CURRENT MOON moon phase infoart, love, music, philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality, biology, fun, The Truth and Beauty Laboratory, the odd, the curious, the playful.
you know who you are... and if you want some art, all the better! i'm available for commissioned fine art paintings and also illustration. need some cover art or something else? just ask. and prints of current art will be available soon! stay tuned!
a selection in no particular order - Third World, Trio Mocoto, Ella Fitzgerald, Dinah Washington, Shusheela Raman, Ali Khan Band, Goo Goo Dolls, Simon and Garfunkle, Charles Brown, Santana, Silvio Rodriguez, Gecko Turner, Sara Tavares, Pearl Jam, Little Feat, Neville Brothers, Los Van Van, Janis Joplin, Milton Nascimiento... also Nordic roots rock, and whatever is different, makes the heart dance and/or hips swing! totally mood based."untitled morris graves series" (c)2004 4"x4"
currently re-reading "The Tao of Physics", Helprin's "A Winter's Tale", and studying "Parker's Astrology". i go on reading kicks - all about feng-shui, for instance, or shamanism, or Chinese history, or quantum physics, or mythological tales, biotechnology, eunichs in India, psychology, religion, cartoons, general fiction - you name it!"dream" (c)2003 30"x60"