Big Boy profile picture

Big Boy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm big boy. i live in fresno with my two brothers and a couple in a small apartment. it gets crowded, but we all try to play nice.
if you can't tell from my picture... i'm a stuffed monkey.
the couple i live with are nice. they take good care of us. i think they work too much... they're always busy! at least they leave us plenty of bananas and coloring books to make the day go by faster! i also like nintendo.
i'm always looking for new friends. i like people (or stuffed animals) who seem nice, and have a healthy sense of humor.
i'm also originally from new york, if that makes any difference.

My Interests

music, hanging out, playing video games, cooking, other monkeys (not cooking other monkeys, you sicko. cooking and other monkeys. two separate things.)

adopt your own virtual pet!
please feed wiggles. he's very hungry.

I'd like to meet:

any and all monkeys (monkies?)... stuffed or not.
i also like people who have conscience, and are nice to both monkies and people.


the violent femmes, weezer, the rocky horror soundtrack, the beastie boys, run DMC, the sugar hill gang, anything with the lyrics "baba booey", gnarls barkley, the gorillaz, cake


most of them... except the lousy ones. go see clerks 2. your life depends on it.


pee-wee's playhouse, lost, flavor of love, rescue me, ER


the elegant universe, dragons of eden, breakfast of champions, cosmos, lizard music


sports mascots (parker from the fresno grizzlies is pretty cool)

My Blog

new blog

it hurts my monkey paws to type sometimes. so that's why i don't blog as much as i would like. i am, however, doing a lot of calisthenics lately so i am gaining a lot of upper body strength. i saw the...
Posted by Big Boy on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 05:43:00 PST

dear mel gibson,

wtf. seriously. what is wrong with you? ok, you get pulled over for drunken driving. fine. i know plenty of people who drink until they fall down and then try to drive home, only to get arr...
Posted by Big Boy on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 04:29:00 PST

it's 112 degrees outside.

dude! it's really bad. it's hot outside and my fur is getting really itchy. at least people can take their clothes off. but monkeys are stuck. i guess i could shave, but i don't know about that. the g...
Posted by Big Boy on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 05:40:00 PST

ok. so maybe not.

i was a little mad when i wrote my previous blog entry. the couple i live with and i had a little disagreement. i want my own television and cable box, because my brothers only want to watch wrestling...
Posted by Big Boy on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 07:13:00 PST

calling all monkies!

i'm trying to get monkies from across the globe to join in my monkey group. these humans know nothing... we can easily overthrow them! who's in?!?...
Posted by Big Boy on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:23:00 PST