DIY, CREATING, MUSIC, ADVENTURE, my airstream, all aspects of water, brutal thunderstorms, cemeteries, murder ballads, treehouses, lake erie, piano. nice grandmas, taxidermy, people watching, night time, collecting bones, radicalness, halloween, abandoned half burned down buildings, solitude, small town parades, small town titty bars, making lists, bikerides, collecting dead bugs, building forts, giggles, paintbrushes, old rusty bridges, yard sales, good musicians, variety, broken clocks, skeleton keys, weddings, thrift stores, sleeping outside. sushi, secret passageways, libraries, getting lost in the woods, travel, massages, knee socks, mexican martinis with chips and queso and flan, bloomers, opals, marzipan, people with large record collections, my sketchbooks, my black kitties, circus freaks, iron gates, lightning bugs, picnics, black and white photos, sunsets, owls, statues, sewing, growing many plants, objects with more than one function, art stores, the smell of almond oil, dead flowers, crocheting, picking boogers, gargoyles, swimming, animal tracks in the mud, dandelions growing out of concrete, and everything that is alive and is not human. cheese. icecream, fruit, mashed potatoes and gravy, peanut butter. sourcream. salsa.
the spirits of my dead relatives, pets and friends, all at once, at the foot of my bed at 3 a.m., but hopefully not while i am in mid-masterbation, willy wonka, my evil twin, and a few 3,000 year old trees. a treehouse to live in... o.k. and some artists, especially self-taught artists like me!
WELP, i could name the favorites but that would take hours. so...if it takes me to another place, beautiful or horrifying, it is good. the perfect combination of the two is even better!! deep, dark, drippy and weird.. I FUCKING LOVE GREAT MUSIC. I AM ADDICTED TO RAW FUCKING MUSIC. i don't like reggae, AC/DC or Stevie Ray Vaugne.
have seen more movies in the past two years than in my whole life, i think.
makes my head hurt.
me likes reading books daily.