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sunyalila: the play of emptiness

About Me

Who am I?
no one...
every one ...
nothing ...
everything ...
fullness ...
the awareness that embraces this moment
and the awareness that resists it,
this taste,
this rasa,
this breath,
this infinite,
this infinitesimal
i am the one who lives eternity in time and time in eternity.
i am sunya lila.. the play of emptiness
i am the love that is
i love:
to see the divine through all appearances
in you
in me
in this moment
this flower
this tree
this mountain
and even ....
corruption, fear and ignorance
i love:
silence, wonder, the unknown, mystery, God, breathing
truth, gnosis, the divine creative will in action, tantra, wu wei,
beauty, depth, creativity, discovery
people, nature and all living things
the child within, the sage within
unity, diversity,
individuality, oneness,
the dual within the nondual
radical uniquness and solidarity,
sharing, loving, learning
touching, being touched
that there is a me and a you
i love:
music, art, film, theater, dance/ing, writing
exploring the creative process, integral spirituality, education, healing, beingness
the light in shadow
eternity in time
where diving to the depths and soaring to the heights is one and the same and going nowhere
I love you

My Interests

What flows from stillness and the Silence. Intimacy and relationship. The creative process. New paradigm living, teaching, learning approaches. Satsang. Integral psychology and spirituality. Nonduality. My work: Ballet, choreography, improvisational dance - teaching, artistic direction. I love art, music, theater and film. I love to write.

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet: Me, You, Life ... in Truth.


Bach, flamenco, much classical music, the Bauls of Bengal, Loreena Mckenett, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Lisa Gerrard - this will go on forever - i love music of all kinds - world music ... passionate music and art stir my soul.. depth and Truth stir my soul -

"This world is nothing more than Beauty's chance to see Herself. And what are we?
Nothing more than Beauty's chance to see Herself." Ghalib


Here are a few:I Love Huckabees, Waking Life, The Science of Sleep, Wings of Desire, Thin Red Line, The New World, Chocolat, Don Juan DeMarco, Nine Lives, Fast Runner, Whale Rider, Meet Joe Black, Momento, Dreams, Copying Beethoven, Blood Wedding, Carmen (Carlos Suara), Swept Away, Fanny and Alexander, Harold and Maude, King of Hearts, Field of Dreams, Just Like Heaven, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Monster's Ball, The Matrix, The Last Temptation of Christ, Life is Beautiful, A Beautiful Mind, American Beauty, Jesus of Montreal, Sliding Doors, Meeting John Malkovich, Benny and Joon, Run Lola Run, Secrets and Lies, Breaking the Waves, Good Will Hunting, In America, Heaven Can Wait, Groundhog Day, Something's Gotta Give, Its a Wonderful Life and all of the Capra films like Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Dead Poets Society, The Fisher King, Shawshank Redemption, Strictly Ballroom, East of Eden, Crash, Million Dollar Baby, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Nashville, The Player, The Piano, ET, Talk to Her, Schindler's List. I love powerful, courageous acting and enjoy movies sometimes just for that. I love seeing characters transform in a script or showing layers and more than just one aspect of their personality. There are other movies that I have enjoyed as well when I saw them but that I do not know if they stand the test of time or even should be mentioned in the realm of powerful messages or good film-making. In the science fiction realm there are many like that and I am a sucker for all of the Star Trek films and loved the TV series - especially Next Generation and Voyager, or romantic movies incuding schmaltzy tear-jerkers like an Affair to Remember or all of the Audrey Hepburn movies, or difficult (for me) to watch but well-made powerful movies like the Fight Club, Twelve Monkeys, Seven which I might not recommend to everyone... or Elephant Man (I love David Lynch) or epic type films like Legend of the Fall - or movies like Braveheart or Shakespeare in Love or Tootsie or ones that I liked but not totally like Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean or Amelie - or musicals like West Side Story or My Fair Lady or dance movies (just for the dancing) like the Turning point or White Nights. Lately, I am so tired of the human condition, I find myself primarily interested in movies with a transpersonal theme or utopian science-fiction fantasy that show our greater/transcendent human potential. ... and for the first time, for pure escapist fun, I find myself enjoying what I would have previously never even given a chance: supsense/action/thriller type of flicks. (!)


