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Ban Flash Cameras at Shows. Ban Flash Cameras at Shows. Ban Flash Cameras at Shows.

About Me

I write poems for bands and introduce those bands with those poems.This suits my aesthetic needs and bands and audiences enjoy it. A list of the 850 or so bands Ive read for lurks under the Music section to your left.
I have a new book of poems called The Good Life. It looks good.
You can purchase the book by clicking the BUY NOW button below.

---watch this kitten while you decide...
The Good Life collected poems vol.1 no.1


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I believe love exists on a subatomic level outside of us-outside of life altho there'd be no life without it. So this is what I do, first of all as a fan-fanning the flames sort of like Beatle Bob, but there's something more going on than that. On that subatomic level the communication is achieved on an abstract nonpersonal level that feels like freedom-which is why I remember bands clearly , or rather the way a band makes me feel, much more clearly than I remember the actual members of those bands. The glamor and excitement of those 45 or 90 minutes of a good show is something that can never be taken away from those that were there- in fact that building blocks of glamor and excitement are in evolutionary terms the genes, the viruses, the medieval fortress walled city of cells billions of which'll form the new animal that we will be embedded in as ancestry.


A John Henry Memorial, Abilene, Add (n) to X, Aden, Air This Side of Caution, Airiel, All Smiles, Amandine, Amberbug, Ambivert, American Analog Set, American Heritage, American Music Club, AMFM, David Amram, Anacron, Anathallo, Angora, Animal Babies, Animal Collective, Apocalypstick, Apollo Sunshine, Arab On Radar, Arab Strap, Arbouretum, Archeology, Architecture, Arctic Monkeys, Arms & Sleepers, Art Loinz and the Wet Dixx, Che Arthur, Arwin, Ashtray Boy, Assassins, Astral Planes, Athens, Athlete, atombombpocketknife, Tom Atterberry, Audion, Autechre, Autumn Waking, Avalanche Rescue Team, Baby & Hide, Baby Teeth, Bang! Bang!, Bobby Bare Jr., Syd Barrett(1946-2006), Battles, Gentlemen John Battles, David Bazan, Bear Claw, Bearhawk, Bees Are Black, Behold! the Living Corpse, Bellini, Jay Bennett, Brendan Benson, Berber, Berry, Bible of the Devil, Big Buildings, Big Electric, Andrew Bird, Bird Show, Birddog, Black Eyed Snakes, Black Giraffe, Blamaday, Blanche, Bleed, Blonde Redhead, Blood Brothers, Bltvd., Blur, Boas, Bon Iver, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Bosco and Jorge, Bound Stems, Todd Bowie, Box of Baby Birds, Box-O-Car, David Boykin, Boys On Trial, Braid, Cory Branan, Bratmobile, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Bric-a-Brac, Brick Layer Cake, Bride of Nono, Bright Eyes, Brighton MA, Jon Brion, Tom Brosseau, Richard Buckner, Built to Spill, Edward Burch, Burning Brides, Butterfly Assassins, Buzzcocks, C Average, Eiren Cafall, John Cale, Calexico, Califone, Call Me Lightning, Camera, Canasta, Candidate, Canyon, "Captain Beefheart", Card Catalog, Casper & the Cookies, Cat On Form, Catfish Haven, Cathedrals, Cats & Jammers, Nick Cave, Cealed Kasket, Cemor Ram, Centro-Matic, Century Rocket Building, Exene Cervenka and the Original Sinners, Cex, Chamber Strings, James Chance and the Fibbs, Charlemagne, Check Engine, Cheer-Accident, Chestnut Station, Euros Childs, Chin Up Chin Up, Chiral, Chromatics, Churchbus, Cisco Pike, City Electric, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Clearlake, Clinic, Cobra Verde, Cold War Kids, Coldcock Jones & the Shithawks, Combustible Huxtable Explosives Department, Combo No.3, comorevi ButtErfly, Company of Thieves, Bobby Conn, Chris Connelly, Cooler By the Lake, Corn Mo, Cougars, Coughs, Amy Cousino, Graham Coxon, Cracklin Moth, Crackpot, Creeper Lagoon, Crooked