, Sci-Fi, Classic Cars, Friends, Producing, Connecting People, Networking, Film, Modern Art, Sculpture, Spirituality
I'd love to meet so many different people, its just a huge list. With my documentary I've been priviledged to meet an amazing group of individuals. What I have learned is that we all have a story to tell, no matter who we are or where we are in life.If you made me pick someone though (particularly to interview) it would be: John Paul II (maybe after this life now?), Dalai Lama, Kevin Costner, Lance Armstrong, Ronald D. Moore, Other dreamers and doers, Dennis Miller, Diane Lane, Denzel Washington, James Lipton, Peter Diamandis, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Franklin Graham, Bono, Peter Furler, Anousheh Ansari, Dr. Stephen Hawking
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Various... U2, 80's Rock, Linkin Park, Rolling Stones, Newsboys, Bon Jovi, Sugarland, Garth Brooks, Lifehouse, Toby Keith. Indies such as Ag Silver, Renovaudio, Schaeffer, Chris Freeman and Annie Marleau.
ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY, Top Gun, Bad Boys, Gladiator, Cinderella Man, LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek II, Office Space, Sideways, Wedding Crashers, The Patriot, Rudy, 2010, Aliens, Under The Tuscan Sun, Wall Street, The Game, Back to the Future, The Postman, Field of Dreams, Rumour Has It (really anything with fellow fraternity brother Kevin Costner. Yes... Even Waterworld). Recent favorites: Before Sunrise & Before Sunset (two separate movies).
Battlestar Galactica (new and classic), Inside the Actors Studio, Survivorman, FutureWeapons, American Chopper, The Revolution (History Channel), Stargate SG1, Various Sports, Austin City Limits, Nova, Boston Legal, The Practice (yes, I know, not real manly! HAHA), Nip/Tuck (its dark, its wrong, but man its good!). My guilty pleasure now is re-run's of Magnum PI. I really don't watch a lot of TV every night, but my DVR is a lifesaver!
Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Awaken the Giant Within, Now Boarding: Next Stop Your Remarkable Life, Lincoln: Power & Purpose, The Message, Roaring Lambs, any fiction book by Greg Bear
My parents, Kandee G, John Paul II, Jesus, Lincoln, Richard Hatch (BSG, not the nude Survivor dude!), Denzel Washington, Bono, Everyday people making a positive difference in the world..