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Woop Woop

Woop Woop The Famous Globe Trotting Bear

About Me

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I'm a bear on a mission to make the World more fun! I travel the world staying with people who will offer me adventure and excitement. They then send in photo's and info to my MSN Web Group for the world to see. So remember "Don't Worry, Just Woop! Woop!"

I'm not a teddy, I'm a BEAR:

B rave
E xciting
A dventurous
R isk Taker
I'd really like your help to Create a World of Fun! Make Woop! Woop! Not War :

'Woop! Woop! Round The World' (Woop! Woop! mean's anything, fun, good, nice or happy)
In Woop Woop's World everybody can join in and do something fun! Dress up, be silly, have a party. Spread the word & get the World to Woop! Woop!
Together, we can show World leaders that we can live happily together, be nice, have fun and don't want any wars .

There's more info on my blog and also on:
Re-discover the child within you!

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My Interests

Have Great Adventures & meeting new people of all shapes & sizes.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone kind, who can help me on my mission to make the world more fun!

If you have any fun idea's for me or would like to get involved in a fun beariness in your spare time, please don't be shy let me know!

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All Sorts. Coming soon a Funky New Woop!Woop! song


Yep, I'd love to be in a film!


I available for TV Shows too!


Coming Soon 'The Extraordinary Adventures of Woop Woop" which is sure to be a BEarST Seller!


Steve Irwin, Che Guevara,Danny Wallace - King of Lovely, You, Nice people & BEARs:Brave-Exciting-Adventurous-Risk takers!

My Blog

Create a Dance or Video for my New Funky Song!

Hi Friends, Here's your chance to come up with a Dance or Video for my Funky new song?My friends at Mouse Studios have helped me to produce a funky Woop! Woop! song. We though...
Posted by Woop Woop on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:08:00 PST

Woop Woop Stress Relief!

Everybody Go Woop! Woop!Let's Create A Little Merriment With A Little Woop Woop Stress Relief! It appears, pressures of the modern world are sapping the life out of many once fun loving people. L...
Posted by Woop Woop on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 01:59:00 PST

Woop Woop Updates

Hiya everybody, it's little ol'me Woop Woop. Is anyone out there?   Sorry I've neglected you lately, but I was having so much fun in Aus that some of my stuffing fell out my ears and I forgot how...
Posted by Woop Woop on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:07:00 PST

Woop! Woop! Round The World Day

Today I was given my biggest Challenge ever, so I'd really like your help pleaz!   For WOOP! WOOP! ROUND THE WORLD DAY on  22nd SEPTEMBER 2007   The Challenge is to ge...
Posted by Woop Woop on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:19:00 PST

Blow ya own Trumpet here!

I reckon Human Beans are taught to be too modest, so I thought I want to change all that & I would start a blog where you can Blow Ya Own Trumpet!    Go on tell us: How great y...
Posted by Woop Woop on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 10:40:00 PST

What do you think of Bush n Blair??

Hi Friends Can you spare a mo & let me know ya honest opinion of what you fink of Bush n  Blair?  Cause it  will be very useful info for ...
Posted by Woop Woop on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 05:22:00 PST

Promote a song on WoopWoopsWorld

Hi Friends Every week I like to promote a different song on my WoopWoopsWorld Myspace. If you have or know of a great song that you wood like me to promote do send me you suggestions.   Ma...
Posted by Woop Woop on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 07:27:00 PST

My 1st Gig Tomorrow with Splendid Eddie

Hi, I'm doing a gig with Splendid Eddie  7.30 pm tomorrow night at the Wedgewood Rooms, Southsea, UK. Be great if any of you can make it there to offer some support, do come and say hi to me...
Posted by Woop Woop on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 11:54:00 PST

I'm New to Blog

Hi everybody, I'm new to blog and don't really know what I'm doing, but I'd love to hear from anyone who wants to be my friend and can will blog me! CheersWoop WoopThe Famous Globe Trotting Bear &nbs...
Posted by Woop Woop on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 01:43:00 PST