Ouch! Me Arse started as a humble local band with the intention of rocking the ears off the people of their home town of Oscoda, MI. But once they had a taste for the lime light they wanted only one thing, to dominate the world! The three piece band that no one thought could, is slowly spreading the word over, like so much cream cheese on toast. With their leader Jimmy Mouse and his charming good looks, the muscle of HeavyJ, and amazing wit and brain power of Cheese Cake they are unstoppable. In addition to this Mike Kelly(ex-now or never and Desiring Dead Flesh) and adam(ex Hellhole and current member of autoJILL) have joined up to add a new flavor and vibe to the band. So watch out, they could be coming to a town near you. Word!
With the untimely passing of Cheesecake, Ouch! Me Arse will celebrate by baking Tacos in his honor ^_^ Ummmm...Tacoes
This is an album cover by Tori! Tell us what you think. (if you are want to submit a cover, just remember that Hentia means "Pervert" in Japanease! Thanks all!)
This is an album cover by Tori! Tell us what you think. (if you are want to submit a cover, just remember that Hentia means "Pervert" in Japanease! Thanks all!)