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Evolution of Consciousness

To ask questions about a basic, and omnipresent human ability is to implicitly ask questions about E

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Evolve: The Conscious Renaissance
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Add to My Profile | More Videos"These are the End times and the people must know the truth, share what we have taught you. There can be no more secrets now if we are to survive as a thinking species through these times." "This," they say, "must be done because the dream of humanity can only be preserved through the combined efforts of all peoples, and the joining and merging of all cultures into a oneness." -- statement of the traditional Hopi Elders as told to Cho Qosh Auh Ho Oh, a Chumash/Yaqui/Maya Indian

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Add to My Profile | More VideosTHE EGO AND THE QUEST FOR ACCEPTANCEAnd so, we have arrived at our point of conclusion. Ra claims to have given this Pyramid to humanity, and we can see that the harvest was built-in to the design. Rather than struggling with the incredibly complex specifics about the timeline, (since it takes an entire book to properly explain,) shutting down because the weight of evidence is too intense or just denying the entire batch of evidence in this book with a satisfying, arrogant laugh, let’s look at the big picture. If we really expect to get anywhere, we need to act like we’re watching a movie, and stop the small I, or the Ego, from raging inside of us.The Ego demands that everything must stay the same – we work five days a week, hang out on weekends, and stare at a fast-moving, brightly colored glass box for recreation. Perhaps something like God is out there, but it remains forever hidden and veiled, as we just become a cold lifeless corpse at the fearsome time of death, our consciousness forever expired. Our neat little world is perfectly explained because “they say” it is, and therefore nothing this fantastic could ever really happen.That is precisely why very, very few are prepared for the Harvest, according to Ra. These forces would dearly love to teach us the very simple steps that we need to take in order to make the cut. They dearly want to teach all of us how to prepare for this, the most fantastic moment we will ever experience as third-density beings – GRADUATION. This event represents the end of the suffering that the third density provides; it is a final, beautiful entrance into Utopia. It is the “Heaven” so often written about by prophets and mystics, and it is very real. The abilities we will have far outstrip our wildest stretches of imagination.The reason why so many Earth Changes have already occurred before the event itself is that we were not capable of learning any other way. We needed to be practically destroyed as a civilization to be slammed out of our perpetual slumber. Our lives are giant dreams, where the only things that matter are the transient issues that surface day to day; money, relationships, work, paying the bills, et cetera. None of this matters one iota, except for its effect on how we treat others. We cannot deny the fact, though, that for now we must continue to go through the motions to preserve our physical bodies.What will matter the most in the near future of our physical world is how prepared we are for the continuing Earth Changes when all of these systems have dropped out from under us. These events will help us to respect that something much bigger than we had imagined is at work. Many of us will suddenly know the forces of change that we have brought about ourselves; almost all will cower in fear at the apparent “wrath of God.” In actuality, this is natural karma, compassionately applied with never the slightest bit more than we need for balance, and designed as a learning tool.Indeed, it becomes quite clear that the Shift of the Ages is the name of the game, the whole point behind all of the physically hopeless situations. Much of this book has been designed to show us how the millennial event horizon is the opening of a vortex through space and time – a vortex that we can pass into. When the time is right, we will embark on a personal adventure more fantastic than anything we could have ever dreamed of. Indeed, no movie sequence or artist’s vision could possibly match the joy, beauty and peace of what will be. That, dear friends, is the joy of the Harvest.As we can see, the information in this book is not a story of, “Oh well, I guess this is it, we’re all going to die.” What you, the reader, actually have here is the opportunity to take part in the most historic single moment of evolution in this planet’s history. But if you don’t want to know about it, you can choose not to. Again and again, these sources have emphasized that it is your own free will, your universal right to be protected from truth if you do not want to know the truth, that stops you from being clearly forewarned.So let’s say you do want to know the truth. What we are talking about here is evolution of your true Self on the energetic, harmonic and light levels, or Spiritual Growth, as is so commonly talked about. Spiritual growth must, by nature of its design, involve your own choices every step of the way. It is not the will of the One to force you into preparing yourself for Harvest. If you continue to resist, and in fact miss the whole thing, you must be allowed to make that choice. It is possible that you might be unaware that it ever even happened afterwards. Without your freewill choices in place, there is no growth; you would be an automaton who would never really learn anything, just going through the motions.This evolutionary leap is as much personal as it is planetary, and that is the essential focus that most people are failing to see when examining the issues surrounding the now-obvious Earth Changes that are occurring, as predicted. This is a step that we must make within ourselves, and in fact the conditions of the larger world are not to be looked at as outside events, but rather as motivators for us to become ever more highly engaged in our own personal growth process.The crux of the growth process that we are referring to here is the acceptance of other people, and of a desire to help them; a desire to act on behalf of others around us before taking actions that would be for our own individual gains. When we begin understanding the way the universe truly works, that it is a universe of Oneness, we may then realize that helping others is in fact attending to our own One Being, meaning ourselves, the others, the entire planet and in essence, the entire Creation. It is only in our illusory feelings of being separate from the One that we would act, in fear, for our own interests first.Reiki Jin Kei Do
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Rabbit in the Moon - Let's Dance
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Anything that makes you think!!! Oh and really good special effects!!This is your last chance
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What's a television?!?!?!?Resonance: Sound=Form
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Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein is still my all time favorite book. I read it at least once a year. I am a bibliophile and currently have a library of well over 500 books. I collect secret and lost information so most of my books are over 100 years old and very rare.


