About Me
Once guitarist with Stampin' Ground, I now run GRINDSTONE STUDIO producing UK metal / hardcore and rock bands. After years of witnessing some killer UK talent lay waste in venues all over the country, it pained me to get their demos home only to hear them sound like shit. I know how it felt to be in a band with few options to get your songs recorded how you wanted them, and not be ripped off for the privaledge. So, in 2003, I applied what I learnt from a decade of recording with SG and set about doing it myself. Very soon I was getting better results than some well known people in the buisness.
GRINDSTONE STUDIO is located near Ipswich, U.K and functions as a fully-equipped recording and production studio; a Mac G5 powered Pro Tools HD2 Accel system with all the necessary outboard, plug ins, backline and mics you will need. Throughout the recording process I take bands through a structured approach of getting the right groove and vibe right through to getting the required performances for the song. Playing is key to a great sounding track, so all members will be pushed to their limit to get the best from them. An individuals playing technique is paramount in moulding a song, so lots of rehearsal and practise in advance is well advised. All in all, im not only here to give you the killer tones, punchy mixes and loud masters your music craves, but to get the best out of your band possible.
In this competitive climate all bands need releasable CD's that will work hard for them, a typical DIY bedroom demo with programmed drums will only cheapen your band and lump you in with the 1000's of other struggling wannabe's. A strong production job will make your band stand out from the pack - if you are lucky to get a 20 second spin in any key players office, you'd better make it count. A great CD is this only thing that will gain your band quality gigs, professional recognition and the ability for potential fans to buy and appreciate your music.
My artist/client list includes: Romeo Must Die, Denounce, Cinders Fall, Uncerta, Inversion, Madman Is Absolute, Fallout, Breedapart, Waking Theo, Reasonable Doubt, Break The Omerta, Beyond The Grave, Divine Chaos, Mantora, Hara Kiri, Boltdown, Subdue, Gift Wrapped Fist, The Silent Takeover, Blindsight, Sons Of Chaos, The More I See, Kingsize Blues, Gama Bomb among others.