RRRRR. Incomprehensible. Genius—I know A LOT of a little of everything. $$$, greedy ambitions. Workaholic. ’97 4Runner + Moto RZR3. Driven. Heroic temper. CHOCOLAT. Bitch bitch bitch + BRAT! Ethanol Hydroxyl*. Photography. Practical; hates ignorance / stupidity. Illuminant. HAAATERR! Uncompromising determination. Elevated. Blessed. English Lit. 121706; I love Daniel Borja. Future pre-med / biotech. Incomparable. Tennis, Kickboxing, and Weight Training. Social and conversational. Take-advantagely nice. Legend. Fka hiroller, see me. Talk my shit. Et cetera, et cetera.
Fuck you,
Niggas' on some bitch shit but,
change gon' come
and when it do
you better get wit' it.