With Agent Orange after the gig in Vancouver March 08
In Detroit Michigan with Joe Shithead (D.O.A.) late 1980's
I was born in Canada, lived in Windsor, Ontario during the 70's & 80's. I saw the Dead Kennedys perform in Detroit, Michigan back in 1984. My first favorite punk bands were DOA, Circle Jerks, Gang Green, Agression & Minor Threat.
Around 1986 I started a fanzine I named "SOLD OUT" after the Gang Green 7". My friend Otto started booking bands in Windsor which in turn started our small scene. Slapshot, Asexuals & SNFU are just a few of the bands that he booked. Aside from working on the fanzine I started collecting records, visited many Michigan record shops monthly and trading with other collectors around the world. For a very short time I attempted to play drums & bass guitar in bands Brain Hammer & Young Blood. Sometime around 1988 I was pictured in Maximum Rock N Roll magazine when Otto submitted an article on the Windsor scene. I was a terrible bass player and some say a not so great drummer but I had fun and was really only in the bands to meet girls, that never happened. I volunteered as a radio DJ at CJAM 91.5fm (Windsor) until 1990 when I moved to Kitchener, Ontario where I volunteered at CKMS (Waterloo) & CKWR (Waterloo).
With neighbor and friend Kipp in my basement 1980's
I am now living in North Vancouver seeing shows in Vancouver and Seattle. I have little to show for my punk history other then a few stories, photographs and a tiny collection of vinyl.
Repo Man is my favorite film and I started a web site in 1998 to show it www.repomanfilm.com
Outside Detroit's Tiger Stadium summer 2000
David L. Lander (TV's Squiggy)
Paul Reubens (aka Pee Wee Herman)
With Zander Schloss (Circle Jerks bass player) also acted as Kevin the nerd in the film Repo Man 2008