World renowned Filipino entertainer Buzz Belmondo and (former) television network executive Carl Bradley met while working together on a number of television projects. That "on air" collaboration lead to them forming a comedy team and they have been lighting up the TV screen and comedy club circuit with their unique and award winning comedy duo act.Carl Bradley is a former TV network executive who is now an actor, standup comedian, and TV Host. His many acting and hosting credits include Scream; Out of Control; NBC's Funny People; Married...with Children; and a recurring role on The Young and the Restless.Buzz Belmondo is a recognizable face in the media. He starred on the hit TV sitcom OUT OF THIS WORLD for eight years and was GUIDO on BAYWATCH for two years. He has appeared on many TV shows, starred in films, toured nationally as a headlining comedian, and won an Emmy for his comedy writing. You can also find Carl & Buzz at WWW.CARLANDBUZZ.COM