(H) Appy Logies is a Live Art Duo composed of artists visciousirene and Ines d'Almey
Coming from diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds, (H)Appy Logies have worked with video, writing, dance, theatre, visual arts, music, both individually before meeting each other, and as a duo. (H)Appy Logies have worked around and explored the visceral, violent, sublime and profundly human experiences of desire, self obsession, hysteria, love, highlighting these feelings in a funny, disturbing, contemplative or meditative way.
(H)Appy Logies are currently working on several independent projects.
**** "Body Signifier", is a performance investigating how feelings, emotions, and bonds between two people shape their bodies by projecting and printing a permanent trace on it, a testimony of a shared, silent moment. Different paths are thus created, mentally, physically, emotionally. These are paths and walks of desire and love, of violence and possession, of human transitions between reflexion, creation, and transformation. These leave a trace on the body. The trace is visible. It lingers.
**** "HOME, (provisory title for permanent foundations)" is a video project, an installation, and a performance. It premiered in June at ACTart5 and will be taken to other venues in London and to Deviant Festival in Sweden throughout the summer (see tour dates). HOME deconstructs our daily routines and gestures, and investigates the tools that we were given in life to survive our daily domestic struggles. HOME also reveals and explores the dark side of desire, compulsive behaviours, self obsession, and hysteria, and turns the mad woman from the attic into a masturbating, compulsive kitchen disaster. An extract of the performance can be watched in the video space on this page.
****(H)Appy Logies are also currently developing other projects: the performance "Doppio", is at its very first stages...it will talk about resemblance, difference, and the mechanisms and dynamics of appearance in gender identity and queer representations...(H) are also working on a piece about domesticity in a domectic setting (different houses), "BOOTH" an intimate site-specific cupboard audio piece that involves audience participation automatic drawing and writing, coming soon to life in Deptford and "Kiss", a video piece that should involve colourful helmets, a lot of saliva, and tongue coordination...more coming soon...
Since October 2006, (H)Appy Logies have toured accross Europe presenting their debut piece, "Body Signifier" and then HOME in Edinburgh, Berlin, Poznan, London, Bristol and Manchester in venus such as CUBE, Beaconsfield Gallery or the Space. (H)Appy Logies have also performed at The Deviant Art Festival In July 2007 in Trollathan, Sweden
-ACTART 5 at the Vaults, London, 8 June
-WILD DOG5 at the SPACE, London, 9 June
-DEVIANT FESTIVAL, Trollathan, Sweden, 14-28 July
-AREA 10, SAWMILL, PAC performance event, Sunday 5 August
-DUCKIE, Vauxhall tavern, 11 August.
Our website is under construction... http://happylogies.pcriot.com