Obsessed with the number 3...infatuated with Germany...love underground and unknowns in music...I speak my mind, hate liars, and I love omletes
Everybody...people and zombies alike.
Latest project just finished...
One of many interviews we did for the Austin Movie Show @ SXSW 07!
Muse, Bob Dylan, Ghostland Observatory, Patty Griffin, Stars, Common, Decemberist, Radiohead, The Strokes, Imogen Heap, DeVotchka, Timberland, John Legend, Stevie Wonder, Amy Winehouse, Michael Stipe, Dynah, Friends of LIzzy, Dreamt the End, Sarah Jaroasz (wait and see), Robin Thicke, Jollie Holland, Death Cab for Cutie, Pixies, Coldplay, Beatles, Postal Service, Frou Frou, Justin Timberlake, Ivy, Maroon 5, Boyz II Men, 13th Floor Elevators, Elliot Smith, Eminem, Tupac, Octapus Project, Radiohead, Ella Fitzgerald, Jay Z n Beatles = Grey Album, Cuban Music, German hiphop...keep em coming...
I simply love all of them...well...the good ones!!!
Family Guy...is there really other television beyond this...
Five People You Will Meet In Heaven, Revelations, Bad As I Wanna Be, Sacred Hoops, Der Kleiner Prinz, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Santa Claus, elves, reindeer, snow, random singing animals while walking down the street.