Daisy Marie profile picture

Daisy Marie

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello, everybody! I am Missus Mel'nee's first-borned sock monkey girl! I have livings on the Sunnyflower Farm in Columbeeya, Missouri! I like to make playings in the gardens and meetings of new peeples and dancings in the sunshinings and the moonshinings! Of the also, I have happiness to write poetrees and plays and even to make actings in them some of the timings! I live with my brother Wendel, who has great learnings, and my sister Dee Dee, who likes the musics very much, and also Veronica, who makes runnings of the fashion workshop, and Pine Cone who rolls on dancing, and Mulchee the Clown, and Cap'n "Big Eye" Jackson and his First Mate George (and Andromeda, our psychic kitty friend from Super Happy Fun Land), and Mimi, who likes blender drinks, and Deva, who meditates, and Clara Sue (with her beloved Froggy) who fantisates, and Randy the Squirrel, who wants to make doings everything he sees, and Tenacity, who makes her workings at the universitee office (but not for much of the longer!) and Sufficiency, who makes her workings there of the also but is of more calmness about it, and Companion, who speaks only the Portuguese!
You can make more learnings about us and also how to make adoptions of your own sock monkey at daisycara.com ! Thank you! Pleese be very happy peeples!
P of the S! We will make our reportings on the Great Rockford Festivation of the soon! In the meantiming, you can please make seeings of the fantastical Wonga La La Tournamenting!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Peeples with the sense of playfulness and creativitees!

My Blog

Wheeee! The Sock Monkey Festivation is Almost of Hereness!

Hosted By: Midway Village & Museum CenterWhen: Saturday Mar 10, 2007 at 11:00 AMWhere: Midway Village & Museum Center6799 Guilford RoadRockford, IL 61107United StatesDescription:Midway Village...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 04:39:00 GMT

Of the Finallee, We Have Sock Monkey Festivation Reportings!!

Hello, everybody! It is me, Daisy Marie! Oh my goodness! What citing times in which we make our livings! I am such a lucky sock monkey girl! Without the furthering of ado, we have reportings and sto...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 20:00:00 GMT

Festivation Updating!

Hello, everybody! It is me, Daisy Marie, your sock monkey corresponding girl! We made lots and lots and lots of picturings at the fantasticatious Sock Monkey Festivation in the land of Rockford! We m...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:10:00 GMT

Hooray! Hooray! Adventurings... Away!

Hello, everybody! It is me, Daisy Marie! I am a very cited monkey girl because today we are going to Rockford for the very second Sock Monkey Festivation! We are in the Chicago Land at the momentary, ...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 05:19:00 GMT