Member Since: 1/31/2007
Band Members: "And if no one ever teaches you to dream the unlimited dream, if no one ever teaches you to breathe the breath of God's nostrils in spring, and if no one ever teaches you to look at a midnight sky and contemplate the concepts of forever, no one ever teaches you this, then you will be forever separated by God, its natural kingdom, its illustrious beauty, its intoxicating magic and enchantment. You will never know it. You are to learn that this is what the true nature of your being is, and that when you learn this you will know that the Lord God of your being is not trying to take you from life but to wake you up in the midst of it. And it is not one that argues for its limitation but barrels down the walls that limit you from expression." - Ramtha
Influences: This is a gathering of many of the videos I've created of me communicating the poetry I have written in the past 2-3 years. The poetry that will be left as a power that you are able to obtain whenever you are unable to create the energy in your own life, whenever we have all forgotten the power and divinity that is within us all. The power that created all of the life around us. To be a shining star in your world and then in the whole world. It is the only way to be the change you desire to become the world to be.
All comments and messages are greatly appreciated. I have been busy so to those who I haven't responded to I will soon. We all have a life outside of myspace and such so yeah I hope people understand if and when I don't always respond to a message :)
-Michael the Traveler!!!
Sounds Like: Evolution, it is the continuance of God-experience, the adventure of himself, and it is called the forever relative. You think that you have reached a state of perfection? If you have, you have reached a state of engrossed limitation, for there is no such element called perfection. There are only the limitations of the elements called perfection. To evolve means to change and evolve means to learn, and to learn means to be in knowledge of.Get it?Now what I am saying here to you wondrous entities is that there is an hour that has thus approached and is already in movement and that it is that which is termed the meek, to that which is called the humble, the simple of mind that can move forward in the thrust of evolution, that are going to inherit all of the kingdoms. And knowingness - profound knowingness like the fish and the birds - when you are that attuned and that adept to change, you are going to see a profoundly beautiful kingdom come forth. And it is right on your doorstep.
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