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Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am that which I am, and I am pleased with it -- Joyful in it. And you are that which you are -- and while it is different, perhaps, than that which I am, it is also good. Because I am able to focus upon that which I want, even if there are those differences between us that are dramatic, I do not suffer the negative emotion because I am wise enough not to focus upon that which brings me discomfort. I have come to understand, as I am one who is applying the Law of Allowing, that I have not come forth into this physical world to get everyone to follow the truth that I think is the truth. I have not come forth to encourage the world into a world of conformity or sameness, for I am wise enough to understand that in sameness, in conformity, there is not the diversity that stimulates creativity. And that in focusing upon bringing about conformity -- I am pointed toward an ending, rather than a continuing, of creationWhy obtaining results looks so difficult when you are going to improve your body shape and so health? So many people are discouraged by the fact that progress seems too slow if compared to the time and money they invest in the program. The reasons of this could be several.RESULTS need a full daily conscious approach towards health, shape and conditioning.It is not enough going to the gym, jump on a machine or under a barbell and move your body to sculpt it as you like.Results arise in the kitchen , with the correct, carb conscious, nutritional approach, continue in the gym, with a correct, balanced, safe and super well taught program, to end in the bedroom with the right amount of undisturbed daily sleep.This to be brief and concise, but it is also important to remember regeneration techniques and the right mental attitude and awareness.The right program must be tailored like a dress.YOUR TRAINER must be totally aware of what biomeccanics is and apply this knowledge after evaluating your overall posture, also interpolating this analysis with awareness about your daily life activities that could also influence the way you stay and move in the space.YOUR TRAINER will be at first and EDUCATOR for you to know how to perform daily life physical tasks without being damaged by bad postural behaviours, teaching you how to safety perform any possible movement in order to mantain your spine and any other joint functional and healthy.Then HE will taillor the program in order to solve any eventual unbalance, giving you perfect tools and knowledge to obtain super posture, functionality and overall amazing shape. Only a super functional body will make you able to perform any daily activity with no risk of getting injured or suffering for any kind of pain.The whole process will need also full nutritional knowledge about macro and micronutrients and human metabolism, and the ways to trick it healthy in order to obtain the super shape and health you desire.NO MORE LITTLE RESULTS by that if you know how to assess and deal with the question.I AM here to share this gift i bring in my soul on this life, with anybody wants or needs really to totally improve its physique and wellness.I AM BY YOUR SIDE WITH TRUE LOVE AND KNOWLEDGEStefano Martinelli YOUR FUNCTIONAL PERSONAL TRAINER.. ..


Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Weight Lifting, Natural Body Building, Powerlifting, Martial Arts, Active Release, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Meditation, Holistic Medicine, Massage Therapy, Yoga, Tantra, Painting, Drawing, Writing, EFT, Chiromancy, Reflexology, Shiatzu

I'd like to meet:

People like me, that are real and live for a passion that moves their lives towards something noble and valuable for humanity..


U2, Pet Shop Boys, Police, R&B, Bob Marley, Cure, Kevin Levrone, Christopher Cross, Al Stewart, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias


Pumping Iron, Total Rebuild (The Comeback), Point Break, Ghost, Mr Crocodile Dundee, Il silenzio degli Innocenti, Rocky, Terminator, Twins, King Arthur, Lancelot, Baraka, Amici miei, The Secret, Kill Bill, Bruce Lee and his movies, Renegade, Blood and Guts, The Unbelievable, Full Blown..... and many more...when i remember i will tell u... all righttttttttttttttt


The Law of Attraction, The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Ask and It is Given(all by Jerry and Esther Hicks), The Secret(Rhonda Byrne), The Power of Now, Awakening to your life purpose (Eckhart Tolle), Siddharta (Herman Hesse), The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)...AND... everything by Charles Poliquin, Ian King, Doctor Michael Colgan, Paul Check, Eric Cressey, Charles Staley, Charlie Francis, Mauro Di Pasquale, Dan Duchaine, Mike Boyle, Mark Vergenstein, John Berardi, DC Leahy, DC Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Platz, Mike Mentzer, Berend Breitenstein, Barry Sears, Lyle Mc Donald, Stuart Mc Robert, Bill Star, Louie Simmons,....


Stefano Martinelli!

My Blog


Posted by Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:07:00 PST

funny tests

Posted by Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 03:48:00 PST


ok, so I was checking my log, about meals in the previous almost 180 days, six momths, since the beginning of this, for me, transitional 2007, waiting to comeback to Los Angeles, for helping people be...
Posted by Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 02:39:00 PST


Why obtaining results looks so difficult when you are going to improve your body shape and so health?So many people are discouraged by the fact that progress seems too slow if compared to the time and...
Posted by Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST


Our GoalAt Martinelli Training & Consulting we want to train you smart and safe.Our purpose is to build your body from the foundations, giving you the top in functionality and safety.Whether you w...
Posted by Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:30:00 PST


Well well well..considering my biggest passion in life is working out with weights (also training other people is not only a job to me)and keeping healthy and in super shape through per...
Posted by Stefano Martinelli Personal Trainer on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 03:24:00 PST