Knowledge is Power

About Me

"He Brought Me Out" - My name is Andrew Moore and I am a Citizen in the Kingdom of Christ. But it wasn't always that way. I always struggled with Depression. In 1999 my best friend killed himself by shooting himself in the head. Not even Three months after that a friend of mine that I grew up with Hung himself in his Mothers basement. It was to much for me to take in so I to wanted to Die as well. I sat in my bedroom in my mothers house with a gun in my Mouth. As I sat there I felt so much pain come over me that I wanted to end it all right there. I put the safety of the Gun on and put the Gun in my Mouth. As I pulled on the trigger I remember thinking I will just get some practice in before I go a head and take the safety off. I pulled the trigger about three times, and when I pulled the Gun out of my mouth the Gun just Went Off - Boooom! Little did I know that the safety was not working and when the Shock wave from the sound of the Gun going off hit me I heard a Voice speak. "Not Even You Can Take Your Life." At that very moment I knew it was God who was talking. The actions that I took should have killed me because the safety was never on. But through Devine Intervention The Lord Saved my Life. He Brought Me Out. Satan wanted to kill me early Because he knew who I would become for Jesus Christ. He knew I would become Gods representation of a Heavenly Kingdom here on Earth. For the Kingdom of God Is Inside all of his Children. (Luke 17:21)
Christian MySpace Graphics

My Interests


Member Since: 3/2/2006
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Type of Label: None

My Blog

Pledge Of Allegiance

Since the Pledge of Allegiance And The Lord's Prayer Are not allowed in most Public schools anymore Because the word 'God' is mentioned.... A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer : No...
Posted by KNOWLEDGE - THE OFFICIAL MYSPACE MUSIC PAGE on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 09:54:00 PST

Booking Info for Knowledge

If you would like to Book Knowledge for any Ministry event, Rap Concert, Speaking Engagement and or Conference contact Knowledge Himself at (215) 866-7463       &nbs...
Posted by KNOWLEDGE - THE OFFICIAL MYSPACE MUSIC PAGE on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:24:00 PST


Praise the Lord on this day that he has made.  I'm just writing to inform everyone that recently my page has been hacked and my password has been stolen.  In the mist of this action, hackers...
Posted by KNOWLEDGE - THE OFFICIAL MYSPACE MUSIC PAGE on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:50:00 PST