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Michael McCleary

We are all put on this Earth to do something profound, what will be your legacy?

About Me

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I'm the proud father of three children, Andrew, Isabel and Nicholas. I'm also a husband to my amazing wife Heather.Co-Founder of Beacon Media, LLC a video production, web and graphic design company. I'm currently a Creator (along with Troy Foster & Chris Freeman) and Executive Producer of a new TV pilot in post-production entitled "City of God". I'm also a Vision Program Specialist for my mentor Kandee G's corporate success vehicle, The Vision Program
I'm also the Creator, Executive Producer and Host of the new feature length documentary due out Spring '08. My goal with this film is to share with the viewer what it means to be truly successful and that our dreams are attainable, even to the least connected in society. We all have a story to tell, from the most famous in society to those who have been the most downtrodden. By understanding what we all bring to the table and the fact that we are all much more alike than we realize we can repair the divisions in society and create a more loving and understanding world for future generations.
View the demo by clicking here

My Interests

Photography, Speaking, Entrepreneurship, Sports, Music, Sci-Fi, Classic Cars, Friends, Producing, Connecting People, Networking, Film, Modern Art, Sculpture, Spirituality

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet so many different people, its just a huge list. With my documentary I've been priviledged to meet an amazing group of individuals. What I have learned is that we all have a story to tell, no matter who we are or where we are in life.If you made me pick someone though (particularly to interview) it would be: John Paul II (maybe after this life now?), Dalai Lama, Kevin Costner, Lance Armstrong, Ronald D. Moore, Other dreamers and doers, Dennis Miller, Diane Lane, Denzel Washington, James Lipton, Peter Diamandis, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Franklin Graham, Bono, Peter Furler, Anousheh Ansari, Dr. Stephen Hawking

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My World Visitor Map!

What is Success? From my documentary, Anything But Ordinary (www.anythingbutordinary.net). Sequence edited by Brad aka "BradAxe" Osentoski (see Brad in my top friends below!)


Various... U2, 80's Rock, Linkin Park, Rolling Stones, Newsboys, Bon Jovi, Sugarland, Garth Brooks, Lifehouse, Toby Keith. Indies such as Ag Silver, Renovaudio, Schaeffer, Chris Freeman and Annie Marleau.


ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY, Top Gun, Bad Boys, Gladiator, Cinderella Man, LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek II, Office Space, Sideways, Wedding Crashers, The Patriot, Rudy, 2010, Aliens, Under The Tuscan Sun, Wall Street, The Game, Back to the Future, The Postman, Field of Dreams, Rumour Has It (really anything with fellow fraternity brother Kevin Costner. Yes... Even Waterworld). Recent favorites: Before Sunrise & Before Sunset (two separate movies).


Battlestar Galactica (new and classic), Inside the Actors Studio, Survivorman, FutureWeapons, American Chopper, The Revolution (History Channel), Stargate SG1, Various Sports, Austin City Limits, Nova, Boston Legal, The Practice (yes, I know, not real manly! HAHA), Nip/Tuck (its dark, its wrong, but man its good!). My guilty pleasure now is re-run's of Magnum PI. I really don't watch a lot of TV every night, but my DVR is a lifesaver!


Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Awaken the Giant Within, Now Boarding: Next Stop Your Remarkable Life, Lincoln: Power & Purpose, The Message, Roaring Lambs, any fiction book by Greg Bear


My parents, Kandee G, John Paul II, Jesus, Lincoln, Richard Hatch (BSG, not the nude Survivor dude!), Denzel Washington, Bono, Everyday people making a positive difference in the world..

My Blog

Still Alive

Friends,Wow, its been quite crazy around here. We've been really busy with work, plus I took a couple week vacation the end of March which was really, really much needed! Casey, Brad and I just fini...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:51:00 PST

Accentuating the Positive, Its Not All Doom & Gloom

For some reason, many American's lately seem to be deeply in the self-flaggilation mode. A dose of reality can do everyone a bit of good. Some want to say America is on a downward trend, that we are...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:03:00 PST

A Letter from Birmingham....

In reflection of today, I'm posting the entire letter that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote from his jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. The letter is quite long, however, it is deserving of a...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:07:00 PST

Musings on tolerance, faith, unity and being unique... Who Am I?

I'm just prompted to write briefly today about my continued thinking on unity but also uniqueness.As a unique individual I also claim entry in various homogenious groups as well. I'm a Catholic and a...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:14:00 PST

God... And the Constitution.

For those of you who were wondering what I was talking about (and those of you new to the blog) yesterday on my blog about Republican candidate going to far, here is the text of what he said as quoted...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:48:00 PST

Too Far? Unity....

After this blog and another one in the next day or so, I'm going to move away from politics blogging for the time being. Politics is fun, but too much to me can be depressing. Its like when you eat ...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:46:00 PST

And the winner is....

So who did I vote for today?Well I took my own advice in my last blog post and voted my heart.After much thought and reflection, my vote went happily to HUCKABEE.
Posted by Michael McCleary on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:22:00 PST

Get involved in the process...

One last word tonight. My friend Steve posted a great blog entry about the current political races. You can read it by clicking here! His biggest reason for posting was to encourage people to start...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:20:00 PST

Decisions... Decisions...

Well its come down to a few hours before primary elections here in Michigan. I'm currently in a bit of turmoil. As I'm voting in the Republican primary, I'm not super gung ho about any of the candid...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:03:00 PST

It’s actually been... Cold?

Hmm.... This is an interesting blog to write because I'm sure some people will flip out on me as if I'm some evil man who wants children to starve, plagues and floods of biblical proportions and chaos...
Posted by Michael McCleary on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 09:51:00 PST