Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) profile picture

Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!)

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About Me

Shirt costs: S-XL $12.00 2XL $13.00 3XL $14.00 Now excepting online orders for the Murder Road shirt and hoodie! Simply go to PayPal by clicking the shirt image, click the send money button and use the email [email protected], please be sure to include your size, address and name so we can get everything right!Hoodies: Pullover M-XL $23 2XL $24 3 XL $25 ZipUp M-XL $25 2XL $26 3XL $27
Click to zoom in on my visitor map! You can also make your own!Hokori are a mainstay in the Tri-City underground scene, reeking havoc through their self titled style of “Bay City Brutality”. While their first disc “Mortal Wasteland” was an eclectic mix covering a wide scope of the metal world, those pursuits have long since gone out the window. They now focus their attention on a more refined, devastatingly technical sound that so many of their peers and predecessors have mastered throughout the years. They still remain diligent in their original pursuit of diversity, but have more narrowly tailored their vision to that of speed, vulgarity and domination. With songs such as “Meat Curtains”, “Human Limbs Stacked like Cordwood” and “Fist Fed Enema”, they have a taken a humorous yet brutal approach to writing both lyrically and musically. With these new tools in place and a fresh outlook on what the future might hold for Hokori they await the release of their second disc “Murder Road” sometime in the summer of 2008. A collection of songs lacking morals, proper vocals and xylophones yet filled with tails of rape, murder, carnage and sexual relations with statues; it is certain to not disappoint.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/31/2005
Band Website: hokorimusic.com
Band Members: Russ "Short Bus"-DrumsNick "Mole"-Rhythm GuitarDennis "D"-Lead GuitarJeff "Slayer"-BassKenn "Demon D.I.V.A"-Vocals Fist Fed EnemaHokori at Harpos playing before Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth and GojiraMeat Curtains
Influences: A wide variety of metal ranging from death/black all the way back to hair metal! Our primary focus however is death, black, thrash and grindcore influence though we don't experiment with grind to much.
Sounds Like: Matt The Hat from The Rock Station Z93 and host of the Metal Militia -"If Cannibal Corpse, Iced Earth and Chewbacca were to have a kinky three some, Hokori would be the result of that!"
"Hokori has been one of the most professional and pleasant bands that I have had the pleasure of working with and meeting. I consider them quality people and would be privileged to call them my FRIENDS! They definitely will be invited back to play at my club."-Mr. C from The Nebula Underground/Galaxy Entertainment
You can listen for yourself on:

The Soupy Gato Show
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Kenn does vocals on upcoming Desiring Dead Flesh cd!

Late last month, Kenn joined Desiring Dead Flesh in the recording room and laid down some vocals on about 10-12 songs.  Everything from gutterals to gang vocals. The disc is expected out when we ...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST

Do you want to see Hokori on DirtFest 08?

Here is how you can help!You can also send them (DirtFest) an email by clicking the image above and leaving them one.  If you want to help out, you can contact us, and Hokori will send you via em...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:05:00 PST

3 New songs have been titled!!

We've just finished 3 new songs and have titled them as they are now awaiting lyrics!  The instrumental shall be named "Cornucopia of Castration", another "Gestation in Human Excrement" and final...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 06:44:00 PST

We made an instrumental

That's right, boredom and longing brought us to this point.  No name yet, but rest assured it will be great!
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:58:00 PST

Recording Pushed Back

Do to an epic failure of our sound board, and the fact that we are learning a new recording program, we've pushed recording back until March(ish).  That may make some of you sad, however, take pl...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:45:00 PST

Russ Staying on

After some hard thought, and much contemplating, Russ has decided that before calling it quits he is going to try message therapy and rehabilitation with a doctor before he is for certainly gone. ...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 07:06:00 PST

The New Disc....update!

As you may know, we've been kicking around two names but have finally decided once and for all on the new albums title and its tracks. Murder Road will be comprised of thirteen songs ranging again fro...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:52:00 PST

The New Disc!

As we had mentioned before, our second disc has been named What Once Was Peaceful and now all the tracks have been named!  This cd will have 12 songs, mixing death metal, black, viking and thrash...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:52:00 PST

Hokori members Kenn and Mole in the news!

Kenn and Mole speak out on the scene
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:04:00 PST

Hi kids, can you say Agalmatophilia?

For those of you who can the meaning refers to a person that enjoys fornicating with mannaquins or statues, and being the smartasses that we are...we're writting a song about!!  It should both be...
Posted by Hokori(IS ON DIRTFEST, and is getting SIGNED!!!) on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:58:00 PST