skatin,smokin,tattoos,rockin out with my death metal/thrash band,andpartying with my friends and if you dont like me, well then
just about anyone! i came here to keep in contact with local bands, but you can never have too many friends.You have a 92% chance of surviving a zombie outbreak
You most definately will live through the zombie attack making you a lean-mean zombie killing machine. You would save the day and probably end up doggystyle with a hot chick you saved, later having a giant statue made in your honor. Jerk.
Zombie Survival Test
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
anything heavy,DEATH MERCHANT, fernandos xcursion,lamb of god, slipknot,korn,i decay, hi8us,too may to list!
anything that isnt lame
mostly fueltv
yea, i hate reading
i am my own hero, out of all the bullshit,all the pain,suffering,hate ive experienced,usually im the only one left afterwards,so i guess its up to me to pick myself up off the floor n keep goin, so therefore, i am my own hero!