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About Me

Live in the woods of Vermont since 6 years and love it. Lived in Paris for 14 years previously.(loved that too!) Have a beautiful 3 year old son. I'm a painter.

My Interests

family, painting, yoga, nature, music, humor, films, literature, cooking...


Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen, Counting Crows, Stones, Henrix, 60's music in general, Joe Henry, Grateful Dead, Billie Holliday, Rickie Lee Jones, Joni Mitchell, Dianna Krall, Beck, Johnny Cash, Steely Dan, Nora Jones,Bonnie Raitt, Beth Orton, Nina Simone, Lucinda Williams, Morcheeba (Big Calm), Madeleine Peyroux, Neil Young, John Coltrain, Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Tom Waits, Al Green, Bill Withers, Tony Joe White, Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Scott, Massive Attack, Nick Cave, Bjork, Soundtrack from "Parle Avec Toi" Almadova film, Pearl Jam, Serge Gainsbourg, Emmy Lou Harris, Beastie Boys, Bruce Springsteen (Devils and Dust, especially) ...


Last Waltz, Wild At Heart, Children of Paridise,Ludwig (Visconti), Ingmar Bergman films, Godard films, 400 Blows, Truffaut films, Deer Hunter, New Rose Hotel ("cole slaw for everyone!"),Grey Gardens, Wizzard of Oz, Masked and Anonymous, The Time of the Gypsies, Arizona Dreams, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Wizzard of Oz, David Lynch films, John Cassavettes films, Smoke, Blue in the Face, Down by law , Dead Man, Animal Factory, Shadow of a Vampire, Last Tango in Paris, Fitzcaraldo, Nosferatu, Werner Hertzog films, Almadova films, Jonas Mekas films, Scorsese films, Short Cuts, Wim Wenders films, Hal Hartly films, Hustle and Flow...


Don't watch it but PBS on Occaision, I like Antique Road show and Sesame Street.


Fernando Pessoa, Dostoyefsky, Hess, Rilke, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Willa Cather,Truman Capote, Joseph Conrad, Virginia Wolf, Oscar Wilde , Sylvia Plath, Pablo Neruda, Samual Beckett, Hemingway, Proust, Bukowski, Cavafy, eecummings, Tao te Ching (Lao-tzu), Jorges Luis Borges, Joel S Goldsmith...


My brother Marc who recently passed away, Ram Dass, Joseph Cambell, Van Gogh, Steven Hale, Eckhart Tolle, Lao-tzu... Picasso for his fearlessness nevermind his incredible body of creation! etc...All the Great Artists/beings that I admire.

My Blog

Bricks Just Keep Falling

9 2 07Everything seems to go in waves. I delve into reading for days and get a grip and feel so good, or so much better then I let go and want to "get a little oblivion, baby, try to keep myself away...
Posted by Terry on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:35:00 PST

Tombee Amoureuse

5 8 00Je vais tombee amoureuse - mon horoscope m'a dit."Give us a call" he said ... "who, you and your wife?"let's not be snooty.Dying early to compensate for excess cigarette smoking. Losing hair to ...
Posted by Terry on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 05:57:00 PST


On the brink of something that could be just as bad as good.4 22 00 Wait for... wait while...Far away - and her repeated dreams - turning - becoming so flimsy like a veil that obstructs her vision. T...
Posted by Terry on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:46:00 PST

Gardens Didn't Help

4 21 00Gardens didn't help.Nothing (found no beauty in the beauty)Tourists, maps, guidesmy salmon chair, I'm backsqueaking clean windowsand KronenbourgNeighbors sneaking in - jingling keysand clod hop...
Posted by Terry on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:39:00 PST

So Close

3 28 00 So close so real that I believed it. Somehow he's sitting next to me, not an actor but with all the qualifications. Then he IS one.Gone and far awayAs close to reality as a dream.(I bet you th...
Posted by Terry on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:30:00 PST

Preciously Special

2 28 00Just remember feeling preciously special propped up on the barstool at chez Angel's between two of my favorite men.Earlier on, Marc and I unsuccessfully tried to gather our friends to make merr...
Posted by Terry on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:19:00 PST

Waves In My Head

1 15 00Waves in my headfastcrashing, arriving too far on the shoreline of my mind.White, dry, bone-bleached shellslying deposits soundless amongst themselvesocean spits up vessels once alivepretty lit...
Posted by Terry on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:40:00 PST

Fishing With Joe

1 8 00 Sitting on the boat in paradise. Watching Joe prepare his net for casting, then casting. Coming up with pen fish not sardines like he wanted. I cast my own line after hooking the shrimp above ...
Posted by Terry on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:30:00 PST

(Waiting On A Movie Star)

12 16 99Grasping at nada. Getting the necessary done and leaving too much space for expectations which is no good and not like me. Tonight I can't seem to fill it up with something healthier. With t...
Posted by Terry on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 05:07:00 PST

Like The Dancer

11 30 99Like the dancer and - the dog not asking - two different poets pointing to the same thing. Unrecognizable by form, existing just the same. Whatever the script says - I do - whether I do or not...
Posted by Terry on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 04:31:00 PST