music, hanging out, playing video games, cooking, other monkeys (not cooking other monkeys, you sicko. cooking and other monkeys. two separate things.)
adopt your own virtual pet!
please feed wiggles. he's very hungry.
any and all monkeys (monkies?)... stuffed or not.
i also like people who have conscience, and are nice to both monkies and people.
the violent femmes, weezer, the rocky horror soundtrack, the beastie boys, run DMC, the sugar hill gang, anything with the lyrics "baba booey", gnarls barkley, the gorillaz, cake
most of them... except the lousy ones. go see clerks 2. your life depends on it.
pee-wee's playhouse, lost, flavor of love, rescue me, ER
the elegant universe, dragons of eden, breakfast of champions, cosmos, lizard music
sports mascots (parker from the fresno grizzlies is pretty cool)