oo0O0oo profile picture


My Interests

I'd like to meet:



in the past month t="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"MYSPACE LISTENS : Ramonas, Piera Gulli, The Phophet, Cowgirl In The Snow, Recycle America, Yellowjester, Cheesecats, Growing Ears On Mice, Devon Sproule, Mustang Lightning, brubs, bAG bUG.......... There isn't much I won't listen to musically....it's the rest of the surrounding world I ignore all to often.


The last 4 movies I've seen: Glow Rope -- An Inconvenient Truth -- Jackass 2--Last King Of Scotland


Lucky Louie,The History Channel,The Simpsons,[I don't care how outdated the show is now..I still get laughs.....I don't need to be the coolest adult on myspace],Family Guy,SCTV, The NFL


The Bob Dylan scrapebook 1956-1966, Paul Klee-The Museum of Modern Art, Avant Garde Art in Russia 1920-1930 by Yevgeny Kovtum, Guston In Time by Ross Feld, Art Og The Western World - Dutch Painting, The World Of Michangelo - 1475-1564


Albert Einstien,The Ramones, Martin Luther King Jr., The Pollacks, Jesus, Elvis,Sun Ra, Henry Aaron, Chaim Soutine, Jean Dubuffet, Emil Nolde, Pavel Filonov, Gustav Klimt, Patti Smith,Bob Dylan, Link Wray, Iggy Pop, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, Charlie Watts and Brian Jones,John Coltrane, Charles Mingus and Miles of course, My Aunt Lousie, My birth mother, YOUR MOTHER......

My Blog

Atlantic City photos

Posted by oo0O0oo on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:35:00 PST