All the children of the light who are finally waking up. Bide your time and hold out hope! We shall cleanse the world!!!!Dr. John Hagelin - consciousness based peace
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The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------Infinite gratitude for sharing: annicaDate: Aug 29, 2008 7:00 AMDate: Aug 28, 2008 12:59 AMthanks toEddie NWO Censored Bruce Lipton - The N...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 03:39:00 PST

The year of the Blue Electric Storm

July 26, 2008 was the 1st day of the new mayan year.  Here is the full reading for the collective vibrations that this year is bringing. Love & Light, evoL Blue Electric Storm   ...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:23:00 PST


10 minutes well spent ~ Featuring Noted Experts - Fred Alan Wolf, Peter Russell, Professor Al-Khalili, York Dobyns, Robert Anton Wilson, Dean Radin, Richard Alan Miller, Michael Talbot, Greg...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:29:00 PST

Divine signs are everywhere.

Divine Signs In Everyday LifeBy:  Lisa NashPsychics do not have a monopoly on insight. There are many signs that we can read to make sense of any life situation at any moment. Signs are everywher...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Tue, 27 May 2008 04:47:00 PST

Spirituality and Relationships

Spirituality and Relationships: Setting Right Relationships By Hasmika Dasaji        If someone you meet on the road asks who you are, how do you answer? I am an employee...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:41:00 PST

Synchronicity explained! Proof that there are no such things as coincidences

Murakami's Model of Synchronicity Synchronicity has been a facination of mine for many years. It is just one of those things that sticks in the mind as being something that is just too weird to just b...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Mon, 12 May 2008 09:49:00 PST

Piercing the Romantic Illusion

Excerpted from a talk by Andrew Cohen at Foxhollow, Lenox, MA, December 31, 2006. One of things that I've been trying to do, ever since I started teaching, is to work on the age-old problem of romanti...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:55:00 PST

Spiritual Inquiry and the Evolution of Consciousness

What is the purpose of spiritual inquiry? It is to make sense out of life at the deepest level. If we don’t make the effort to deeply grasp who we are and why we are here, we will half-blindly s...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:10:00 PST

The Eleven Gateways ~ Thru the 11:11 doorway of Orion

THE ELEVEN GATEWAYS THROUGH THE 11:11 DOORWAY OF ORIONSoluntra King © 2002 - 2008We are now in the eleventh gate...i will be updating this by 12th march NINTH GATE 11:11  TENTH GATE 11:11 &n...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:55:00 PST

2012 ~ Messages from Hopi Elders "Live your spirituality"

Hopi Elders Say Earth Changes Are Upon UsA BIT OF SPIRITUAL INFORMATION FROM THE HOPI INDIANSby Simon Hunt During the past week there have been a few events that deserve our attention, thought, and ex...
Posted by Evolution of Consciousness on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 06:07:00 PST