Fingers, Crush Kill Destroy, Crystal Skulls, Cursive, Cutthroats .09, Tom Daily, Daiquiri, Danger Adventure, Danielson Familie, Darling, Darling(Quad Cities), Darkmoor, Das Sporten, Devin Davis, Dead and Gone, Decatur, Deconstructing Jim, Def Harmonic, Del Rey, Delta Spirit, Demolition Dollrods, "Depeche Mode", Destroyer, Detholz!, Dialogue, Dianogah, DiDiMao, Do Make Say Think, Dr. Manhattan, Bill Dolan, Don Caballero, David Dondero, Dose One, Douser, Johnny Dowd, Drekka, Drive-By Truckers, Kevin Drumm, Drums & Tuba, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Dummy, Duvall, Earlimart, Early Risers, Earth, Elefant, Electrelane, Electric Six, Eleventh Dream Day, Elf Power, "Duke Ellington", Jim Ellison(1965-1996), "ELO", Emerse, Emilia Airmattress, Emily Shrine, Emperor X, Empires, End Result, Enon, John Entwhistle(1944-2002), Enzo, Roky Erickson, Erase Errata, Euphone, Everyoned, Evil Beaver, Ex-Models, Eyes Adrift, Facing Winter, Jad Fair, Fall Out Boy, Falstaff, Family Haircut, Farm Team, Fast Product, Clyde Federal, fFlashlights, Field Music, Liam Finn, First Coat, David Fischoff, Adam Fitz, Five Mile Ceiling, FLASPAR, Flying Over Iceland, Fog, Fool Moon, Tommy Ford, Phil Forsythe and the Lone Gun Society, Fort Rile Dog, 40 Piece Choir, 40K, Fragile Porcelain Mice, Scott Free, Friend/Enemy, Frightened Rabbit, Frisbie, Edith Frost, Fruit Bats, Fuck,Robbie Fulks, Chris Fuller, Ezra Furman & the Harpoons, Galactic Inmate, Galaxy of Mailbox Whores, Garden Bower, Rebecca Gates, Genital Hercules, Don Gibson, Grady Gillan,Girl Talk, Glorytellers, Glossary, Go Go Devils, Gorillaz, Guy Grace, Grand Buffet, Grand Marais, Boris Grebenshchikov, John Greenfield's Rock Band, Troy Gregory and the Stepsisters, Grimble Grumble, Grinner, Groundspeed, Guided by Voices, Half-Rounded Bastard File, Hallelujah The Hills, Hanalei, Marshall Hanbury Trio, Handsome Furs, Happy Supply, Har Mar Superstar, John Wesley Harding, Harlan Pepper, Seamus Harmey, George Harrison(1943-2001), Grant Hart, Haymarket Riot, Health & Beauty, Head of Femur, Headless Ballerinas Underwater, Headlights, Healthy White Baby, Hella, Hello Operator, Herc., Kristin Hersh, Hey Mercedes, High On Fire, Kelly Hogan, Honest Engines, Hoodoo Hoedown, Hostage Juliet, Hot Dog City, Hot Machines, Houston, Hoyne, Husband and Wife, Hushdrops, Hushtower, John Huss Moderate Combo, I Love Rich, Idlewild, Ifihadahifi, Imipolex-G, Inspector Owl, Institute, Intelligent Dennis,Iowa Mountain Tour, IQU, J + J + J, Javelins, Jesus Jones, Jim and Jennie and the Pinetops, Jimmy Eat World, Joan of Arc, John Brown Battery, Calvin Johnson, Robert Johnson & the Browns, Daniel Johnston, Jonny Rumble, Damien Jurado, Kristin Joy, Simon Joyner, Juicifer, July Fourth, Just a Fire, Kaito, Rose Kallal, Karma with a K, Kasabian, Kaspar Hauser, Keith M Kelley, Kelly 18,Kentucky Overflow, David Kilgour, Kill Me Tomorrow, Kim, Kindness, King's X, Kingsbury Manx, Kleenex Girl Wonder, Kleinfelter, Chris Knox, Daniel Knox, Ben Kweller, La Mantra Di Fhiqria, Lacona, Land of Talk, Land of the El Caminos, Le Concorde, Leaves, Ben Lee, Ted Leo/Pharmacists, Eric Leonardson, Let's Get Out of This Terrible Sandwhich Shop, Jeffrey Lewis, Life At Sea, Chris Ligon, Limeric, Little Death, Little Red and the Hoods, Local H, Longitude, Lord of the Yum-Yum, Los Campesinos!, Lotion, Love Story in Blood Red, Lovely Little Girls, Low, Low Skies, Lucky Jeremy, Lungfish, Lupine, Lustre King, Lying In States, Lynx, Chris MacCarthy, Madame Estrella,Lois Maffeo, Magic Is Kuntmaster, Magical, Beautiful, Magnesium, Magnolia Electric Co., Magnus, Mah Jongg, Make Believe, Malaria, Male, Mark Mallman, Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, Man Or Astroman?, Man Haterrr, Manivar, Mannequin Men, Maps & Atlases, Margot & the Nuclear So-and-So's, Maritime, Jimmie Martin, Marvel Kind, Mass Shivers, Masters