My hope is to provide a warm and user-friendly website from which you can sample and purchase ringtones that will uplift your spirit. In addition I want to provide through this website an opportunity for gifted musicians and artist to display their creative abilities in the form of inspirational ringtones.
Independent artists, musicians, producers and pastors who are looking for a platform to expose their music.
Gospel, Christian, Comedy, Anthems, Spirituals, Accapella Praise, Devotionals, Hip Hop, Hymns, Inspirational, Instrumental, Name That Tune, Neo Soul/Poetry, Pastoral Inspirations, Praise & Worship, Quietude, Patriot tones, Scripture to Music, Spanish, Southern Gospel, Chorale, Spoken Word and Urban.
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There are over 30 categories available and the major carriers: Cingular, AT & T, Sprint, and Nextel, T-Mobile and Verizon.
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Jesus Christ!