Mass Cann/NORML profile picture

Mass Cann/NORML

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

FREEDOM RALLY 2007 PARKMAN BANDSTAND BOSTON COMMON SEPTEMBER 15, 2007 H*I*G*H N*O*O*NThe Global Marijuana March 5/5/07The Freedom Rally belongs to everyone who cares enough to attend, who contributes to keep the Rally happening year after year. It belongs to our sponsors, our vendors, and our members who put in the long voluteer hours throughout the year. It belongs to everyone who volunteers. It belongs to people who think that prohibition is a senseless policy and who can imagine alternatives.It belongs to all of us. We all are Caretakers of the Freedom Rally, and many, many of us take this responsibility seriously.THANK YOU TO ALL WHO MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS!!!!MassCann/NORML P.O. BOX 266 GEORGETOWN, MA 01833-0366Also through our website:******************************************** ************************************************************ ******** MAKE YOUR TRAVEL PLANS NOW!!! ************************************************************ ****************************************************

My Interests

FREEDOM RALLY 2007 PROMO VID!!! PLAY IT NOW!!!---Changing the marijuana laws so that no one goes to jail for growing, possessing or using cannabis responsibly.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone who is Cannabis-Friendly. Check out our website If you live in Massachusetts or another New England state, come to our monthly members meetings, volunteer at the Freedom Rally, JOIN US!


FREEDOM RALLY PERFORMERS 2006: Stilfro, Haloburn, Casey Desmond, Graveyard BBQ, Primary Others, Superpower, Robby Roadsteamer**, The Campaign for Real Time, Darkbuster*; 2005: Waltham, The Fools, Robby Roadsteamer*, Beyond the Embrace, Three Day Threshold**, Reverend Glasseye, Herbal Nation*, Andrea Gillis, D-Tension, Is It Jazz*; 2004: Robby Roadsteamer, Colony Underground, The Halogens, Audible Mainframe, The Foundation*, Is It Jazz, Jake Brennan and The Confidence Men, Three Day Threshold*; 2003: Dresden Dolls, Stratejacket, Drinkfist, We Sold Our Soul, Scratch Track, Waltham, The Foundation, Scissorfight**, Spookie Daly Pride, Herbal Nation; 2002: The Gentlemen, Felix Brown, Three Day Threshold, Xavier, Rainshine, Bonescrew, Joint Chiefs; 2001: Bleu, Shirley Lewis***, Akrobatik*, Bentmen***, C60, Sam Black Church*****, Tree****, Scissorfight*, Cannabis Cup Band*; 2000: The Jim Kweskin Band, Jiggle, Lil' Wolf and the Mojos featuring Shirley Lewis**, Darkbuster, Mr. Lif, Akrobatik, Scissorfight, Tree***; 1999: The Sheila Devine, Ron Levy and his Wild Kingdom, Babaloo, Tree**, Sam Black Church****, Lil' Wolf & the Mojos featuring Shirley Lewis*, The Cannabis Cup Band, John Brown's Body; 1998: MaxCreek, The Bentmen**, Sam Black Church***, The Amazing Royal Crowns, Lil' Wolf & The Mojos featuring Shirley Lewis, Dion Knibbs & the Agitators, The Ghost of Tony Gold; 1997: Clutch, Tree*, The Bentmen*, Ethipian Dread Roots, Wayne Kramer; 1996: Letters to Cleo**, Bim Scala Bim, Gaia Roots Rhythm, Jim's Big Ego, Chronic Pleasure, Sam Black Church**, The Bentmen; 1995: Letters to Cleo*, Sam Black Church*, Jasper and the Prodigal Sons, Tree, The 360s*; 1994: The 360s, Letters to Cleo, Stompbox, Sam Black Church, David Peel, Orangutang; 1993: The Storm Dogs, UYA, Flesh Flower, Carnal Carnival; ============================ Add 1 to the number of *'s to count Rally appearances.===================OTHER FAVES: Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, 311, Beastie Boys, Snoop Dogg, Frank Zappa, Ani DiFranco, Kottonmouth Kings, Fishbone, Robert Johnson, Dr. Dre


