I suppose the best way to go about describing myself is to quote other people.
On Being Idle
by Jerome K. Jerome
The gentleman who, when I was young... used to say he never knew a boy who could do less work in more time...Idling has always been my strong point. I take no credit to myself in the matter - it is a gift. Few Possess it. There are plenty of lazy people and plenty of slow-coaches, but a genuine idler is a rarity. He is not a man who slouches about with his hands in his pockets. On the contrary, his most startling characteristic is that he is always intensely busy.
"To appear well dressed, be skinny and tall." — Mason Cooley
"I may be old fashioned, but I am right." — Max Beerbohm
"The making of one's life into art is, after all, the first duty and privilege of every man." — Arthur Symons
"I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours." — Jerome K. Jerome
"Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, learning the old creeds, through a revery of long days and nights; destined finally to go out into that dirty gray turmoil to follow love and pride; a new generation dedicated more than the last to the fear of poverty and the worship of success; grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken..." - F Scott Fitzgerald
"Desire is born of defective knowledge." - Thomas Mann
"Blue jeans are not the pants for me." - The Duke Of Windsor
But Onward and Upward...
In My Own Words
I'm a snob - an amiable one, but a snob nonetheless. I rarely offend but have been found offensive; particularly by those who can be thought of of insecure. I adore love but rarely find it in people. Philosophically, I'm a stoic Epicurean, attempting to balance my ataraxia with the demands of life.
Feel free to contact me on Aol Instant Messenger at: DucDesEsseintes. if I can ever get the blasted thing to work properly...
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