of the Hemisphere, Maximo Park, May or May Not, McCarthy Trenching, "Paul McCartney", Cass McCombs, Pat McDonald, Cameron McGill, "Rod McKuen", Tyson Meade, Meat Puppets, Mecca Normal, Casey Meehan & the Delta Still, Ian Menard, Mercury Rev, Metalux, mewithoutyou, Mexican Cheerleader, Mgmt, Michael Columbia, Milemarker, Milk at Midnight, Chris Mills, Minim, Minus the Bear, Miranda Sound, Missing Tooth, Mr. Rudy Day, Misty Martinez, Modest Mouse, Momus, Rudy Ray Moore, Craig Moorefield, Moped Band, More Dogs, Andrew Morgan, Moreno, Morris Minors, Travis Morrison Hellfighters, M.O.T.O., Mt. Eerie/Microphones, Mt. St. Helens, Moviola, Moxie Motive, Mucca Pazza, Mud Toys, Mudhoney, Mung, Murder By Death, Musical Outfits, My Cold Dead Hand, My Morning Jacket, My Name Is Rar Rar, Nad Navillus, Quentin Nadig, Matt Nathanson, Naughty Candy, Need New Body, Nerves, Ness, New Black, New Order, "New Order", New Sense, New York Dolls, Scout Niblett, 1908, Nirvana(1987-1994), No Doctors, Nobekazu Takemura, Nod, Nurses, O Morno, Oakley Hall, Nora O'Connor, Of Montreal, Ofays UK, Office, Oh My God, OK GO, Okkervil River, Olivia Tremor Control, OLO, On Fillmore, 100 PCS., One Million Tiny Tiny Jesuses, Orton Socket, Jim O'Rourke, Os Mutantes, Osaka Orangeade Concern, Otter Petter, Outrageous Cherry, Overlords of the Underworld, Owen, Owls, Ox, Oxbow, Oxes, Palaxy Tracks, Palliard, Panicsville, Paper Airplane Pilots, Paper Bullets, Pasted On, Paulina, Penthouse Sweets, Elvis Perkins in Dearland, Pinebender, Pinstripe 45's, Pistolwhipped, Pit Er Pat, Plane, Planet of the Planets, Plastic Crimewave and the Fake, Polymer, Pony vs Tiger, Pool of Frogs, Portrait Perfume, Post Office, Prairie Cartel, Dick Prall, Andy Pratt, Prescription Junkies, Preston School of Industry, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Archer Prewitt, Princess, Probably Vampires, Proudentall, Prplnumnum, Pyrenees In Plains, Quasar Wut-Wut, Quatre-Tete, Annie Quick, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Radar Brothers, Casey Rice, Radio Birdman, Rail. Rainer Maria, Randy, Rapture of Noon, Ravine, Rebekah's Tape, Recent Photo, Mike Reeb and the Consequences, Relative, Relay, Reptilica, Rhineland Bastards, Johnathan Rice, Conrad Richards, Riddle of Steel, Eric Glick Rieman, Riviera, Sam Roberts Band, Rock & Roll,Rocket No.9, Rockit Girl, Roommate, Rope, "Diana Ross", Ruins, Russian Circles, Rye Coalition, "Sade", Sally, Sank Minoot, Santa, Sars Flannery, Satellite 66, Sam Saunders, Say Hi To Your Mom, Tom Schraeder, Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, Sean Na Na, Season to Risk, Seconds, Secret Shine, Sen Di Na, 764-HERO, SH & S, Sharks and Seals, Shiner, Shonen Knife, Shotgun For Royalty, Silver Abuse, Silver Jews, Sin Ropas, Singer, David Singer and the Sweet Science, Sinister Luck Ensemble, Skeletons and the Girl-Faced Boys, Sleeping at Last, Sleepout, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Slings & Arrows, Slow Planet, Slumber Party, Small Axe, Smallwire, Elliott Smith(1969-2003), (smog), Rob Solarcoaster, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Nick Sondy, Songs:Ohia, Sorns, Sparrow, Sparta, Spires that In the Sunset Rise, Spoon, Tobin Sprout, SSM, Staalmate, Stag Party, Stamen, Starlister, Static Films, Stereo Total, Sterling, Stillwell, Stone Sabbath, Stories For Boys, Storm and Stress, Stroller, Sunday Morning Chameleon, Sunday Runners, Super 8-Bit Brothers, Super Furry Animals, Superchunk, Surround Sound, Surrounded By Monarchs, Swamp Sugar, Swearing At Motorists, Sweep the Leg Johnny, Swimmer Missing, Sybris, Dorian Taj, Taking Pictures, Talkdemonic, Tall Dwarfs, Tallulah, Tarantula, Taylor, Chad Taylor, T-Bag, Tell Your Friends, ten-speed, Tenki, Tenniscourts, Tha 446, The Adequate Brothers, The Afflictions, The Aislers Set, The Aluminum Group, The Ancient Greeks, The Antiques, The