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Why are you unhappy?
Because 99.99%
Of everything that you think
And of all that you do
Is for your self—and there isn't one!

-Wei Wu Wei

turn off the music player before clicking on the youtube: Oh the many beautiful faces of the one


Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, Sri Ramana Maharshi, my mother, Gandhi; Peace Pilgrim; Dennis Kucinich; people who live their truth without compromise; visionaries whose work expands consciousness and is born from a sense of unity, and whose creativity is turned towards what would serve the greatest good for all; or those like Christopher Reeve who overcome adversity and are courageous examples of the triumph of the human spirit while continuing to act towards positive change; those who hunger for truth more than anything else; those who surrender to Silence; those who are living examples of overcoming the limiting mindset of their culture or of their own thoughts.I can look through a lens that sees the heroic in all of life... in the courage of coming into the human condition. In a certain light, all of humanity, facing existential givens in the journey of life, can be seen as heroic. Birth itself, or coming into a body, can be seen as heroic. And those who fear or come into atrocious conditions and/or do not accomplish the great feats of those I listed above also play their part in this dance of One texturing their soul and influencing collective consciousness. Those that resist the Divine Creative Will that breathes us all possibly suffer far more and with much greater effort than the ease, grace and inspiration that flow through acts that we call heroic.

My Blog

Your Spiritual Revolution

Your Spiritual REvolution is an e-mag published by Spiritual Science and Research Foundation and edited by Prabhath P (who I met at Gaia community  They have some great a...
Posted by sunyalila on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 03:18:00 PST

Reconciling old friends and life-style with changing consciousness

These following 10 blogs are all from a dialogue with posters at who are studying Eckhart Tolle’s "A New Earth". This is to a poster regarding his difficulties with reconciling his fri...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:24:00 PST

On "Ego"

Question: ET states that his ego dissolved, not really sure what he means by this from my own experience. The only time I felt my ego dissolving is when I also felt a feeling of anxiety. I understand ...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:13:00 PST

The Sword the Cuts in One

Comment: "We are all having difficulty (the internal war) looking at who we are and our issues and how are we going to expurgate them in order to get to the Light...the Light of our consciousness."The...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:09:00 PST

Perceived failure as a call, opportunity or invitation to inquire

That which is perceived as failure can be seen as a call or an opportunity and invitation to inquire. It can be seen this way and welcomed as such when we stop judging the conditioned response and ari...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:08:00 PST

"Can observation or witnessing lead to dissociative thinking patterns?"

Question: "I wonder if this all translates into becoming observers and not the experiental objects...could this lead into disassociative thinking patterns?"......Observing mind and thoughts enables gr...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:04:00 PST

awareness recognizing itself enables dis-identifying with form

"Dis-identifying" with form is distinct from disconnecting, repressing or dissociating from your experience. It enables an "enhanced" rather than reduced awareness; a greater ability to face and...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:01:00 PST

Looking at distinctions between radical self-inquiry & deconstructing beliefs, & nihilism

Comment: "On the surface it may sound as though I am talking about nihilism, and yes, I might advocate a degree of nihilism (essentially a denial) in order to arrive at the place where both affirmati...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:54:00 PST

Regarding Sudden vs. Gradual Awakening

Someone asked Eckhart, "Is there a fundamental difference between your own irreversible inner shift and our experience of step-by-step awakening" and asked us what we thought about it. The following w...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:39:00 PST

Be the Space

Oprah has Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth as her book of the month and is doing weekly online webcasts at with Tolle. T hey also take questions from people aro...
Posted by sunyalila on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:01:00 PST