ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat profile picture

ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat

I am here for Dating

About Me

Hi,I'm Ozzie Hoffmann.
*Visit me at the Greatest Cat group on MySpace, "The ForBiddeN Cat Club" at:
I'm Ozzie,the Maine Coon.I'm also the official office mascot of Galaxy Entertainment Management and...Funkster Bootsy Reed's Pet/Roommate/Voice of Reason.
I often have to spout off and add my two cents so,I have developted quite a unique voice.I stand on my rear legs,raise my paws above my head and let out almost singing type tones.
That is why my name is Ozzie.I'm named after the singer of Black Sabbath. The spelling of my name was kept the old style way to avoid any confusion if we ever toured the same cities!!!!
FACTS ABOUT MAINE COONS: One of the oldest natural breeds in North America, the Maine Coon is generally regarded as a native of the state of Maine (in fact, the Maine Coon is the official Maine State Cat).
A number of attractive legends surround its origin. A wide-spread (though biologically impossible) belief is that it originated from matings between semi-wild, domestic cats and raccoons. This myth, bolstered by the bushy tail and the most common coloring (a raccoon-like brown tabby) led to the adoption of the name 'Maine Coon.' (Originally, only brown tabbies were called 'Maine Coon Cats;' cats of other colors were referred to as 'Maine Shags.')
Another popular theory is that the Maine sprang from the six pet cats which Marie Antoinette sent to Wiscasset, Maine when she was planning to escape from France during the French Revolution.
Most breeders today believe that the breed originated in matings between pre-existing shorthaired domestic cats and overseas longhairs (perhaps Angora types introduced by New England seamen, or longhairs brought to America by the Vikings).
Maine Coons were well established more than a century ago as a hardy, handsome breed of domestic cat, well equipped to survive the hostile New England winters. Nature is not soft-hearted. It selects the biggest, the brightest, the best fighters, and the best hunters to breed successive generations.
Planned breedings of Maine Coons are relatively recent. Since planned breeding began, Maine Coon breeders have sought to preserve the Maine Coon's "natural," rugged qualities. The ideal Maine Coon is a strong, healthy cat.
Interestingly, the breed closest to the Maine Coon is the Norwegian Forest Cat which, although geographically distant, evolved in much the same climate, and lends credence to the theory that some of the cats responsible for developing the Maine Coon were brought over by the Vikings.
Everything about the Maine Coon points to its adaptation to a harsh climate.
Its glossy coat, heavy and water-resistant, is like that of no other breed, and must be felt to be appreciated. It is longer on the ruff, stomach and britches to protect against wet and snow, and shorter on the back and neck to guard against tangling in the underbrush.
The coat falls smoothly, and is almost maintenance-free: a weekly combing is all that is usually required to keep it in top condition. The long, bushy tail which the cat wraps around himself when he curls up to sleep can protect him from cold winters.
His ears are more heavily furred (both inside and on the tips) than many breeds for protection from the cold, and have a large range of movement.
Big, round, tufted feet serve as 'snow shoes.' Their large eyes and ears are also survival traits, serving as they do increase sight and hearing. The relatively long, square muzzle facilitates grasping prey and lapping water from streams and puddles.
Although the Yankee myth of 30-pound cats is just that, a myth (unless the cat is grossly overweight!), these are indeed tall, muscular, big-boned cats; males commonly reach 13 to 18 pounds, with females normally weighing about 9 to 12 pounds.
Add to that two or three inches of winter coat, and people will swear that they're looking at one big cat.
Maine Coons develop slowly, and don't achieve their full size until they are three to five years old. Their dispositions remain kittenish throughout their lives; they are big, gentle, good-natured goofs. Even their voices set them apart from other cats; they have a distinctive, chirping trill which they use for everything from courting to cajoling their people into playing with them. (Maine Coons love to play, and many will joyfully retrieve small items.) They rarely meow, and when they do, that soft, tiny voice doesn't fit their size!
While Maine Coons are highly people-oriented cats, they are not overly-dependent. They do not constantly pester you for attention, but prefer to "hang out" with their owners, investigating whatever activity you're involved in and "helping" when they can.
They are not, as a general rule, known as "lap cats" but as with any personality trait there are a few Maine Coons that prefer laps. Most Maine Coons will stay close by, probably occupying the chair next to yours instead.
Maines will follow you from room to room and wait outside a closed door for you to emerge. A Maine Coon will be your companion, your buddy, your pal, but hardly ever your baby.
Maine Coons are relaxed and easy-going in just about everything they do. The males tend to be the clowns while the females retain more dignity, but both remain playful throughout their lives.
They generally get along well with kids and dogs, as well as other cats. They are not as vertically-oriented as some other breeds, prefering to chase objects on the ground and grasping them in their large paws -- no doubt instincts developed as professional mousers. Many Maine Coons will play "fetch" with their owners.
***Well,That was a mouthful. I hope you all enjoyed that section !!!!! _yawn_ They are right about my beautiful voice except that I do say "Meow",as well as... "Let's Get Crazy","Stand Up","I Love You All!" and 'Sharon,Where's the Remote!". I just love that Black Sabbath.
They are right about being a clown too. But,I love laps....especially the ones of pretty girls!!!! And,about the getting along well with dogs thing....."What are they thinking"!!!!
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats" - Albert Schweitzer