Apes, The Apples In Stereo, The Astronomer, The Audreys, The Autumn Defense, The Baldwin Brothers, The Baseball Furies, The Bells, The Belmondos, The Bird Names, The Bitter Tears, The Blacks, The Bon Mots, The Books, The Breeders, The Brunettes, The Butcher's Boy, The Camaro Rouge, The Cave Singers, The Cells, The Changes, The Children's Hour, The Chinese Stars, The City On Film, The Coctails, The Constantines, The Convulsions, The Cribs, The Crimson Sweet, "The Cure", The Dandy Warhols, The Daybirds, The Decibators, The Delgados, The Delusions, The Demilos, The Dials, The Dirtbombs, The Dirty Projectors, The Dirty Things, The Dodos, The Drones, The Effigies, The English Softhearts, The Eternals, The Felix Culpa, The Fetal Position, The Fire Theft, The Firebird Band, The Flaming Lips, The Flashing Lights, The Flying Luttenbachers, The Frames, The Frogs, The Futureheads, The Georges, The Ghost, The Gnomes, The Good Life, The Gossip, The Grackles, The Great Perhaps, The Gunshy, The Hamicks, The Handsome Family, The Hex,The Hidden Mitten, The High Dials, The High Strung, The Honor System, The Hush Sound, The Impossible Shapes, The Ivorys, The Johns, The Judy Green, The Kills, "The Knack", The Ladies and Gentlemen, The Ladybug Transistor, The Lamentations, The Latest, The Lavellas, The Lawrence Arms, The Lemonheads, The Lesser Birds of Paradise, The Life and Times, The Like Young, The Living Blue, The Long Winters, The Love of Everything, The Lucksmiths, The Lust, The M's, The Magnetic Fields, The Mekons, The Men's Group, The Mercury Program, The Metapuffs, The Minus 5, The Missouri Compromise, The Motion, The Names, The Narrator, The National, The Natural History, The Nightingales, The 1900's, The New Constitution, The New Pornographers, The North Atlantic, The Odd Trio, The Oranges Band, The Passerines, The Paulina Hollers, The Phantom Three, The Pillowmints, "(The) Pixies", The Plastic Mastery, The Polyphonic Spree, The Ponys, The Posies, The Prescriptions, The Prids, The Pulsars, The Quilts, The Race, The Record Low, The Redwalls, The Reputation, The Rich Experience, The Rosebuds, The Sea and Cake, The Shame, The Shins, The Shiv, The Show Is The Rainbow, The Silent Scones, The Smell, The Smoking Popes, The Solace Brothers, The Sons of Hercules, The Spiders, The Spinto Band, The Starlight Mints, The Struts, The Sun, The Sunshine Fix, The Syllable Section, The Thin Man, The Titmice, The Twilight Sad, The Walkmen, The Waxwings, The Wayouts!, The Wedding Present, The White Stripes, The Wildbirds, The Wrens, The Wurst, The Young Sea, Them, Roaringtwenties, Thin Cities, Thin Hymns, Third Grade Teacher, 36 Invisibles, This Is Me Smiling, Thunderbirds Are Now!, Thunderwing, Tigersmilk, Tight Phantomz, Kevin Tihista's Red Terror, Today's My Super Spaceout Day, Torben Floor, Tormentula, Toro,Toro,Toro!, Tortoise, Tridge, Troubled Hubble, Triple Process, TRS-80, Tub Ring, Turn of the Century, Turn Pale, Turnerjoy, Twin Wrecks the Memory, Tyrades, Ugly Casanova, Ultimate Fakebook, Ultra Sonic Edukators, Unique Chique, University, Unwound, Unsane, Urge Overkill, US Maple, Vampire Weekend, Van Allen Belt, Ken Vandermark, David Vandervelde, Vee Dee, Laura Veirs, Velcro Lewis and His 100 Proof Band, Velva, Venom Lords, Verlour Motel, Viki, Viking Moses, Visqueen, Viza-Noir, Volta Do Mar, Voltage, Von Bondies, Waco Brothers, Walter Meego, M. Ward, Warm Ones, Watchers, Mike Watt, Wax On Radio, Welcome to Ashley, Where the Moon Came From, Miss Alex White, Jim White, White Rabbits, Why?, Wilco, Wilkie Surprise, Hank Williams III, Wizie, Wolf Colonel, Wolf Eyes, Wolf Parade, Jaime Woods, Woolworthy, Working For A Nuclear Free City, Wretch Like Me, shannonwright, Steve Wynn & the Miracle 3, X, XBXRX, Xiu Xiu, Yacht, Yeasayer, Yo La Tengo, "Frank Zappa", Eric Ziegenhagen, Zincs, Zwan, well as individual members of many of these bands.


