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About Me

"The entire universe is the mandala of the dakini."~Jigme Lingpa Khandro is the quality of spaciousness in which all experience becomes the path.Khandro, the shortened form of "khandroma," is the Tibetan word for dakini, literally sky-going woman or sky dancer - awareness-beings who fulfill enlightened activities.Khandro is the root of inspiration, manifesting as the actual everyday details of our lives - from the most mundane to the clear radiant awareness of One Taste.~*PHAT*~...the syllable of wisdom & method...Dzogchen Buddhism Dzogchen goes one step further into developing a practice to bring about heightened awareness: “In order to free ourselves from envelopment in attachment to experiences, and in order to reveal the unadorned natural condition of naked intrinsic Awareness, which is in no way obstructed by anything that arises, that is, in order to realize that state…which is free from being attired in any conceptions whatsoever – we utter a thought-shattering “PHAT!” [NOTE: pronounced “PEH” in English]. That “PHAT! “ shatters the thought that has just arisen, like a bolt of lightning splitting apart a great tree. This action interrupts the flow and continuity of our thoughts. This forceful and intense PHAT is extremely important because it shatters our meditation that has been created and constructed by our mental activity…In this way, we are freed from all conceptions, and thus we become actually liberated from them. And in its wake all that remains is a sharp startled awareness.The transparent, unimpeded and unobstructed state of knowledge or primal awareness that follows in the wake of PHAT is just itself and nothing else. It transcends all extremes or limitations of existence and non-existence, as well as creation and cessation. It is a self-existing state which transcends all objects of thought and all efforts of speech and mind. -The Golden Letters, John Myrdhin Reynolds, pp 79-84.The lineage of Dzogchen gives to us more evidence as to what the state of awareness that may be revealed once a shock to the system occurs, even if self-imposed. Try a “PHAT!” yourself and see what it left in its wake – what is revealed when the bands of conceptualization are temporarily broken and the nearly endless stream of thoughts is suddenly halted? What is it about that Awareness that is left? It represents the basis for our freedom. Witness.htmlHave received refuge & bodhisattva vows with three different Lamas out of several others I had received teacings from. The first time was on August 3rd, 2oo2 with Lama Surya Das, who bestowed the name Urgyen Chokyi (Lotus of the Dharma). The second time was on November 22nd, 2003 with Garchen Rinpoche who bestowed the name Konchok Tsering Wangmo (Longlife Power). The third time was on November 11th, 2004 with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche who bestowed the name Sherab Lhamo (Goddess of Insight~Knowledge):-) At birth was named Cynthia (Moon Goddess) Nuncio (Papal Messenger). Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus, Ascendant in Libra, Virgo Cusp, Wood Horse. Although my personality may be as impermanent as is everything else in life, according to this life's storyline I can still nevertheless be described as Lucy Van Pelt~like, having always tried to do *the right thing* my whole life. But, you know how that goes. Highly contumacious, compassionate, curmudgeonly crone, connaisseur of crazy wisdom, Creek Indian (Poarch Band~Alabama), Celtic, Germanic, Iberian. Attentive listener of all beings hopefully, of the birds, wind & sea. Mendicant woman of size. Mobility challenged. Cancer survivor. But, the storyline can change at any moment can't it...IMPERMANENCE, that's just the way it is... May all beings everywhere always be safe & free from my delusions, obscurations & projections! (-:Smiling face, folded hands, bowed head:-)

My Interests

Personal and collective mental peace and stability, Personal and collective shadow~self work, BuddahaNature and Bodhicitta, Conscious living & dying, Unconditional love, Sympathetic joy, Grandparenting, Lovingkindness, Social service, Authenticity, Compassion, Equanimity, Generosity, Shamanism, Patience, Honesty,

I'd like to meet:

Not attached to meeting any one particular person but instead to connect with as many authentic beings as possible (as is evident by the many on my friends' list eh!).


Serpentine Arborvitae (for the strong of heart & mind), Native American/Tibetan flutes~bells~bowls~chimes, African & Middle Eastern drumming, Woodwinds/Clarinet/Oboe/Saxophone, Gregorian/Tibetan/Pagan chants, My granddaughter's voice, Sacred sounds of nature, Bourbon St. & Beale St. blues/jazz, Sufi qawwali singing, Classical, Flamenco,


