Buzzsaw and The Shavings profile picture

Buzzsaw and The Shavings

Some intervening words between quotation marks

About Me

Buzzsaw and The Shavings is a name for Buzzsaw $..%*SYBIL FAWLTY: Basil! BASIL FAWLTY: Yes, my pretty little phial of the hotel not at a suffcient tilt for you? SYBIL: Basil! Take this American gent's bags up to Room 14. We can do him a Full English Breakfast in bed.....tomato, fried bread, bangers, even a buttered kipper. BASIL: And teak? Mahogany? SYBIL: What are you mumbling, Basil? BASIL: What sort of wood might he like the tray made out of? Brazil wood? Lemonwood? And kippers, yet? He's an American-why not a waldorf salad with lashings of hot screwdrivers instead? God, I remember that....ass busting- SYBIL: Basil! Ring for Manuel! BASIL: Yes, my bramble-encrusted pet...(RINGS BELL) Manuel!! Take this bag to Room 14. MANUEL: ¿Qué? BASIL: Room 14. MANUEL: ¿Como? BASIL: Room 14!! Blast you-(HANDS SURROUND MANUEL's NECK) SYBIL: Basil! Ba@..$^$%....Heavens and Hades...what the mere mention the name Buzzsaw causes@@..@@@@G@@O@ME@R PYLE: Andy! Andy! ANDY TAYLOR: Go-mer! What's goin' on with you high-tailin' it in here like yer britches was on fire? GOMER: Andy! It's Aint Bee! She- ANDY: Aint Bee? Go-mer! What happened! GOMER: I-she-we-he- ANDY: Go-mer, what happened? GOMER: Andy, she's had a spell, but ain't like none I ever seen. She- ANDY: Go-mer! GOMER: She-she was hearing bells and whistles and hoots n' hollers, Andy! Why she-we-he- ANDY; Go-mer! What? GOMER: She got mad, Andy, she ran outside like a ball o' fire and she started flinging cars in the air, she- ANDY: Go-mer, you talkin' crazy! Aint Bee takin' on like that? I oughtta run you in! GOMER: Andy-(LOOKS TOWARD WINDOW) Ah, Andy! Look, it's Aint Bee now a-coming! An' whoo-ee, she's pushed the Bijoux theater right 'cross the street! It's a-coming this way, Andy! ANDY: Go-mer, I- BARNEY FIFE (RUSHING IN FROM THE REAR): Andy, Aaaandy! Condition Red, Condition Red! Call out the Murines- call ANDY: Barn@e@@@y I@again, the HAVOC me name causes..where was I..yes..and those over the course of the years who have rendered care and assistance to this bizarre chapter of musical history, acts done to abet this creature of dubious viability over 15 years now.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
You Are a Martini

My Interests


Member Since: 9/2/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Buzzsaw and various Shavings whose numbers vary as wildly and as recklessly as a 1914 Belgian attack on Eupen. Currently the number is gravitating between 7 and 11, 502. Much current assistance comes from the great and glorious Tapegerm collective, essential to my current songs here.
Influences: Tuscan Chianti, Cucamonga Zinfandel, Temecula Sangiovese, French Cabernet Sauvignon, Spanish Tempranillo, German Blauburgunder, English Bacchus, Georgian Saperavi, Czech Frankovka, Hungarian Kekfrankos, Greek Mavrodaphne, Madeiran Malmsey, Chilean Merlot, Argentinian Malbec, South African Pinotage, Australian Shiraz and New Zealand Pinot Noir.
Sounds Like: The discomfiture of statesmen at tea about to draw the post-war German-Polish border.
Record Label: Tapegerm
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Sortie courtly

Weber turns with obvious thankfulness to relate other matters of the court and of Petersburg. Though dwarves were in the regal fashion of the era, the Emperor of Austria, Charles VI, possessed of a Je...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 07:42:00 PST

Preen scene

Peter was dazzled by the effect and the grace of the endeavours of LeBlond, lingering amidst the lilacs he adored, and the envy of Menshikov, ever zealous to defend his portion of the love of the Tsar...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:17:00 PST

Plumb done

Yet though Menshikov enjoyed the rustic confines of a tavern, jousting wits and suffering the blows of the Tsar's temperament that might suddenly succeed a sunny face hazed in the fog of tobacco fumes...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:31:00 PST

Point appoint

 But the labours of construction were unimpeded by the sallies of the wilderness and the destructive energies of the Neva. The first crude cabin of Peter was succeeded by the first Summer Palace,...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:49:00 PST

Own prone

These edicts also roused the skilled carpenter and mason as well as the hordes of the peasant from the further reaches of Russia, and this sullen and resentful mass streamed unwillingly to the mouth o...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 08:22:00 PST

March arch

Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:07:00 PST

Atune boon

At this time, in October, 1718, Charles XII resumed his assaults upon Norway, pushing his arms into that rugged nation of forests and glaciers rather than the more clement and gentle confines of Germa...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 06:17:00 PST

Raw draw

Restored to liberty, Gortz made rapid strides to attain the locality of the Tsar; he laboured to restore his influence over Peter who again was prepared to offer his trust in this figure who promised ...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 06:51:00 PST

Elementary plenty

Charles XII replied to the King of England with the arrest of his ambassador and his family in Sweden, fixed a diligent watch upon the Dutch minister and applied a silence upon his assent to the ventu...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:33:00 PST

Plain gain

Thusly armed with the regal assent, Gortz commenced his grand project; he first wished to secure the involvement of the Tsar through an approach to his Scottish personal doctor, one Erskine, who might...
Posted by Buzzsaw and The Shavings on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 08:52:00 PST