THAX, Alex MacKenzie and Ben Pollak's movie about me is now available-you can watch it on youtube-and you can buy it at The youtube site also has a playlist of 500 videos that I've strung together to tell a story exposing my secret soul.It's entitled Touch Is One Of Your Powers. One of the magical things about youtube is that as videos are deleted I can find new ones that slightly change the story.


There is also a lovely interview which I'm very happy with at


As far as poetry goes I'm into the Russians-Yevgeny Yevtushenko's anthology Silver and Steel has most of the great ones from 1900-1990-check it out- most libraries have a copy of this book-that and the beats-and through the beats their English language forbears from Chaucer to Eliot


"Where, in all his soliloquies, among the contrapuntal thoughts, the chameleon feelings and turncoat truths, was that sure magical device by which to overleap the sum of all his confoundments?" -Martin Beardson,1949

My Blog


compressed into obedience the cube demonstrates its patience by a sickly shiver of life glow-dusting its coat, demonstrating its good taste to the other wall-cubes whose job's to make sure the rebelli...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:09:00 PST


slipping under the industrial cozy just before the train was sealed for take-off the unnamed specimen dizzy with indecision jelly slugslides among the mannequins as if souls custom made to order could...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:01:00 PST


authorial imprints all over the city but for efficiency's sake the city's been streamlined into a single rotunda wall- staring at the hummingbird imprints an imp in your brain's backstage simpers that...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Thu, 29 May 2008 11:56:00 PST


vittles and vitamins tumble along as if playing a game with a ball only they can see, fading as the game develops a complexity beyond them- -5/27/08 Underdogg for Double Door
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Wed, 28 May 2008 12:20:00 PST


yup, the anally retentive star packrats every side of every story, dragged down by a superheavy lugpurse of each story as experienced by every other story- this river of gossip spews out throughtime-t...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:21:00 PST


the most deeply felt vomit hardens so intensely it feels like its spinning into a planet trying to survive the spin cycle as the pastry tube robot vomits a new cupcake hardening buddy the next depress...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Mon, 26 May 2008 01:26:00 PST


windshield slop gravies an entire auto in the car wash which stretches for miles filling the auto with passengers showing their eager passion for intense patience as flowers stuck in the windows for a...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Sun, 25 May 2008 12:18:00 PST


a popcorn ark whose toffee glue holds a shrine to its siren river wherever it's been laid- entering a new ocean the castaways hammer a smaller but more important boat together that will convert it fro...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Sat, 24 May 2008 12:25:00 PST


a paradise of thoughts breaking open like coconuts as they fall worshipfully at your feet as though you invented gravity- as you grow dizzy from the fermented thoughts ,at your wildest you wonder if y...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:53:00 PST


aspirin asparagus and aquariums in their last moment of disembrace before melding into a pill able to withstand earthquakes of the most nauseous metaphorical thrashing- when the pill blossoms at i...
Posted by THAX DOUGLAS on Wed, 21 May 2008 11:57:00 PST