About Me
OUR MISSION Lena Horne Youth Organization Our mission is to get the youth involved in the community, through community service, health awareness, and making a difference. Utilizing all the tools that we will prepare them with, to live a positive, uplifting life. What we instill in them, will impact them for years to come. We will challenge them, through group discussions, research projects, and live debates that will allow them to look at our community different. This is our community, and we all must play our part in making it a brighter, and safer place to live. We will focus on educating, motivating, supporting, and encouraging our youth. Utilizing the youth that are involved, to be youth advocates to others. Setting a positive example, and assisting in their development, will open their hearts and minds and elevate their enthusiasm to respecting the community, while being leaders and achievers not followers. We are a non-profit organization, who are willing to dedicate our time, energy, and love to welcome the youth with open arms. We are for change, and setting a milestone that in hope, will continue and exist for years to come. The goal is to eventually have our own donated facility, with satellite sites in each part of the city. Moving forward to making this dream a reality we are looking for supporters, sponsors, donations and volunteers. It takes a community to raise a village, and we cannot do it alone. We need all that is willing to help, to assist any way they desire, whether its mentoring, guest speaking, giving youth employment, training, donations etc. With crime at a all time high its up to us to take control of our community, and it begins with our youth because they are our future, so lets begin on this voyage, with dedication and hard work we can achieve brighter tomorrow’s. If u would like more information please leave a message.Sincerely,
The Lena Horne Youth Organization We service children ages 7yrs. old and up.
The 7 to 9 years old will get tutoring, history, arts and crafts, social skills, games, field trips, community awareness, mentors, and age appropriate activities.
10 to 12 years olds will get tutoring, history, arts and crafts, social skills, games, field trips, community awareness, mentors, age appropriate activities, building long lasting friendships, writing and research projects.
13 and up will get dance, spoken word, history, self awareness, health awareness, community awareness, community service, research projects, debates, field trips, mentoring and tutoring 7 to 12 year olds.
We will have guest speakers entrepreneurships , training sessions, and do fund raisers to raise money to assist with trips ,supplies, and materials. We will assist with part time employment, volunteering, interview skills, proper attire, being respectful of ones self, and setting high standards on how to interact and being productive in our community and conduct networking. We will also monitor their progress in school and give assistance when needed, preparing portfolios, and researching information in reference to scholarships, college preparation, and their future goals.