Breedapart DVD Trailer
Decibel Hell Presents South Of Heaven Trailer - Featuring Breedapart!
A mix of utterly mesmerising, pounding yet precise modern thrash drums and highly-charged metal riffs played at immense Slayer-like velocity with a beating bass sound that will crush your chest. As for the vocals, prepare to have your still beating black heart ripped from your chest.
"Their kick-ass set supporting Akercocke proved, beyond a doubt, why these brutal metallers are a breed apart from the rest." // Totalrock Radio
"Whoa who took a dump in Breedapart’s cereal. This lot were angry and muscular and were fucking impressive with it. We may have been hit by foot and mouth disease again and this was the sound of it, prime beef in every respect. The drumming was immense, the pace slayed and hit like a cattle prod between the eyes pretty much stopping everything in its tracks. ‘Wars Within The Mind Are Fatal’ had the intensity of UK hardcore greats Medulla Nocte and even with bursts of clean singing still was hefty as a heifer and a half. They got people down the front going for it at last and despite frustrating problems laying a guitarist out of action for a large part of the set they carried on and still pretty much flattened the joint. Think the last song was ‘Apocalypse’ and that’s certainly what this lot sounded like." // Camden Underworld Review
"So much potential, in fact, that it's no exaggeration to say that this is the aural equivalent of when Wayne Rooney was discovered at just nine years old." // Metal4Life Review Show All
"Apart from all Nu-Metal trends, they mix already known ingredients to one explosive Metal mixture that makes you want more of it. You can be more than anxious..." // Metal Observer Review Show All
"This brutal EP, features laser precision drumming and eight fingered guitaristry....This is a jolting sucess of a debut. Excellent stuff" // Metal Hammer - Demo Of The Month
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