whiskey dix saloon profile picture

whiskey dix saloon

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Whiskey Dix Saloon opened in April 2003, in an old warehouse at 421 N. 7th St., just next door to the Electric Factory. Whiskey Dix is a popular spot for a diverse crowd of college students, concertgoers and celebrities.
From North of Philadelphia
Take 95 South to Exit 22 (Central Philadelphia / Callowhill Street)
Follow the signs for Callowhill Street Ramp At the bottom of the ramp, make a right onto Callowhill Street
Go straight on Callowhill Street to 7th Street Make a right on 7th Street Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right?
From South of Philadelphia
Take 95 North to Exit 20 (Central Philadelphia / Callowhill Street)
Follow the exit ramp to Callowhill Street
Take Callowhill Street to 7th Street
Make a right on 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right
From West of Philadelphia
Take 76 East to Exit 334 (Central Philadelphia / 676 East / Vine St. Expressway)
Take 676 East to the 8th Street Exit
Follow the signs for 7th Street (sign says Franklin St.)
Make a left onto 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right
From New Jersey
Take the Ben Franklin Bridge to Philadelphia
Make a right once you cross the bridge and follow 5th Street to Callowhill Street
Make a left and then a right onto Callowhill Street to 7th Street
Make a right on 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right
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My Interests

cheap beer, easy women and rock and roll!!!

I'd like to meet:

BANDS!!! Contact us for booking information!!

Private parties are always welcome, especially for the ladies! On Saturday nights, Whiskey Dix is the hottest bar in the city for bachelorette parties. We have six different packages to choose from to make your last official night as a single girl unforgettable. Whiskey Dix is also available to rent out for special events and can hold up to 400 people. Contact us for details and more information.

Have you played here? Have Pictures? Send them to us, we'll put them up!