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God is the Love that inspires Our Love-Dreamsimg src=

About Me

I Like to Dance, do Kriya Yoga, and Breathe Immortality* I Love Life, and I'm a Man of Initiative that's like a Shooting Star~I can create Something from nothing and I make the impossible possible by the great inventive Power of Spirit*

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A Bouquet of Soul Flowers* The One's with the Immortal Fragrance of Intuition* Wisdom* Love* Happiness* Truth* Soul Discrimination* Self-Control* and Compassion* Resurrect your Soul from dreams of frailties. Resurrect your Soul in Eternal Wisdom. What is the method? It includes many things: Relaxation, Self-Control, right-diet, fortitude, an undaunted attitude of mind, regular meditation with practice of scientific concentration and meditation principles. You may fail at first, but do not acknowledge defeat. To acknowledge defeat is greater defeat. You have unlimited power; you must cultivate that great power*The quanity of water contained in ocean waves remains the same whether the waves play on the sea breast or lie hidden beneath it. Similarly, the soul-waves of life remain constant whether they play on the surface of the sea of life or rest deep within its bosom* As a reflection of Spirit, even matter is indestructible. The essence of matter is never destroyed; the human body, made of patterns of condensed electrons that are superficially changed by death, is in reality never annihilated*Every form, thought, motion that has been exhibited on the screen of time and space is recorded permanently. These Cosmic motion pictures--and they are never more than that, portrayed by immortal souls--are preserved in the Infinite Archives. Those God-realized Souls who earn entrance into the secret vaults of Spirit know the wonder of this mystery of Immortality*


I like any sounds that have Force and love behind them(*)




God know's that man--woman--made in His image, with supreme Joy hidden within them--will not forever wallow in the mud of the senses. Disillusioned by unsatisfying temporary sense pleasures, God's children are haunted by the memory of their lost Soul peace. Harmed by the poisonous honey of pleasures, they ultimately seek the pure Divine nectar. God's game of hide-and-seek with His children in this Cosmic dream would be pointless if He had not made it hazardous with pain and pleasure..He blindfolded Us with ignorance and hid His perfect face. The *Surprise Goal* to be achieved by His children, one by one, is consciousness of identity with Him*


My Father-*God*

My Blog


Many a wondrous scenic face Knoxville's horizon grand doth grace. Yet when I think of the rarer beauties That lie in human souls, RAPTURE CALLS. Eagerly I look; Delving deep in valleys of human minds...
Posted by Iswara on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 01:54:00 PST

*My America*

Not where the musk of happiness blows, Nor where the darkness and fears never tread; Not in the homes of perpetual smiles, Nor in the Heaven of a land of prosperity Would I be born, If I must put on ...
Posted by Iswara on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 12:36:00 PST

*The Human Mind*

I Love to roam alone, unseen,In cities of the human mind.I prize the streets untrod by crooked thoughts--Vile-born, unkind.   Incognito I wish to wander--To living lanes my thoughts surrender--W...
Posted by Iswara on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 04:10:00 PST


Dig, dig, yet deeper dig The stony earth for fount of song; Dig, dig, yet deeper dig, The soil of muse's heart along.   Some sparkle is seen, Some bubble is heard; 'Tis then unseen----- The bubb...
Posted by Iswara on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:49:00 PST


As a Dream melts DEEP~Into the silent well of Sleep~SO MAY THIS EARTHLY DREAMING**Dissolve in the DEPTH* of Thy BEING~To fly from dream to dream,~~~Nigthmare to nightmare;And from birth to rebirth,De...
Posted by Iswara on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:15:00 PST


Thy Mansion of the Heavens is lit by Perennial Auroral displays of mystic lights* Stellar Systems arch across the trackless highways of Eternity that lead to Thy Secret home* Comet-Peacocks spread t...
Posted by Iswara on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:39:00 PST

DOES EVIL EXIST? part 2-conclusion*

  Many people think that the disease of temptation and wrong thoughts that comes into their minds is entirely the result of psychological misunderstandings, but it is not so.  From the BEGI...
Posted by Iswara on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:54:00 PST


Evil and sin are not inherent parts of our being.  They are only graftings.  Gold hidden under a coating of mud will shine with its natural brilliancy when the mud is scraped from It. ...
Posted by Iswara on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:51:00 PST


Before God created Man He was ALONE, piping to Himself His Eternal song of ever new Bliss. But He saw that there was no one to enjoy Him but HIMSELF*  so He began to create Universes and to peop...
Posted by Iswara on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:51:00 PST


During the night of error we pursued the will-o'-the-wisp of sense happiness.  Far from the paths of soul progress, We stumbled through marshes of disillusionment* O Ever Watchful Father*  ...
Posted by Iswara on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:51:00 PST