TOXIC REASONS profile picture


Midwest Hardcore!!!

About Me

The band started in 1979 with Bruce Stuckey, Mark Patterson, Joel Agne and Ed Pittman Originally from Dayton, OH. after recording our first single "War Hero" and being banned from every bar in Dayton, we played several midwest regional punk rock shows including a Rock Against Reagan show in Detroit that hooked us up once again with our hardcore heros "D.O.A". Ed Pittman made headlines after the show in Detriot burning the stuffed cymbal of the rebublican party in effigy. D.O.A invited us boys to come out and play in vancouver. Joel Agne left the band and The Delinquents' Guitar player, Rob Lucjac joined the Toxic's as roadie ( basically an apprenticeship program until he could learn all of the songs, on guitar) Mainly influenced by D.O.A's "road dog" touring work ethic, Toxic's loaded up the van and went out to Vancouver, B.C Canada to play with D.O.A & the DK's. for one show. The show was huge!! Bruce made The front page Of The Vancouver Sun, and that was it!!! we were in it for the long haul!!! After minor altercations with Ed Pittman, Mark Patterson decided that the touring life was not for him, so he went back to Dayton. Enter 16 year old, Jimmy-Joe Pearson. A punk kid from vancouver with decent chops on the drums alla Chuck Biscuits. We jammed a few times, Played a show at Vancouver's answer to San Francisco's "Fab Mab", "The Smilin' Buddha" We were set. With shows booked up and down the coast with the likes of Dead Kennedys, Back Flag, Flipper & T.S.O.L we headed out on our first west coast tour finishing with the recording of our second single, "Ghost Town" (Produced by DK's East Bay Ray). We went out again on what would end up being a full year tour living on the kindness of strangers, bean burritos and mothering rock chics... later, back in the midwest while recording " The Master Tapes" Compilation and the beginings of our first LP "Indepenence" Toxic's Bass Player left the band leaving Rob, Bruce & J.J. to finish up the Bass tracks for the album. Enter ex "Zero Boys" Scouser Bassist, David "Tufty" Clough. We decided to move to San Francisco later in 1982 to better position ouselves for world domination the move was too much for Ed so he was out and Bruce took over on most of the vocals with J.J. & Tufty singing the rest.The band would go through 15 lineup changes over the years with one constant, BRUCE STUCKEY from 1979 to this day he has played in every lineup. The 90..s showed Toxic Reasons as a very cohesive three piece unit with Bruce, J.J. & Tufty. The songs here represent some of that work. We would like to thank all that have supported us over the many years and Greg Brenner & all at PUNKROCKNIGHT.COM for the support and gigs over the last few years. Also the Melody Inn, the best place for original music in the midwest!!!. Very special thanks to BEER CITY for the support.Checkout the BEER CITY banner to get the INDEPENDENCE album!! and stay tuned for the re-release of our 2nd LP "Kill By Remote Control"...
Jello cools down Bruce with an ice cold brew!!! That..s Alcohol Abuse....

My Interests


Member Since: 5/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Bruce Stuckey- Guitar,Vocals/ JJ Pearson- Drums, Vocals , Guitar/ David "Tufty" Clough- Bass, Vocals/ Rob Lucjack- Guitar, Vocals/ Ed Pittman- Vocals/ Terry Hollywood- Guitar, Vocals/ Buzz- Guitar/ Joel Agne- Guitar/ Eric Rigby Anderson- Guitar, Vocals/ Federico Forconi "Fefo" - Guitar/ Jamy Holiday- Vocals/ Kurt Harley- Guitar, Vocals/ Jason Pizzleman-Bass,Vocals/
Influences: Alot...Too many to name! Check out this site . A complete TOXIC REASONS discography.
Sounds Like: Ed, Bruce, Rob, JJ , Tufty, Joel , Mark , Fefo , etc.....
Type of Label: Indie