I once read that when the Dalai Lama views movies he responds emotionally to the plot as if it is actually occuring & prays for the characters as if they are *real* people. So, I follow in the example of His Holiness & do the same myself. After all, there is always the possibility that the plot & characters could have conceivably occurred in the past, present or future.Yes, some of the following films may be most graphic, which I do not neccesarily enjoy viewing, but it is the humaness, psychology and attonement/redemption (or not) of the people and their lives and their relationships that I AM drawn to: Life or Something Like It, Children of a Lesser God, O Brother Where Art Thou, The House of the Spirits, The Shawshank Redemption, The History of Violence, It Could Happen To You, The Life of David Gale, Stranger Than Fiction, The Road To Perdition, To Kill A Mockingbird, Fried Green Tomatoes, Pursuit of Happyness, Seven Years In Tibet, The Devil's Advocate, The Devil's Backbone, What Dreams May Come, Defending Your Life, Prisoner of Azkaban, Arsenic & Old Lace, The Night Listener, The Scarlet Letter, An Unfinished Life, Fat Rose & Squeaky, Great Expectations, Hearts Of Atlantis, The Butcher's Wife, The Man Who Cried, The Shipping News, Army of Darkness, Dead Man Walking, Children of Men, Living Out Loud, Pan's Labyrinth, Practical Magic, The Commitments, The Illusionist, Beautiful Mind, City of Angels, Pay It Forward, The Green Mile, The Last Mimzy, The Red Violin, Educating Rita, Drowning Mona, Little Buddha, Moll Flanders, No Such Thing, The Hurricane, The Libertine, The Machinist, Agnes of God, Benny & Joon, Bubba Ho Tep, Donnie Darko, Grand Canyon, Harry Potter, Ressurection, The Crucible, The Fountain, The Prestige, Thunderheart, Freedomland, Restoration, The Village, With Honors, Happy Feet, Mixed Nuts, Moonstruck, The Matrix, Sommersby, Spiderman, Catwoman, Chocolat, Identity, Magnolia, The Gift, Hellboy, DarkMan, Deja Vu, Contact, Matilda, Memento, Fallen, Harvey, Kundun, Sirens, Trauma, Babel, Crash, K~Pax, Signs, X~Men, Nell,


No television set at my apartment, so somewhat like a retreat there (unless listening to NPR). But, when at my husband's house will watch with him or granddaughter or sons.Judging Amy (Maxine Gray, social worker extraordinaire, rocks!),Waking the Dead,Six Feet Under,Dead Like Me,Bones,Life,Link,Lost,IFC,PBS,


Buddhahood Without Meditation:A Visionary Account Known As REFINING ONE'S PERCEPTION (Nang~jang) by Dudjom Lingpa,Gesture of Awareness:A Radical Approach To Time, Space and Movement by Charles Genoud,Jung's Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism:Western and Eastern Paths To The Heart by Radmila Moacanin,MO:Tibetan Divination System by Jamgon Mipham, Foreward by His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Translated and edited by Jay Goldberg,The Buddha Tarot Companion:A Mandala of Cards by Robert M. Place,The Secret Dakini Oracle by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger,Essence of Ambrosia:A Guide To Buddhist Contemplations by Taranatha, Translated by Willa Baker/Lama Choying Palmo,Awakening Through Love:Unveiling Your Deepest Godness by John Makransky, Foreward by Lama Surya Das,Traveller In Space:Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhism by June Singer,Meeting the Shadow:The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, edited by Connie Zweig & Jeremiah Abrams,Rebirth and The Western Buddhist by Martin Willson,Buddha In The Palm Of Your Hand by Osel Tendzin,Gateway To Knowledge by Mipham Rinpoche,Carefree Dignity by Tsoknyi Rinpoche,The Big Questions by Lama Surya DasChocolat by Joanne HarrisPrayers For Peace


More like menschs, precious quides, spiritual friends & benefactors, shining examples & teachers than heroes per se: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Mother Mary of Nazareth, Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche, St. Francis of Assisi, St. John of the Cross, Theodor Seuss Geisel, Lama John Makransky, Lama Choying Palmo, Lama Migmar Tseten, Lama Thubten Yeshe, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Martin Luther King, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jesus of Nazareth, Aung San Suu Kyi, Carl Gustav Jung, Garchen Rinpoche, Joseph Goldstein, Khamtul Rinpoche, Mr.(Fred) Rogers, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Wangdor Rinpoche, Leonard Peltier, Longchen Rabjam, Patrul Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Teresa of Avila, Thich Nhat Hanh, Angelina Jolie, Charles Genoud, Mary Magdalena, Bokar Rinpoche, Lama Surya Das, Machig Labdron, Mother Theresa, Tarthang Tulku, Atticus Finch, Chagdud Tulku, Guru Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Thomas Cleary, Thomas Merton, Martin Buber, Mohammad Ali, Jimmy Carter, John Trudell, Deb DePippo, Dalai Lama, Ayya Khema, Queen Noor, Shantideva, Ram Dass, Karmapa,

My Blog

Ojibwa Prayer ...
Posted by Cyn on Mon, 26 May 2008 11:57:00 PST

Hope for those NWO aware people. ...
Posted by Cyn on Mon, 26 May 2008 06:40:00 PST

Carre Otis on finding buddhism and mentors. ...
Posted by Cyn on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:36:00 PST

Words from the Karmapa ...
Posted by Cyn on Fri, 16 May 2008 11:06:00 PST

Check out this video: Recalling a Buddha-extended trailer

Check out this video: Recalling a Buddha-extended trailer ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Cyn on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:18:00 PST

HH 17th Karmapa in USA!! Trailer!! ...
Posted by Cyn on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:10:00 PST

Help Myanmar - David Duchovny supports Myanmar ...
Posted by Cyn on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:29:00 PST

Temple Of Love ...
Posted by Cyn on Fri, 09 May 2008 06:38:00 PST

Geof Hewitt's Guide to Poetry Slam ...
Posted by Cyn on Wed, 07 May 2008 02:13:00 PST

Garchen Rinpoche - For The Benefit Of All Beings story of a Tibetan monk whose altruism and courage resembles Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama. http://www.forthebenefitofallbeings.c...
Posted by Cyn on Mon, 05 May 2008 03:20:00 PST