FinnsBass profile picture


This page is being trashed! Check below for new page info!

About Me

About me:
This page is under deconstruction. I've heard from a number of you that it locked up or crashed your computers. Well, not any more. The plug's been pulled. I've created a new and better page and it runs as smooth as silk, it's the cat's ass, all that and a pint of get the idea. Please join the new page by clicking the blue hot link below: and then delete yourself from the old page so I don't have to weed through 1000 people to find you. Please? You have no idea how long that takes. When all of you are over I'll trash the old page an put the final nail in this page's coffin.
Very cool!

John "O'Doom" Davis
Finn's Fury Bassist

My Interests


About me:
This page is under deconstruction. I've heard from a number of you that it locked up or crashed your computers. Well, not any more. The plug's been pulled. I've created a new and better page and it runs as smooth as silk, it's the cat's ass, all that and a pint of get the idea. Please join the new page by clicking the blue hot link below: and then delete yourself from the old page so I don't have to weed through 1000 people to find you. Please? You have no idea how long that takes. When all of you are over I'll trash the old page an put the final nail in this page's coffin.
Very cool!

John "O'Doom" Davis
Finn's Fury Bassist