Grass, a.k.a. Tommy Chong, Dazed & Confused, Half-Baked, Easy Rider, Reefer Madness, Up in Smoke


"The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer. "Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine" by Lester Grinspoon & James Balakar. "Drug War Crimes" by Jeffrey Miron. "The Marijuana Conviction" by Richard Bonnie & Charles Whitebread. "Our Right to Drugs" by Thomas Szasz. "Reefer Madness" by Larry Sloman. "On Drugs" by David Lenson. "Marijuana, the First 5,000 Years" by Ernest Abel. "Outsiders" by Howard Becker. "National Drug Control Strategy, February 2006" by the Office of National Drug Control Policy.


Lowell Eggemeier--the Rosa Parks of the marijuana movement. Allen Ginsberg, John Sinclair, Leni Sinclair, Michael Aldrich and all the other founders of LEMAR--the first marijuana policy reform group. R. Keith Stroup--the founder of NORML. Robert Randall--the glaucoma patient who forced the federal government to grow marijuana for medicinal purposes. Valerie and Mike Corrall--co-founders of WAMM. Angel Raich--a medicinal marijuana user who is taking her case to the Supreme Court (again). The VOTERS and LEGISLATORS in those states where marijuana laws are changing for the better. The MARIJUANA USERS who are not ashamed to stand up for themselves and demand fair and equal treatment.

My Blog

Photos from Hempfest 2007

Just got back from Seattle Hempfest...Here are a few photos.R. Keith Stroup, NORML's Founder, and Chad Rea, the unofficial videographer of the marijuana policy movement.Mass Cann/NORML President Keith...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:33:00 PST

MassCann in High Times

A photo of MassCann's participation in the Global Marijuana March theis past May can be found on page 18 of High Times issue 380 (Sept. 2007).  Phot credit goes to the King of Pot's Queen.  ...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:34:00 PST

NORML Board's Norm Kent's letter to old college friend, anti-pot Senator Norm Coleman

NORM KENT'S LETTER TO SEN. NORM COLEMAN Dear Mr. Coleman,  My friend Norman. Years ago, in a lifetime far away, you did not oppose the legalization of marijuana. Years ago, in our dor...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 07:31:00 PST


101 days and counting.........
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 06:30:00 PST


2007 MASS CANN/NORML Boston Freedom Rally Saturday, Sept. 15th,High Noon, Boston Common. with DARKBUSTERANGELINETOWNSHIPJust Added to the Lineup!THREE DAY THRESHOLDPRIMARY OTHERSPrimary Others Pictur...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:47:00 PST

Mass Cann/NORML Accepting EPK's Through for Freeedom Rally

Category: News and Politics ...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Sun, 27 May 2007 06:52:00 PST

NORML Remembers Dr. Tod Mikuriya

NORML Remembers Dr. Tod Mikuriya Washington, DC: Tod Hiro Mikuriya, MD, one of the world's foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of cannabis, died on Sunday after a multi-year battle with can...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Sat, 26 May 2007 05:35:00 PST


MassCann/NORML is proud to announce that Darkbuster is coming back to play the 2007 Freedom Rally.  Everyone who was there to see them last year can verify...they tore the place up!!!  ...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Sun, 20 May 2007 08:15:00 PST

Mass Cann/NORML Boston Freedom Rally 9.15.07

Hosted By: MassCann/NORMLWhen: Saturday Sep 15, 2007 at 12:00 PMWhere: Boston CommonPark StreetBoston, MA 02108United StatesDescription:18th Annual Freedom Rally on Boston Common (Parkman Bandstand...
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:39:00 PST

ANGELINE to play the 2007 Freedom Rally

MassCann/NORML is proud to announce the addition of Angeline to the Freedom Rally 2007 lineup.  
Posted by Mass Cann/NORML on Tue, 08 May 2007 06:00:00 PST