My Interests

Rubs and Scratches/Naps/Snacks/Playtime Laps/ Window Sills/pretty girls (for my Daddy) dunking my meal in my water

I'd like to meet:

SONNY(R.I.P.)/Morris/Sox/Garfield/Heathcliff/Heather Locklear(for my Daddy)/anyone with treats

This Page is Dedicated to Sonny Hoffmann (1988-2001)

*Attention: Hey, Everyone. Ozzie here.
Or that's how most of you know me.
I've also been called Toothie,Pinky,Son,and...recently "The Artist formerly known as...". My Dad even started calling me Nick Nolte...'cause I don't like my chest brushed for very long so....He thinks I look like that mugshot!!!
He can be a dick sometimes,you know!!!

Anyways,In honor of all the crazy changes going on on MySpace right now...I'm changing my display name for a little bit to see what might happen. What the Heck!!! It works for Christine!!!!!(yuk yuk).

I'm going to attempt to get at least 10,000 friends on here. And I want the majority to be other pets and Animals too. I'm going to accept just about anyone nice but,I am looking for mass friend adds from the animal kingdom.

So,all you kittys ...tell your friends to add good old OZZIE (ForBiddeN...hehehe).... and let's put a cat near the top of the MySpace Hall of Fame.
How cool would that be if I could represent all the fun thats being had by my animal friends and their humans.With all the porno and goof offs in general,that would add some decent fun on here. And,I'm still naughty !!!


Black Sabbath
Ozzy Osbourne
Deep Purple
Judas Priest
Pink Floyd
Steely Dan(mellows me out) etc...


Harry And Tonto/The Aristocats/Meet The Parents/Two Brothers/Willard/Ben/Science Reel no.673342(Salmon and You)


Fear Factor(I love when they eat the Bugs!!!! yum yum)Jerry Springer/Animal's Funniest Videos/Cops(for my Daddy)/ anything that kicks off a nap


Guide To Proper Preparation of Gourmet Cat Meals/Flowers for Algernon/The Happy Hooker


My Daddy/Morris/Uncle SONNY/Hef/Coon Doggs

My Blog

I'm the New "ForBiddeN" ...(read this)

I've changed my display name for now because I'm shooting for at least 10,000 friend Christine!!!!Help make me the "Top Cat" on MySpace. I will try to remember everyone when I get famous!...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 01:02:00 PST

H.P. Lovecraft's "Cats and Dogs" (Highly Entertaining)

Cats And Dogs by H. P. Lovecraft Written November 23, 1926 Published in Something About Cats and Other Pieces, Arkham House, 1949 Being told of the cat-and-dog fight about to occur in your literary cl...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 02:39:00 PST

Greatest Collection of Feline Comments Ever Compiled

Greatest Collection of Feline Comments        &nbs p;     * "You can't help that. We're all mad here." - The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wond...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 04:53:00 PST

Animal Therapy for Humans

           ANIMAL THERAPY FOR HUMANS                       Th...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 07:09:00 PST


           Hey, Everybody !!!!!    Here is the first big batch of cat jokes:       Did you hear about...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 06:59:00 PST

Eating Rats ...What's wrong with that ?

LOS ANGELES - Watching contestants eat dead rats on NBCs gross-out stunt show Fear Factor so disgusted a Cleveland man that he has sued NBC for $2.5 million, saying he could not stomach what he saw. *...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 06:52:00 PST

More facts on Maine Coons

F.A.Q.s      "How big do they get?" A full-grown female typically weighs between 9-12 pounds and males tend to be in the 13 to 18 pound range. "Do they need much grooming...
Posted by ForBiddeN aka Ozzie the Cat on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:57:00 PST