In a Nutshell, in a nut's hell. Heavily absorbed in writing my second solo record. At the core of this is the continuing desire to make each song unique to the last, in both sound and theory theory. Fuck banality and the cheap buck.Although it will happen: Beyond genre-fication, a desire to look below/ beyond the surface. Use a model or a given structure to impress ideas upon the listener. Clandestine like spyware. Drawn in through familiarity. And familiarity breeds contempt. Impacting. Clues and swear words.Ah, so people keep asking: ivthieves is a prohject and a prohject on ice. It's also an anagram of what it was.So fuck the bullsheet. Back to it. I'm seeing people dancing again, that's pretty important to me...
[On the path of this particular life I've encountered scumbags, scheisters, charlatans, liars, letchers, sketchers, schemers, thieves, themers, reamers, realtors, realists, ringtones, arseholes, wheezers, drug dealers, crowd pleasers, cheapskate dreamers, entrees, starters, three-wheelers, two seizures, caught steelin, turn-on-the-healers, cheeky subway feelers]