Whiskey Dix Saloon opened in April 2003, in an old warehouse at 421 N. 7th St., just next door to the Electric Factory. Whiskey Dix is a popular spot for a diverse crowd of college students, concertgoers and celebrities.
From North of Philadelphia
Take 95 South to Exit 22 (Central Philadelphia / Callowhill Street)
Follow the signs for Callowhill Street Ramp
At the bottom of the ramp, make a right onto Callowhill Street
Go straight on Callowhill Street to 7th Street
Make a right on 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right?
From South of Philadelphia
Take 95 North to Exit 20 (Central Philadelphia / Callowhill Street)
Follow the exit ramp to Callowhill Street
Take Callowhill Street to 7th Street
Make a right on 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right
From West of Philadelphia
Take 76 East to Exit 334 (Central Philadelphia / 676 East / Vine St. Expressway)
Take 676 East to the 8th Street Exit
Follow the signs for 7th Street (sign says Franklin St.)
Make a left onto 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right
From New Jersey
Take the Ben Franklin Bridge to Philadelphia
Make a right once you cross the bridge and follow 5th Street to Callowhill Street
Make a left and then a right onto Callowhill Street to 7th Street
Make a right on 7th Street
Whiskey Dix is located ½ block on your right
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