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About Me

Aldous Huxley wrote, in his essay Tragedy & The Whole Truth, "Good art possesses a kind of super-truth--is more probable, more acceptable, more convincing than fact itself." I believe this statement to be very applicable within the bathtub of poetry. The use of this particular adjective or verb--while in the moment may seem a given-- later on, when reflecting with all the romantics under fake palm trees, may reveal additional insights. It's all therapy, after all. Why else write except to understand one's self & one's motives & through this exploration--a special holiday episode of The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew & that old broad from Murder She Wrote--one can relate with his/her fellow humans. Huxley also said, "All literature, all art, best seller or worst, must be sincere, if it is to be successful." Bukowski showed us

My Interests

And I hope some of you give it a chance. Thanks, Jason

I'd like to meet:

there is poetry (in fact, multiple poems) about rotten women & feral cats. Wordsworth & his cronies would disagree, but it's a different world now & poetry has gone through more transformations than a Martian stripper. My goal is to be honest, as a poet & as a person. This goal may cause some dismay with my current self, who probably wouldn't pick up my past self hitch-hiking, but that's how it is. The events of a person's past are so interwoven into our current self--the Asgardian myths have the Sisters of Fate that constantly weave & knit different choices--that to remove one event may cause unimagined turmoil. For the Trekkies, the Next Gen episode, Tapestry, deals directly with this theme. Well, anyway, I try to accomplish these goals in my poetry. I hope I've done it in my book.


both logic and mysticism- it is the 3rd axis. I believe that one LIVES poetically- that it is a conscious and calculated decision to do so- and that the poem is a mere consequence of this lifestyle."


With all Poets, there is an orgin story- a moment of transformation. Just as Josey Wales went from modest farmer to deputized vigilante/bounty-hunter, I believe there are particular moments where something hits us, like the typical WB cartoon piano to the head.


Whether it's a frost-bite exposure to a certain Poet, or a death, or an emotional crisis, or a desire to record one's thoughts (which seems to be an extended reason for myspace's popularity)- Dylan Thomas said, when asked why he writes, "They're just comments made on the way to the


grave." Age has nothing to do with it, just like Love, as Tina Turner said. Rimbaud started & ended young; Bukowski got going when he was 35. Everyone starts somewhere. It takes courage to share your most honest thoughts. That's what Poetry is. That's why I'm here.


I feel there are hundreds of poets being dishonest to themselves- Academia is invitation only, and Slam is performance art. If you're not authentic with yourself, then don't become a Poet.

My Blog


mother's day. It's just not raining cats & dogsoutside, they're beingvomited from the sky. While inside we form anobtuse triangle w/ ourmismatched chairs-me, my dad, & my grandma. We're waitin...
Posted by Floyd on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:39:00 PST