About Me
"... Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse."
"The Afrikans (Black People) living in the Westen Hemisphere should be sensitive to the fact that the slave ships coming from Afrika to the so called new world brought no West Indians, no black Americans, no South Americans. They brought Afrikan people who had to adjust to the conditions where the slave ships put them down. It is by sheer accident that some Afrikans away from home are called jamaicans, some Trinidadians, Barbadians and some called Afrikan Americans. They are all Afrikan people reacting to different forms of oppression."
Dr. John Henrik Clarke
"Any Afrikan who says to themselves I AIN'T NO AFRIKAN is a STUPID Afrikan because any Afrikan knowing anything about Afrika would be so proud to be an Afrikan, that they would not allow ANYBODY to mistake them for anything else"
Kwame Ture
"You’re not an Afrikan because you’re born in Afrika. You’re an Afrikan because Afrika is born in you. It’s in your genes...your DNA...your entire biological make-up. Whether you like it or not, that’s the way it is. However, if you were to embrace this truth with open arms… my, my, my...what a wonderful thing!"
Dr. Marimba Ani
"All Black people in the Caribbean are descendants of those Afrikans brought there as slaves."
"You can straighten your hair all you want to, but within two weeks your hair will go back to Afrika."
Nubian Times
May 2007
"To thy own self be true."
"Know Your Roots."
"Re-Afrikanize your mind and Re-Discover your true self."
"Re-Discover the God/Goddess within you!"
(Psalm 82:6) "Ye are GODS"
"Afrikans have not yet learned that no other people have continued worshipping another's God, especially their slave master's god and freed themselves from cultural and physical genocide. Why should Afrikans be the only exception to this historic reality."
Dr. Ben
"If you believe in a God that is not your own, then you're in trouble."
Alice Walker
"When you accept a diety assigned by a conquering people, you become the spiritual prisoners of those people."
Dr. John Henrik Clarke
"According to the bible, Jesus (Yahshua) had skin like "burnt copper", and hair like "lamb's wool". The only people on this planet with hair like lamb's wool, and skin like burnt copper are Black people."
"Like Christ, ALL founders of world religions on ALL continents were BLACK and
"woolly" haired, including the earliest gods.
Buddha was Black, that's why his woolly hair is always shown in small tight curls, pepper corn style or corn rows. Early sculptures of him clearly reveal his Aficoid features ...wide nose and full lips."
Blacked Out Through Whitewash
"Woolly hair was a sign of divinity called "the hair of the gods."
Historian Sir Godfrey Higgens
"When Blacks stop regarding nappy hair as "bad hair," and straighter hair as "good hair." They will have completely thrown off the negative racist conditioning causing them to imitate their colonizers at the expense of their self respect. As a result, Acquired Anti-Nappy Syndrome will be healed. Manufacturers of hot combs and relaxers will go out of business. And Nappy People will end the War on their Nappy Hair."
Blacked Out Through Whitewash
"Those who rule over us and those who dominate us have worked very hard at distorting our history and at hiding our history from us. If history were not that important to everyday life, to real life and to concrete activities, why then has this nation and the people who rule it, worked so hard to destroy Afrikan history?"
Dr. Amos Wilson
"Afrikan people were the world's first people, they are its oldest people."
"The fact that we Afrikans lack a thorough knowledge of self and others is taking a devastating toll upon us. If our children knew our ancestors created the first civilizations and the great cultures of the Nile Valley, Nubia, the Sudan, Ethiopia, Southern Africa, Mesopotamia and Indus Kush would they still kill each other over sneakers and clothing with other folks' name, images and logos on them. I don't think so….If they knew Afrikans created the first concepts of God, metaphysics, immortality, morality and ethics would we so readily exchange our glorious legacy of spirituality and social stability for crass materialism and immorality?…
"Afrikans are spiritual people, spirituality was interwoven into every component of our lives. We need to understand this, return to the original sources, appreciate and rekindle them, make them applicable to modern life and live accordingly. …Isn't it about time we made recognizing our history a year round daily project/mission?"
Junious Ricardo Stanton
"The Power of History,"
"Without the Afrikan connection we are a disjointed people…begging for entry into somebody else’s house."
Dr. Marimba Ani
The Ankh has come to symbolize life and immortality, the universe, power and life-giving air and water. An Ankh serves as an antenna or conduit for the divine power of life that permeates the universe. Also, its power provide the wearer with protection from the evil forces of decay and degeneration. The Ankh resembles a key and is considered the key to eternal life after death or the key to unlock the gates of death.
The loop of the Ankh is held by the Gods and Goddesses. It is associated with Isis(Aset) and Osiris(Asar) in the Early Dynastic Period. The loop of the Ankh also represent the feminine discipline or the (womb), while the elongated section represent the masculine discipline or the (penis). These two sacred units then come together and form life.
"Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner. Melanin gives humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Since whites have the least amount of Melanin, this is why they are perceived by People of Color as generally being rigid, unfeeling (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual."
Carol Barnes
Melanin: The Chemical Key To Black Greatness
Europeans are the real illegal immigrants
"The mother of civilization, the BLACK WOMAN."
IN HONOUR OF ALL AFRIKAN WOMBS… each of which better known as "HEAVEN"
"HEAVEN IS BETWEEN A BLACK WOMANS…LEGS. [Proof: Goddess Nut Giving Birth To God Ra—the Sun in the morning—through HER VIGINA, and received HIM back…through HER mouth in the evening (the sun's rays fall upon Hathor on the Horizon)]."
Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan (Dr. Ben)
"Men who are proud of being black marry black women; women who are proud of being black marry black men."
Malcolm X
"Black Man + Black Woman = Black Future."
"The Woman is not only the key to life; she is also the key to future generations. We need to look at and respect the power of the Woman. She is special and we need to treat her that way."
"The Present and Future."
"If we don’t give our children time, the system will"
Xavier Aritist
"Each one teach one is a Afrocentric term."
"We have to have a feeling of love and responsibility for all Black children, be they our own biological descendants or not. The extended family is a traditional way of life for us, therefore all Afrikan adults are potentially correct Black parents. "
Mwalimu I. Mwadilifu (E. Curtis Alexander)
"A habit of fast foods will lead to a fast death. Most soul foods are actually slave foods, that was given to AFRIKANS during slavery. AFRIKANS have continued to accept unhealthy slave food as if it has contributed to a healthy culture of AFRIKANS. The tradition of poisoning Our bodies must stop. AFRIKANS must analyze what foods are best for Us and Our children. Why should a AFRIKAN child be allowed to make a habit out of eating candy, greasy fast foods, and other unhealthy foods. Doctors and expensive hospital bills could be reduced if AFRIKANS decided to treat their bodies like a gift from Our Supreme Being. Don't let the media or society dictate to you what you should eat and how you should eat. What is more important to Us, Our health or Our wealth?"
"Eating the modern diet is against life and against the Afrikan wisdom when applied to wholistic medicine, health and diets."
Dr. Llaila O. Afrika
"If the food that we eat is not repairing, nourishing and healing our body, mind and spirit, then it doesn't deserve to be called food!"
"What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body"
Free Afrikan Health Book
"Grasp life."